Chapter 11

2990 Words
Violet POV Okay so it’s been 2 months since the whole s**t-show happened, my therapy is helping a lot. My brother was released a few weeks after our confrontation. He remembered what happened, it was horrible reliving the whole thing again, but we finally made up. We’re halfway with the renovations of the house, he moved the kids here and we’re all staying there. I know crazy right, but hear me out, that was our home. We had so many happy memories there, although I made sure the whole living room area was completely changed before we moved back. That was the worst thing walking back into the house the first time, but we survived, you never know how strong you are until you have no other choice than to be strong. I also had the house cleansed, on the insistence of Duncan and Jess. Jess is like one of my closest friends now, she is such a beautiful soul. The kids are in Killian’s old bedroom, I’m in mine and he took the spare room. The main bedroom is still being renovated, we haven’t decided who will take it so for now we just keep the doors closed. I’m sitting in the hospital, in Dean’s room, doing some work. It has become a habit now, I come here every day except when I have to fly out for work, take out my laptop and work. I chat with him, telling him everything that’s going on. His sister was here, she’s nice and nothing I thought a female hunter would be, she calls and we text almost every day. They call her Mouse, but don’t let the nickname fool you, she’s feisty. I sit down at the table taking out the croissant I bought and bite into it, the savory pastry with cinnamon sugar makes the perfect combination and I moan softly “Now that is a sound I’d like to hear more” Dean’s voice breaks the silence and I jump up nearly toppling over the table “Dean!” I yell scrambling to get to him. I wrap my arms around his neck “Oh honey you’re awake, finally” I whisper as he hugs me, it’s weak but it’s there “Hey love” he says and I pull back. His eyes are still half closed, his beard way too bushy and his hair has grown, but aside from his pale skin he’s still handsome “Hey, I missed you” I whisper. He slowly sits up and I press the call button. Within minutes the room is filled with nurses and a doctor checking everything. Asking questions, prodding and probing writing down the answers. I just stand there looking at him. Why did I stay? He risked his life for me, he nearly died because of me, well Lara but anyway, the more time I spent with him the fonder I grew of him, you might even say I’m in love with him. Don’t worry, I don’t understand it completely “Well Mr Colt, you recovered better than expected. Miss Kendrick, I’ll tell doctor Moore he’s awake. have a good day” the doctor says and just like that we’re alone again “Come here love” he says and I walk over sitting down next to him, he takes my hand giving it a squeeze “How are you?” he asks and I chuckle “Better now that you’re awake” I say and he tilts his head “How long was I out?” he asks and I clear my throat “Almost three months” I say and his eyes go wide “Whao! No wonder I feel so rested” he says making me giggle “Yup, you slept a lot” I say and he smiles “Still as beautiful as always. Oh did we get it?” he asks with a glint in his eyes “Yeah, we did” I say playing with his fingers “That’s good… no wait what happened to me?” he asks and I slowly raise my eyes to meet his “You uh, were attacked by the spirit. You were injured really badly, we thought you might die but luckily you didn’t” I say giving him a weak smile “And Duncan?” he asks “He had some cuts and bruises, but nothing serious” I say and he nods “Anyone else got hurt?” he asks and I blink “Yeah my brother, he was also attacked” I say and his grip tightens on my hand “But his wife did it. She was the one behind all this Dean, all because she thought my dad ruined their lives” I say softly “Oh love, I’m so sorry” he says and I smile “It wasn’t that bad though, Killian got hold of the shotgun in time and saved me. She would’ve killed me if he didn’t, well you know” I say but he frowns “Where did you get the shotgun?” he asks and I start telling him what happened. By the time I’m finished he looks furious “So you got hurt because you wanted to help me?” he says and I place my hand over his but he rips his hand away “Dean no, it wasn’t your fault. The whole thing was a clusterfuck” I say but his icy gaze snaps to mine “Get out” he says and I gasp “What? Dean no please let me explain” I