Chapter 23

2965 Words
Violet POV They glared at each other slowly extending their hands, this was more like a competition than a handshake. You know that thing men do when they squeeze the crap out of each other’s hands in a very alpha male game of uncle? Yeah, this is what’s happening. “Lord help me” I say turning to the kitchen and getting a beer “Nice to meet you” John hisses and Dean nods “You too” he groans “Okay enough, please not today” I say in an exasperated voice. My heart is in shatters, my mind is foggy and my body in pain from all the crying “Tell your boyfriend to back down” Dean commands and I shake my head “He’s a friend, not my boyfriend” I say taking a sip of my beer “Fine, tell him to back down before his pretty little face gets hurt” he threatens and John laughs, like a real out of your belly laugh “You and who pretty boy?” he jokes stepping back “Don’t tempt me ogre” he says and John turns around, takes a seat on the couch and turns his attention to the TV “Whatever imp” John says not even acknowledging him “Okay, this is a clusterfuck” I say leaning against the wall. Both men sitting scowling by themselves “Okay boys, here’s how’s it’s going to work” I say eventually breaking the tension and the silence and they look at me “John, I love you but can you give me and Dean a moment?” I ask pleading with my eyes. He sighs and gets up walking over to me kissing my head, then he turns to Dean “If you come near her without her consent, they won’t find a body Dean” he says spitting out his name like its poison “Likewise John” Dean bites back, glares, jaws ticking before John leaves. I get that he’s protective of me, but we need to get this sorted out “What do you want Dean?” I ask when John closes the pool house door “I f****d up” he says stepping closer but I hold up my hand “Too soon” I state and he nods “Vi I was an i***t. I came here to… to…” he shoulders sag and I want to go to him, I miss him even after all this time I couldn’t stop thinking of him, crying over him “Spit it out Dean” I demand and he runs his hand through his hair. He looks tired, really tired. His eyes have dark circles under them, his hair has grown and his beard hasn’t been trimmed in months. He looks like a shaggy dog “I came here to tell you I’m sorry and that I f****d up” I nearly spit out my sip of beer looking at him, his eyes honest, his expression remorseful “And you realized that what? A week ago?” I say slamming the bottle on the counter “No…” he says his voice laced with anger “Okay so what is it that you want from me?” I ask stepping closer, my pain and heartache turning to anger “I… You” he whispers “What? Speak up Dean” I command again my anger rises. His features glaze over with anger as he shoots to his feet, his tall figure towering over me. He is going to kill me, or hit me. s**t, why did I let John Leave? He steps closer, his hands balled into tight fists   John POV Who is this i***t? If he isn’t her brother, then who? I think pacing up and down. I don’t like this guy, not at all. Why did she defend him? He’s got some nerve coming in here, telling me what to do, and today of all days. She’s hurting; if he knows her can’t he see that? Then her voice breaks through my thoughts and I move to the door “And you realized that what? A week ago?” she says and I hear the anger in her voice, I pull away the blinds and look at them facing each other in the kitchen. I can’t hear what they’re saying, dammit. But then she says something and he gets up glaring at her. Okay that’s it. I pull open the door and march toward them, neither of them noticing me. His fists are at his sides as he steps closer to her, she steps back and he raises his hands, but I’m quick enough to subdue him. In a lightning fast move I grab his arms, pin one above his head and the other bent up between his shoulder blades slamming him into the wall “Calm down buddy” I hiss in his ear “Let me go” he demands but I lean into him more, crushing his body between mine and the wall “Calm the f**k down or I’ll rip your arm off and beat you to death with it” I warn him and he stills “I just want to tell her” he says and I frown “Tell her what?” I ask and what he says next knocks the air out of me “That I love her” he says and I glance at Violet, streaks of tears running down her face “Well, behave and I’ll let you” I say and he nods. Slowly I step back, still holding his wrists “John…” she whispers and I let him go, stepping back “Stay there, I don’t want to spend my weekend off cleaning you off the floor” I say and she lets out a giggle mixed with a sob “Funny” he says rubbing his wrists but turns to her “I love you Violet, with all my heart” he says and she chokes out a sob “You chased me away Dean. I sat there for weeks” she says wiping her tears. Now I really want to kill him. She did the same for him as she did for me, he didn’t even appreciate it. He had her love and discarded her like a piece of trash. “Violet I am so sorry, I f****d up. I never wanted to hurt you, but I did. I just… it’s… I’m not good with feelings and s**t” he says scowling looking at his feet. Oh you’ll feel me just fine bro “You did, a lot” she says sniffling “I know, really I do. The moment you left I knew I screwed up. I never wanted you to leave” he says and folds her arms across her chest, trying her best to look intimidating “Then why did you tell me to? Why didn’t you call me and tell me this? Instead you left me to think that I wasn’t good enough, that you hated me! That you never cared! I stood by you for weeks Dean! Putting my life on hold for you!” she screams. By now I’m trembling with anger. How dare he hurt her like this? “I know, I should’ve called! I’m a coward! Dammit Vi I’m sorry, just please-“ “Please what Dean? Forget everything?!” she yells throwing her hands in the air “No! Don’t forget. I deserve every bit of anger and hatred you have. Scream, swear, s**t hit me if you want!” he yells back and I step up “I’ll gladly do the honors” I say looking at Violet but her eyes don’t leave him “I don’t hate you… I never hated you” she whispers leaning back against the wall. Okay should I kill him or not? “You don’t?” he asks unsure of her reaction. She shakes her head closing her eyes “No. I love you, that’s why it hurts so damn much you asshole” she says and my world stops. She loves this asshat? How can a man with two brain cells have her love? “I don’t deserve it” Yeah we know, figured it out all on your own? “I know