Chapter 24

2918 Words
John POV                 “Well, if he loves you, like he said, he’ll give you time” I say and she sighs again “I thought I’d take him back instantly, but then… then…” she trails off and I study her, waiting for her to continue “Then you came into my life. Now I’m not so sure anymore” “You remember what I said about love?” I ask and she nods “Well, is that what it feels like?” “Yes, maybe more” she says and blushes a bit “Like?” “Well when I saw him today, all I wanted was for him to hold me. Tell me he loves me, and just be here” she says and I nod “You told him to go” I state and she nods “I did, because I was scared” “Scared of what?” “That if I chose him, I’d lose you” she says her voice soft. I pull her into a hug “You won’t lose me, a little asshat like him can’t let me leave. Only…” I stop myself “Only?” “Only you can” I answer and she tightens her grip “I won’t let you go” she whispers, and I smile. Now I probably have to find a way to live with that brain-dead tick. I could do it. I work nights and sleep most of the day. He’ll be there when we make dinner and go out though “I won’t let him come between us” she says as if reading my thoughts “If you choose to let him back in your life, I will respect your decision. But he will respect you. I will gladly make sure he doesn’t take any more much needed oxygen from the world” I say and she sits up staring at me, in shock and fear “You’d kill him? You’d really do that?” she asks and I nod “With pleasure. If he so much as looks at you in a way that upsets you, he’s a dead man” I say my voice low “We might have fights” she says “Not my business, as long as he doesn’t hurt you like he did today” I say and she seems relieved “So you’ll try and be friends with him?” she asks and I chuckle “Oh f**k no, but I won’t be impolite. If he’s the man you love, and he treats you right we won’t have an issue” I say and she lies back down “I never thought that I’d find a friend as loyal as I did in you John. Thank you” she says and I stroke her hair “You have Jess and Duncan too” “I do and I love them dearly, but with you it’s different. It’s like you know what I need. You get me on a whole other level” she says and I’m proud that I get her, I’m special “You get me too” I say and she chuckles “Their wedding is going to be interesting” “Yeah, it’s okay to go with him, I get it” I say but she scoffs “Nope, I have my date. He’s an exceptional dancer too” “But Vi-“ “No buts, he’s invited too. Besides, the wedding is next weekend, he can’t just waltz into my life an expect me to just be peachy about it” she says and I cringe. She is peachy again… douche bag “If you insist” I say rubbing the back of my neck “I do. You already made all the arrangements at work too. No he’ll just have to play nice. If he wants me back, than he’ll have to make peace with the fact that I’m now a package deal” she says and I raise an eyebrow “I’m not your kid Vi” I joke and she giggles “You are, I just missed the formative years. You’re my own personal adopted man-child” she says giggling and I huff “I’m not a man-child” “I’m kidding Johnny boy” “Oh goddess, don’t start” I say letting my head fall back and she laughs “Let’s watch a movie. A comedy” she says and flips through the channels, eventually she puts on a movie and we laugh, the tension leaving the whole place as she becomes her old self. The week passes by without any other interruptions and now we’re on our way to the wedding. “Oh she’s going to look amazing” Violet says happily as we pull up to the hotel they’re getting married at. I lean forward and let out a low whistle “Fancy place” I say getting out “I know right? Her parents are loaded” she says as we walk up the steps of the posh hotel “Do I look okay?” she asks and I scan her up and down, nod my head and offer my arm “Ravishing my lady” I say in a low voice and she blushes “Stop it, man w***e” she whispers as we step inside “Okay, just go down to the chapel and take a seat, or get a drink or something. I’ll see you after the ceremony” she says and kisses my cheek “Good luck sweet cheeks” I say before leaving her to her duties. Two hours later, they’re married and we’re seated in the reception hall listening to the toasts. Dean keeps glancing at Violet, and I really want to wipe that stupid smirk off his face, but I promised to be civil “We’re going to dance, you ready?” she whispers and I smile taking her hand “Always” I say and stand as the music starts playing, leading her to the dance floor. Jess really looks amazing and Duncan is so happy I think his smile will go around his head. We wait until they made two rounds and join them, signalling to the guests that the dance floor is open. I guide her effortlessly in dance, she’s an amazing dancer, smiling but not missing the hungry glances and some glares from the other ladies. “Mind if I cut in?” a voice speaks and I my face falls, I glance at her but she shrugs “Not at all” I say stepping back and Dean takes her hand leading her away. I saunter over to the bar, order a drink leaning against the bar “I’ll have what he’s having” a strong commanding male voice says and I glance over my shoulder at a man with greying hair, and glasses in a very expensive suit “Derek Reed” he says extending his hand and I smile shaking his hand “John Anderson, pleased to meet you sir” I say and he smiles “Nice firm shake you got there son” he says and I nod “So you’re the guy with the amnesia?” “Yes sir” “Still don’t remember anything?” “Not yet sir” “Call me Derek please” “Yes si- Derek” “Now, what are your intentions with Violet?” he asks and I frown “We’re friends” I state, looking him dead in the eyes “Hhmmm, interesting. And that gruff dancing with her doesn’t bother you?” I look at them dancing and see she’s happy, smiling and giggling at whatever he’s telling her “No, it’s her business” “Huh. Now come on son, a beautiful lady like her must have some effect on a man like you” he says and I’m getting annoyed by this guy “I’m sorry, Derek, it is not my place to tell her who to date or not. And it’s not yours to ask about” I say and his eyes light up with admiration “A man of character. Come with me, let’s have a chat” he says and I mentally slap myself for agreeing to, but he’s Jess’s father, I really