plead but his eyes are blazing “Get. OUT” he growls and I stand taking a few steps back “Honey I-“ he cuts me off “I said GET OUT!” he yells in a hoarse voice and I turn quickly grabbing my stuff. I walk to the door and glance at him “Are you deaf?!” he yells again making me flinch “Screw you” I say quickly exiting the room. I run down the corridor toward the elevators, still hearing his angry screams. When the elevator door closes, I sink to the floor clutching my laptop. What happened? I don’t understand why he’s so angry. Dammit! I sat there for weeks, the ungrateful, inconsiderate, oblivious ingrate! How dare he?! “How dare he…? Dean you asshole” I whisper, fighting back tears speed walking to my car. I throw my stuff on the back seat before slamming the door resting my head on my hands gripping the steering wheel. “Screw you Dean… dammit, just… screw you” I choke out as the sobs take over. I squeeze my eyes closed, trying my best not to cry, but how can I? He broke my heart. After my last disaster of a relationship, I was willing to risk it all, to try again, to love and to love hard. I don’t half-ass anything, never have and never will. After some time wallowing in my self-pity I sit up, wipe my face and glare at the hospital. “Done, I’m done” I state at the hospital, as if it can hear me. I start my car and drive home. The drive is quiet, but you know I am relieved, broken hearted, but relieved. I stop at the diner, buy a massive amount of food for dinner, topped with freshly baked chocolate cake. When I stop in the driveway Killian steps out of the garage wiping his hands on his trousers. Mom would’ve slapped you “Hey Vi! How’s Dean doing?” he asks as I step out of the car grabbing the various bags of take out. “He’s still the same” I say smiling. I don’t have the strength to have this conversation with my overprotective brother “Oh. Oh wow! You brought food!” he exclaims taking the bags from me “Yup, hope you guys are hungry” I say as we walk inside. The house feels alive again, especially with the kids here “Vivi!” Blaire squeals jumping to her feet from the kitchen floor running toward me with a huge smile on her face “Hey munchkin, how’s my favorite niece doing today?” I ask as I scoop her up in a hug. Her little arms wrap around my neck, squeezing me tightly, and for the first time today it all seems worth it. I got to spend time with them, they know their mom is gone, but nothing else. We might tell them one day, but not now. “I’m your only niece” she says making me chuckle “Still my favorite” I say kissing her cheek before putting her down “Josh! Food!” Killian yells upstairs. My nephew comes bolting down the stairs, using my legs as a braking method, nearly running me over “Ooopf! Slow down buddy!” I say chuckling, he just holds on to my legs hugging me “Thanks for the food Vivi!” he says and darts to the kitchen island taking a seat. We unpack the bags and my brother lets out a low whistle “Have I told you how much I love you?” he asks his eyes sparkling looking at all the food “Not today” I giggle and he gives me a side hug “Well a lot! Okay kids, let’s dig in” he says and we sit down enjoying dinner. They laugh and tell me about their day, but I don’t miss my brother’s side glances. After dinner, he goes to the garage to finish up what he was busy with and I make sure the kids take a bath and tuck them in. I make myself a cup of tea and sit down at the bay window in my dad’s old office. “So you wanna tell me what happened today?” Killian speaks up from the doorway “Nope, not really” I say taking a sip of tea “Work related?” he asks sitting down gulping down his beer “Yes. I need to go back at some stage. The clients are getting agitated” I lie, he sits there and stare out the window “You moving back?” he asks peeling the label off the beer “Don’t know yet, I love being back here with you and the kids. What happened was a complete mess, but somehow I feel so much closer to you. Does that make sense?” I ask and he nods smiling “Yeah, I get it. Sometimes I feel guilty for bringing everyone into this mess” he says and I lean over placing my hand on his arm “No, this is not on you. This is on her, only on her. She lied to all of us, she did this. I can’t even begin to understand how it must feel knowing the woman you loved tried to harm you” I say and he shrugs “She ruined our lives, not just mine Vi. She ruined her kids’ lives, she’s a murderer. There’s no rational thinking person on this whole planet that can