1346 Words
The sun was high in the sky when the endless lines of masked soldiers began slowly appearing on the horizon and the horns started blaring at full blast, announcing the arrival of the deadly Yahurian swarm. By the time the first couple hundred of them had reached their gates, a horde of avid children had already gathered at each side of the main road, piling against each other in hopes that they could at least catch a glimpse of the legendary army. For most of Lowland’s gate’s youth, this would be the first time in their short and privileged lives meeting those infamous faceless warriors because, thankfully, they hadn’t needed their services in over a decade... So they had never seen them in the flesh before. The oldest of them had been merely babies the last time the Yahurian troops had been stationed in the city, but that wouldn’t stop them from bragging about it… Retelling the others, and of course, embellishing the incredible stories about the masked terror and their epic feats they had been hearing from their elders´ lips for years, just as vividly as if they could really recall them for themselves. So, naturally, when the impressive mass of unearthly fighters walked through the threshold of their heavily fortified doors, a collective gasp had escaped from the mouths of the assembled minors while they all watched in awe as the waves of stoical masked men flowed by them in impeccable formation. When the stupor of their initial astonishment finally wore off enough for the solemnity of their shocked silence to be replaced by a proper greeting… A loud, cheerful welcoming cry erupted from every present throat and resonated all through the confines of the vast city, attracting even more onlookers to the fascinating spectacle. As the incessant procession of soldiers advanced firmly towards the main hall, the growing multitude watched their rhythmical marching in absorbed attention, soon noticing that a solitary womanly figure walked calmly right at the back of the seemingly infinite parade of strong, expressionless men. Even when her lower face remained permanently obscured by the characteristic Yahurian mask, her youthfulness was still evident in her poise and constitution. An aura of tacit imperiousness surrounding her as she sauntered down the hill, flanked by two massive men. The one on her right possessed a dreadful stance and such a deadpan stare, that it sent chills running down every present spine. And it was exponentially aggravated by the large scar crossing his left eyebrow. The other one, in contrast, had a more affable demeanor, but that didn´t make him seem any less imposing as he paced composedly by the masked lady with his palm resting gently on the small of her back. The Queen and her husband were already awaiting the Yahurian leader and her companions at the entrance of the enormous building, which had been beautifully adorned for the occasion with an abundance of colorful flower garlands that dangled from each of its stone walls. They stood side by side. The Commander, wearing his ever-present dark armor, lightly emblazoned by the crimson bearings of Lowland’s gate, Souna dressed in a delicate scarlet gown that hugged her regal frame tightly while her front attributes were being generously displayed by a quite revealing décolletage. -You look absolutely delicious, you know? – Ussiariah whispered at her while he kept his eyes trained on the passing lines of incomers – Remind me again why are we even bothering to throw a feast, when all I want to eat now is you? -There are other people whose appetites we still need to tend to, Ussi – Souna responded in a serious voice, trying to stop her cheeks from blushing any deeper – And I’m sure that they will all prefer to have some real food and wine. -Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure about it, Love – The warrior chuckled animatedly. Taking a step forward and waving his hand towards the three approaching figures in salute - … Not one bit. Before she could think of an answer, he had already taken her by the hand and was happily dragging her with him towards their newly arrived visitors. The novelty of their presence soon erasing their previous exchange. -Xibu! – Ussiariah exclaimed as he reached the man with the nasty scar over his left eye and patted his back while he nodded briefly at the masked lady and her companion – Guider… Many moons have passed since the last time we all crossed paths… Welcome! -That is not a bad thing indeed, brother – The mentioned warrior replied, embracing him as well – It only means that you have managed to maintain peace. -Even so, a quick visit every now and then would be nice – Souna interjected, running towards the Yahurian woman and pulling her into a tight hug – Sehira… You’ve been away for too long, little one! Of all the people coming here today, you are one of the few that I am actually glad to see again. -Well, don’t let them hear you, Your Majesty – A jovial voice said as its owner rubbed her cheek and discreetly pointed at the sepia-dressed crowd that was just entering the city along with their sultry ruler – I am sure that Queen Yarinthza is quite delighted to be here. -She better be, Iktan... She better be – She replied dryly, looking in the direction where the swamp woman and her people remained, waiting for their turn to greet their hosts – After all the ruckus Xiblen caused last time, she should be grateful that she got an invitation instead of a spear through the heart. -It’s been years, Sister! – Sehira scoffed, eyeing her with mild amusement – You seriously can´t still be angry about that! -I am not – Souna responded, nodding at the gates and pointing at the hordes of violet bearings that were beginning to pack their roads – But why don't you ask Favena, uh? Do you really think she has moved on and left all that behind? -It wasn’t Yarinthza´s fault that King Onduhl was murdered – The masked woman reasoned, her eyes glinting with sadness – Or that Pahoka-Xe was poisoned. We all lost somebody in the end, but she hadn’t a hand in that. -Maybe not, but she formed an alliance with the monsters who did! – The Queen murmured bitterly, biting her lower lip. -To protect her realm from a bigger one! – Sehira retorted - Ashganon was as sick as his brother was, and you know it. Maybe even more. This is just how war is… Sorrow is all it leaves behind. -Well, that’s why you are here today, Sister – Souna sniffled decidedly, wiping her wet nose with the back of her sleeve – To help us avoid another one… Or have you Yahurians been slacking lately, uh? Maybe you have gotten a little bit rusty, after all the peaceful years we’ve had. -We wish! – The Yahurian Guider sighed tiredly – The fact that you haven’t heard from war in years doesn’t mean that we haven’t been fighting it... There is always a quarrel brewing, and we are still putting out as many fires. But you’ll come to see that sometimes they are inevitable. No matter how hard we try. -You sound just like her, you know? – She commented. Her tone laced with annoyance –Who would have guessed that you would grow to be just as cynical as she always was? -I will take that as a compliment, Sister – Sehira shrugged, giving her a forced smirk – It comes with the job, I guess... Some things are simply bound to happen, no matter what, and we must accept that... Now, tell me, where is my nephew? He hasn’t reached out in a while. -Gods! That is a very good question! – Souna gasped in sudden realization, beginning to look among the growing masses – I literally have no idea where he is at!
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