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Axe’s long blue braid and clothes were still dripping a few droplets of water on the soft, furry carpet when he barged into the darkness of his room and pulled Skhana into it, closing the door behind them, both nervously giggling as they leaned exhaustedly onto it and recovered their breath. They had sprinted for most of their way back to the city. Making a record time and managing to avoid the guards´ eyes while they hid among the hundreds of guests that were just conveniently entering town. -What are you two kids running away from, uh? – A voice abruptly asked from within the shadows, making them both jolt in place as the sudden glow of a freshly lit candle illuminated their startled faces and revealed Ahau´s stern features glaring at them. -Grandpa! – Skhana hurried to exclaim as she raced towards the old man and tackled him into a crushing hug – I missed you so much! You were gone like forever! When did you even come back? How was Ragthaer Cove? Did you have any fun? -I did, sweetie, I did… I finally conquered my fear and rode on one of those wooden beasts – The elder cheerfully replied, kissing her cheek – It was amazing! -Really? – The girl cried out, excitedly clapping her hands – So, did Jogru get to teach you how to handle the helm or did you just sit there, watching him sail? -No, I… I did sail a bit, yes – The man responded, proudly puffing his chest out, and winking at her – It was quite an experience, actually! Nothing compares to it. -Yeah! He once told me that he loves seeing the surprised look on people’s faces as they navigate the waters for the first time on their own… I knew that he wouldn’t resist showing you! -– The teen screeched, patting her grandfather’s chest, her eyes darkening a little – But, honestly, I thought you would. -Well, like I said… I have conquered my fears, darling – Ahau muttered, firmly puckering his lips – I am done being afraid of those evil crafts. They can’t hurt us anymore now that your father has… tamed them, if one might call it that. Now, enough diversions, child… I asked you two a question. Why are you kids acting so secretive, uh? -It’s nothing, really, Gramps – Axe calmly intervened, taking his drenched shirt off and discarding it on a pile of dirty clothes as he paced around the room with his bare torso on display – I just decided to go for a little swim before the party and lost track of time. So, now I need to rush before mom freaks out, that’s all. -All right… I’ll buy into that – the former king stated in a doubtful tone – Now, please, get dressed... Would you, birthday boy? I have a present for you. -Oh Gods! I am so f*****g jealous right now! – Skhana shrieked, glancing at the impressive object on the table and patting Axe’s chest playfully – I mean, I’ve always known that he is your favorite, Gramps… But this! - Language, young lady – The old man sternly said, pulling her towards him and pecking her forehead – And you got a crossbow last time, remember? So, I play no favorites at all. -It is very beautiful indeed – The youngster mumbled as he ran his fingers down the cold surface of the lustrous armor that sat before him in a velvet-lined case – I… I don’t even know what to say. -Then say you’ll wear it tomorrow, when you take your oath – Ahau suggested, tilting his head aside, his eyes glimmering with remorse – It would make me immensely happy to see my old armor finally put to good use again, you see?… The Gods know that the last time I got to wear it, my performance was more than disgraceful... A lot more. -Oh... That is untrue, Grandpa! – Skhana interjected, giving him a scolding look – I happen to have heard the tales from the survivors' own mouths plenty of times, and they all agree that, despite the great unfairness of the conditions back then, you fought courageously, and you defended your people almost till your last breath. -But that’s the thing, sweetie… That it should have been my last indeed – The ex-monarch claimed with resolution – I should have at least had the decency to die protecting my city when it fell… Yet I didn’t! I let them capture me and turn me into a vegetable instead. -You weren’t a vegetable, Grandpa, you were just trapped within your fear – Axe casually mentioned, his hand still grazing the armor distractedly. -And how is that supposed to make things any better? – Ahau complained loudly – It still makes me a f*****g coward! -No. It doesn’t. It only makes you human – The boy shrugged off – Unlike this armor, us men aren't made of steel, you know?… And even then, steel can always be dented, although that doesn’t make it any less tough. -Oh, I wasn’t dented, son – The old man huffed, shaking his head energetically from side to side – I was way past broken! And I would have stayed that way forever if you hadn’t put me back together all those years ago. -So, is this armor your way of thanking me? Or recriminating me about it? – Axe inquired, crossing his arms over his chest with a hint of exasperation shining in his young, blue eyes – Because frankly, Gramps, sometimes I get the feeling that you would have preferred to stay locked in that awful cage. And I hate that! -Axe! – Skhana chastised him, taking a step and placing herself between the two of them –What the hell? Why are you being so goddamn rude? -Hey... It’s not like that, Axe, I am sorry – Ahau sighed with sadness, raising an appeasing hand towards his granddaughter, and then to Axe – You are right, I am being ungrateful… But sometimes it just tortures me that I didn’t do more to save this land. -Gramps – Axe started saying, his eyes softening considerably – It took my parents months and three full armies to get rid of them… And that was just the first time. Trust me, you did what you could! -And then I crawled inside my mind to hide – The elder retorted, his voice trembling with pain – Why? -Because you cared! – Axe cried out, mildly disgruntled – Because you couldn’t fathom seeing what happened to your people and that drove you to shut yourself off… It is a survival mechanism, believe it or not. -Well, it doesn’t seem like it – The former ruler groaned, visibly disheartened – I should have stayed and put up a fight! -But your body had other options. Like freeze or flight, for example – The teenager pointed out – It chose the former for a reason, and there is no shame in that, it is an autonomous response after all… And it kills me that you keep on sulking about it after all this time! -Enough! Both of you! – Skhana yelled, enraged, staring at them with a severe expression and her hands resting on her hips – You are ruining the moment, and a fantastic birthday present arguing about some old stuff that happened before I was even born! Grandpa, quit dwelling on your stupid past, and start enjoying the life you’ve got left, would you? You said it yourself, you’ve conquered your fears! And Axe, stop being such a tremendous asshole, all right?… That’s it. Now, put on your happy faces, you two, and chop, chop! The party is about to begin. -That is actually what I came here to say, Your Graces – A feminine voice announced after a loud throat clearing, and they all turned to find Teranha, the royal guard’s lieutenant, reclining on the door with an awkward smirk – The Queen is demanding your immediate presence at the main hall. So, follow me. Axe sat between his parents with a vacant expression as the sounds of chattering and music filled the enormous room. His mostly blue mane was tucked in his characteristic braid, but a rebellious strand of discolored hair had escaped its binding and fell loosely over the right side of his face. His sight was meticulously trained on an empty space in the wall, lost to the void. After spending a couple of hours exchanging formalities and forced smiles with a seemingly endless parade of inconsequential guests, Axe had gone back to his usual traits and ended up retreating to himself. He was trying to come up with a plausible excuse to escape the hell out of there, at least for a little while. When, suddenly, he saw her. The girl of the pond… And his mind went blank.
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