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-I… I’ll be right back! – Axe murmured absentmindedly as he hurriedly stood up, his neck straining while he struggled to follow the stranger’s trail and worriedly realized that her disconcerted face had started receding farther and farther among the big crowd after locking eyes briefly with him. -But there are still plenty of guests left for you to greet, Axe! –The Queen complained in a reproaching whisper, nodding at the expectant lines of people gathered before them – They are all here to see you… You can’t just leave them waiting like this! -Well, my bladder is about to burst, Mother – The young boy muttered back, giving her his sharpest look – So, I am sure that they will understand. With that, he briefly glanced around the main table where his family sat, bowing courteously to all its occupants in apology and taking quick note of Ussiariah´s slightly squinted eyes, before bolting towards the direction where he had seen the girl last. As he pushed his way through the huge mob, he caught a glimpse of her long hair waving behind the blue-attired silhouette, and he smirked. His footsteps gaining momentum as he followed the fading figure to the confines of the precinct with crescent determination. There was a moment when he was so close to the stranger that he could almost reach his hand and touch her back. But then she made an abrupt turn and disappeared behind two tall men that were chattering animatedly ahead of them, and by the time he reached the hall’s entrance, she was nowhere to be found again. Perplexed, he paced restlessly down the empty corridor, looking left and right for any sign of life out there and listening to the echo of his own feet stomping on the stone floor. -Haven’t your parents taught you that it is a rude thing to stalk people around like prey? – A feminine voice called out from behind him, and he swiftly turned to find the girl standing inches away from his very own nose with a blade pointed at his gut. -H-Hi – He stammered, awkwardly scratching his neck and then offering her his suddenly sweaty hand –I… I am sorry. How, how did you…? -Sneak up on you? – She asked. Putting her weapon away and dangerously closing in on him, making him instinctively spring back – It wasn’t easy, I must admit... After all, you have been trained by the best of the best. But, you see, I have too. -You… You were trained by Yahurians too? – Axe mumbled, dumbfounded. Wincing and hating how pitchy his voice sounded right then. -Better yet… By Xoltunians, the stealthiest archers on this land themselves – She replied, winking confidently at him - So, you should know that there is nothing you can pull on me that I cannot match. -Xolt…? – The youngster started saying, the word fading under his breath– But you don’t look like one of Histya´s women at all. -That’s because I am not – She responded, winking at him with deviousness – At least not yet… I am her daughter. -Oh! – Axe exclaimed, his eyes widening in realization at her words – I see! So, you are Princess… -Phomeryka – The girl finished saying, extending her hand towards him – Nice to meet you at last, Your Grace. Happy Birthday! -Axe – He replied, recovering his wits and shaking the lady’s limb vigorously – Nice to put a face with the name. I guess I should have known that you weren’t from around here when I saw you at the pond earlier today. What were you doing there all alone anyway? -I like going for walks now and then, when I get bored, and the long trip here bored me, is that a crime? – She shrugged off – And what did I tell you about stalking, boy? Not nice! -I wasn’t… It is not stalking if I was there before you arrived – Axe defended himself – My sister and I were just hanging out. -Well… It is, if you go hide behind a bush to spy on me as soon as I get there – The girl retorted, brushing her long hair carelessly off her shoulder and raising an eyebrow at him. -So, you knew we were there the whole time then? – The blue-haired child frowned – Why did you act like you didn’t? -Because I wanted to find out what you two were up to first – She shrugged – Turns out you ran away before I could figure out what that was. -I was just spending some time with those swans, the same as you – He explained, nodding at her knowingly – And they acted like they’d known you forever. Why is that? -Because they do – Phomeryka simply said, surprisingly reaching for his braid and inspecting it with interest between her fingers – They grew up in the Tulixa river, just as I did. They migrate to these coasts every year when the waters upstream freeze, but they always come back afterwards… We even have a ceremony to greet them back and all. I’ve known them my whole life. -Woah! That is amazing! I didn’t know that Xoltunians kept such a close relationship with the river’s inhabitants – Axe blurted out with admiration. -Why wouldn’t we? – She remarked, still holding the tip of his braid in her hand – The Tulixa is our home just as much as it is our battlefield. So, we get acquainted with everything and everyone in it as best we can… Now, tell me, has your hair always looked like this? -What do you mean? -Axe cautiously asked, faking obliviousness. An emotionless mask swiftly replacing his previous smile – Why do you ask? -Because I had never seen one of you before – The Xoltunian