don’t want to be rude. I follow him outside and we take a seat “John, I am a straightforward man” he says looking at me leaning closer “I just want the best for Violet. That poor girl went through hell the past year, I didn’t intend to offend you” he says and I nod “No offense taken” I say and he smiles “So have you thought about a career yet?” he asks and I lean back playing with the glass in my hand “No, I am enjoying my job for now” I answer honestly “Well, I heard you have a business degree so if you want to move out of her pool house, give me a call. I’d like to help” he says handing me his business card and I tuck it in my jacket pocket “Thank you, I appreciate the offer” he smiles and we sit and chat for a long while before returning to the party. Hours later, we’re standing in the parking lot, I’m waiting for Violet to finish greeting everyone when “Hey, can I have a word?” Dean asks and I sigh “What?” I ask and he motions for me to move away from them “Listen, we don’t like each other” “Really? You figured it out huh?” “f**k you. Anyway, for her sake can we just agree to be civil?” “I already did” “Fine, shake on it?” he asks extending his hand and I take it “Fine” but then my eye catches movement over his shoulder and I let his hand go. I walk toward the place I saw the movement and then a woman’s fearful scream echoes through the night air and I bolt. I glance back seeing Dean hot on my heels. Not a total ass. As we round the corner, my rage level goes through the roof. “Hey! What are you doing?” Dean yells but I don’t speak. In two long strides I grab the guy behind his neck, pulling him away from the girl forcefully. He turns quickly, raising his gun in the process. I disarm him grabbing the gun, pointing it down and twisting it out of his grip. Gripping his wrist I turn and twist his arm behind his back until I hear a pop and he screams in agony. I kick him behind his knees, forcing him to the ground kneeling on his back and yell at Dean “Call the police!” “No need, here” someone says and hands me a pair of handcuffs. I strap the cuff on him, making sure they’re a little too tight before turning to the petrified girl “Are you alright ma’am?” I ask, but she just wraps her arms around my waist burying her face in my chest sobbing “Thank you… thank you so much” she sobs out and I give her a quick hug stepping back. She looks up, her dark curly hair is a mess, her shirt is torn exposing her underwear, she has a bloody lip but it’s her dark chocolate eyes that makes my heart clench. They’re big, bloodshot and all I see is fear in them, I take off my jacket and place it around her shoulders, shielding her from prying eyes until she pulls the jacket tightly around her small frame. “Oh my god! Vanessa!” a lady screeches and shoves me out of the way grabbing the girl’s face. She’s shivering with fear, glancing between the older lady and the guy on the ground groaning in pain. “Mom… oh my god mom” she sobs out as the older woman takes her in her embrace and leads her away to an ambulance. I turn around and see the whole wedding party staring at me in shock and amusement “Wow Gigantor, you got some moves” Violet says walking up to me giving me a side hug “Did you learn that at work?” “Yo John!” she says again and I glance down at her. She steps back, her smile faltering as my scowl deepens “John?” she whispers reluctantly reaching for my hand. But I’m frozen, just staring at her. She takes my hand and the warmness of her hands covering mine brings me back and I blink “What?” I ask and she lets out a breath “You okay?” she asks but before I can answer, a man that looks like Derek, only he’s a little taller and more buff weaves through the crowd with the police in tow. “That’s him” he says in a commanding voice pointing at the guy on the ground next to me “Sir, please remove your foot from his back” the officer says and I glance down, realizing I’ve been standing with my foot on his back the whole time, so I remove it and they drag him up, he yelps in pain again as they drag him away, protesting that I hurt him and they should be gentle. “Snowflake” I say under my breath and the gentleman gives me a sly smile “What’s your name son?” he asks and I straighten up “John Anderson sir” I say and he nods shaking my hand “You’re a hero son” “No sir, just doing my duty” “Oh, you’re a cop?” “No, sir” “Security then?” “No sir, my civil duty sir” I say and his smile widens “Now we could use men like you” he says patting my shoulder and I frown a bit “Dad back off. Thank you for helping my sister John” a lady that looks like an older version of the girl that was attacked says with a grateful smile “No problem ma’am” I say and she nods “Is she alright? Did he hurt her?” I ask glancing toward the ambulance “Not much, hopefully she’ll press charges this time” she says looking back “She knew him?” Violet asks and the guy sighs “Unfortunately, yes. He’s her ex-boyfriend” the guy says and I see a tinge of sadness in his eyes before he replaces it with his hardened expression “Lieutenant General Jackson H. Reed at your service” he says and solutes me and I solute back “I knew you are a Joe?” he asks and I frown “No sir, I’m John” I say and he chuckles “Ah, I see. Listen son thank you” he says extending his hand again, I take it, look him dead in the eyes and nod before stepping back. “No problem sir, it was my pleasure” I say and he chuckles “Give me a call on Monday, we need to have a nice talk” he says handing me his card and I tuck it in my pocket. The girl called Vanessa is brought back by her mom and I smile “You better now?” “Yeah, thanks. You’re my hero” she says and I nod “Just the right place at the right time. Now stay away from creeps” I say smiling and nudging her and she gives me a shy smile handing my jacket back to me “Sure, why not” that makes me laugh and I turn to Violet, her perplexed face greeting me “We gonna go?” I ask and she nods slowly “Yeah, let’s” “Good night everyone. Thanks for a great day. You looked stunning Jess” I say kissing her cheek and greet the rest with handshakes, the drive home is eerily silent. She doesn’t say anything, even though I try and initiate a conversation, she just nods and keeps driving. Weird
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