justify what she did. I hate her for it” his voice softening at the last words, I lean over and give him a side hug “We’ll get through this Killy, together okay?” I say softly and he nods “Together” he says and rests his head on my shoulder sipping his beer. We sit in silence for the longest time, before he sits up “Hey I’m turning in, good night sis” he says standing “Good night big bro, love ya” I say also standing. He gives me a wink and a soft smile before he heads upstairs and I make my way to the kitchen to clean up. As I’m wiping the island a tinge of sadness spreads through me. This is the first place we kissed, dammit this is not fair. I sigh heading upstairs to bed, today was not what I expected would happen when he woke up. We were supposed to be happy, not live happily ever after or anything, just be happy together. Maybe this is for the best, we hardly know each other, okay that’s not really true but you know when you can feel a connection with someone, a stranger on such a level it surpasses any explanation? Well that’s what I thought we had, he got me and I him. Sure he’s rough around the edges, but no-one is perfect. “Screw you Dean. Damn you for letting me fall for you” I whisper crawling in bed. 3 days after Dean woke up, I’m packing my car to get back home. “Vivi, you’re coming back right?” Josh asks in his little voice. I crouch down to their level and give them my best smile “Yes, I will handsome, you two be good you hear?” I say and they nod with tears in their little wide eyes “Listen to your dad, I will be back as soon as I can. I love you two, and I’m just a phone call away” I say as they step into my arms giving me the warmest, love filled hugs in the whole world “We love you Vivi” Blaire says and I give them both a kiss on the cheek “I love you two way past the stars, far across the galaxy and back my darlings” I say trying my best not to cry “Drive safe sis, let me know when you get there okay? Don’t drive in the dark, rather sleep over somewhere” my brother says and I get up facing him “Yes sir” I say giving him a salute “Okay, I know I’m overprotective but you’re all we have left” he says and I nod smiling “I know, and I love you for it Killy” I say giving him a hug. I step back, get in my car and drive off waving at them as I pull away. This hurts more than I thought it would, but I just have to get some space, clear my head. Everywhere I look I see glimpses of Dean and it hurts more. The drive home is long, but the view is fantastic, it’s about a 6 hour drive so I turn up the volume on my stereo and cruise enjoying the fact that I’m putting distance between me and him. The sun is setting and I have only about 40 miles to go, so I decide to stop get a coffee and drive on. Killian is going to kick my ass, this last stretch of road is a mountain pass, dangerous but not that bad. I get my coffee and get back in my car, select my favorite song and start driving, the daylight is dissipating fast as night crawls over the sky and I slow down a bit. I drive down the winding road, thick woods lining the road, it looks eerie in the night but strangely captivating. As I go into another bend my phone rings, Killian “Hello Killy” I answer in a sing song voice “Hey, where are you?” he asks sounding a bit irritated “I’m almost home” I lie “You’re on the pass” he states “Well yes I-“ he cuts me off “Dammit Violet! That road is dangerous at night. There are wild animals and who knows what else there!” he bellows “Yes I know but I-“ I slam on the brakes, swerving violently to the side because the next moment a dark figure rolls into the road, right in front of me “Violet!” my brother calls as my car stops and I glance at my rear-view mirror looking at the dark figure in the road “Violet! What was that?!” he calls again “I… I don’t know. Killian I’ll call you back” I say but he protests “Violet Kendrick if you get out of that car, so help me I’ll drive down there and kick your ass!” he yells making me wince “I won’t but Killy he’s hurt I think” I say still staring at the still figure lying in the road behind my car “Violet, do not get out of that car!” he yells again as I put the car in reverse to get a better view “Killian I think he’s dead” I say slowly reversing towards the figure “Violet for the love of god, call the f*****g police! Don’t engage, if he is dead whatever or whoever did it is still there!” he yells “Violet!” he screams now sounding panicked
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