I shouldn’t, but I love you” she says. Okay so have anyone else been in a situation like this before? What should I do? “I need time” she says and I glance at him “I get it” he says slumping down in the seat “Okay so I’ll just-“ “No, you stay. He goes” she says and I see the pain cross his face “Okay, but only if you promise me something” he says and I growl at him “What?” she asks her voice now worn out, much like her spirit “Promise me you’ll at least give me another chance” he says and I step closer to him “It’s almost been a year Dean, today is the anniversary of my parent’s murder. I can’t promise that and you know it” she reasons and he nods standing “Look after her… please” he says and walks out the door. She slides down the wall, and like last night lets out a cry of pain. So I do what I did last night and pull her to me, holding her tightly as she cries. After the onslaught of tears have subsided I move her over to the couch. She’s curled up in a ball, on my lap her head lying on my shoulder. I’m still holding her, it’s getting cold now, I glance at my watch and sigh reaching for the blanket hanging over the back of the couch and cover her with it. I need a shower, clean clothes and food. Dammit I’m hungry. Just then my stomach reaffirms this by growling loudly making her stir “Sorry” she whispers and moves off my lap, lying down on the couch, still curled up “You hungry?” I ask but she shakes her head “Sweety you must eat something please?” I beg quietly but she doesn’t respond. I sigh and get up, grab some clean clothes and take a quick shower. I open the fridge and gather all the left overs I can find, dishing up two plates and heating them up. Minutes later I place her tray down and brush the hair off her face “Come on” I say guiding her up “I’m not hungry” she protests, and I smile “No, you’re upset, you are hungry” I say placing the tray down on her lap “I hate it when you do this” she mumbles as I sit down with my plate “What? Be a good friend?” I joke and finally I see a hint of a smile tugging at her lips “No, when you do things for me I can do myself” she says at takes a small bite “Oh dear, did I hurt your independent pride again?” I ask in mock remorse “Shut up” she says and the smile widens a bit “Oh your highness, I do apologize. Please don’t let them whip me again” I plead, exaggerating each word in mock fear. She chuckles a little, then it grows louder into laughter and I grin at her. There she is “Shove off you i***t” she says shoving me and I laugh “You’ll miss me when I’m gone babe” I say with a sexy smirk and she laughs again “How can I miss a pain in my ass?” she says and I gasp loudly, my hand over my heart “Oh the pain! How could you?” I say in my best pained voice and she topples over laughing “You’re such a jerk” “b***h” “Asshat” “Cry baby” “Donkey brain” this makes me laugh “Really? Donkey brain?” I chuckle and she scrunches her nose at me then sticks out her tongue “I’m tired, give me some sleep and I’ll have a better come back” she says and my heart constricts. She’s been crying for days, almost 24 hours non-stop and then that douche came and made it worse. f**k I hate him “Thank you” she says and I glance at her finishing my food “For?” “For being you. You always have my back. What you did today, no-one has ever done that for me. I think the only other person that ever saw me cry like that was my mom when my first boyfriend broke up with me in 8th grade” she says with a sad smile “He’s an i***t” I say and she nods. Please don’t cry again “Yeah maybe he was. But just thanks okay?” she says and looks at her hands. I stand up, place our plates in the kitchen and hold out my hand to her “Where are we going?” she asks as I lift her to her feet “Come on” I say and turn walking up the stairs. She follows silently, and we enter her room. I turn to her smiling and her eyes go wide “John I-“I place a finger on her lips silencing her and she sucks in her breath “Sshh, this will be fun I promise” I say leaning in so close our lips are almost touching. I see her pulse racing in her neck, leading her into the bathroom I pick her up and place her on the bathroom counter and turn to open the shower. She bites her lower lip, and I make sure the water is perfect before turning back to her stepping between her legs and leaning in so that my lips graze her ear. She gasps when I whisper in a deep voice “Now, get that sexy butt of yours in the shower” she lets out an exasperated breath and I lean back looking deep into her eyes, cupping her face with both hands I tilt her head slightly upward and her eyes dart to my lips. I give her my best sultry smile and step closer, leaning in so close our breaths are mixing but my eyes stay on hers “You stink” I say and step back laughing when her eyes flare with anger “Oh! You dickhead!” she yells and slaps my arm as I duck away laughing “Get out you damn tease!” she yells and throws a bottle at my head, missing me by an inch “You love it!” I yell back closing the door just in time, the shampoo bottle hitting the door with a loud THUD. I topple over laughing as she keeps on cursing at me through the door. Half an hour later she comes trudging down the stairs scowling at me, but I just give her a sly smile and pat the spot next to me on the couch. With her arms folded she plops down and I hand her a cup of hot chocolate “Peace?” I say and she rolls her eyes taking the cup “Using my weakness, such an alpha male move” she scoffs and I chuckle “You love me” I state leaning back, opening my arm to her and she cuddles up next to me, pulling the blanket over her. She smells real nice, like strawberries and apples. I sigh and smile in content, this is nice, I like this. “He’s a hunter” she says and I look down at her “Huh?” “Dean, he’s a hunter” she says again and I nod “Good for him” I say but she sighs and sits up looking at me and start telling me the whole, horrible story of her parent’s murder, the vengeful spirit and her sister-in-law. The whole thing, by the end I’m sitting there in silence, not knowing what to say “So yeah, he found me. I don’t know what to do” she says playing with the blanket “You love him?” I ask and she nods “Yes, not my finest decision” “You don’t choose love Vi, love just happens” “But what he did, he hurt me so much. And his apology today, s**t I’m all confused” she says running her hands through her damp hair. s**t I hate that guy
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