commented. Letting his hair go and batting her eyelashes seductively at him – And I must confess, it is quite a sight… -Wait, one of us? – He repeated. A loud croak betraying his supposedly impassive façade as he grabbed her firmly by the shoulders and searched for a sign of deception inside her eyes – Are you saying that there are more people like me somewhere? -I… I don’t know, maybe? – The girl admitted, nervously biting her lip – Until today, I honestly always thought it was only an ancient myth I read about once in our old library years ago… But then I saw you, and I remembered. If they ever existed at all, I think you would be one of them, no doubt. -One of whom? – Axe insisted, his grip tightening around her arms – And how is it that I’d never heard of anything of the sort before? -Maybe because it is nothing but an obscure passage hidden in an abandoned book, in a city of warriors that mostly don’t give a damn? – She offered. Placing a hand on his hard chest and feeling his fingers finally retreat from her – I remember I found it in a worn folk-tale compendium, and it was merely a brief mention within another town’s lore… They called them the Sapphinx, the blue-haired mages that once came from up north, leaving everything behind. -Which town was that? The one in the tale, if I may ask – He inquired, with crescent anxiety. Feeling his chest starting to ache unexplainably from inside. -A former sacred fortress that used to sit at the peak of mount Babahid from what I’ve heard – She recited, rolling her playful eyes at him – But it’s been gone for almost two decades now. I think it was named… -Tamensun – The boy intervened, a spark igniting in his blue irises as he decidedly took her hand in his and started leading her ahead - All right, you are coming with me now. -To where? – She worriedly questioned, resisting his pull and standing in place – What about your birthday feast? Aren’t we both supposed to be there? -It isn’t even my birthday today, you know? We don’t know when that is – Axe breathed out, ignoring her reluctance and pulling her forward even harder with increasingly reddened eyes – Every year we celebrate the date on which my dad found me instead… The same day that Tamensun fell. My whole story died with that city, Phomeryka, do you understand? And now I need to find out what it was! -And I am sorry about that – The girl insisted with equal determination, yanking her hand away from his – But I don’t see how I could possibly help you at all! -Well… Perhaps you can begin by telling me everything that you remember about that story you read that time – The blue-haired youngster frantically proposed with a pleading look – And then, maybe you can help me look in every history book, every record, and every scroll around to see if something pops up… He paused. Staring intensely at her face and making an involuntary shiver run down her back. -Because I will not rest until I start getting the answers that I have been searching for all my life, and that is way more important than a stupid party that I never even asked for in the first place! -Maybe, my dear, but that will have to wait for now – A womanly voice echoed, and Axe’s face went visibly pale when he found the masked lady staring at him with a serious stance and casually crossed arms. -Aunt Sehira – The young, blue-haired man uttered in a contained tone, his features quickly regaining their usual inexpressiveness – It’s been a while. How are you? -You have been avoiding me, Axe – The masked woman commented in an equally measured cadence. -That place is packed, Auntie, you seriously can’t blame me – He replied, holding her piercing gaze and giving her a polite smirk - I swear I didn’t see you in there... You know I would have said hello if I had. -And you know perfectly well that I am not talking about today – The Yahurian lady coldly responded, tilting her head towards him and letting the uncomfortable silence linger between them. -Sehira-Xe, the Yahurian Guider herself! – The Xoltunian girl excitedly exclaimed, extending an eager hand towards the masked woman – I have heard so much about you! It is an honor to finally meet you in person! - Ah, Princess Phomeryka - Sehira greeted her in a melodious voice. Shaking her hand and giving her a sharp look – I am glad to see that you have grown to be just as beautiful and pertinent as your mother has always been. -Thanks?... I guess – The teenager replied with uncertainty as she slowly deciphered the Yahurian´s inflection and her face turned beet red when she finally got the hint – All right, I… I’ll leave you to it. Pleasure to meet you again. -Wait! – Axe commanded with a thunderous emphasis that resembled his father’s – You are not going anywhere. We are not done here yet. -You are, for now, nephew – The masked woman remarked in a matching intonation – There are other obligations that you must tend to today. -I believe you heard me the first time, Aunt – The blue-haired boy insisted, grabbing the Xoltunian girl’s hand and squeezing it stubbornly – I don’t care about this party… So, we are going to go and do some research at the library, if you excuse us, have a good night. -Axe, I know what you are seeking – The Yahurian leader spoke tiredly, raising her hand towards the obstinate boy – And I won’t stop you from finding it… It is in your fate after all and, in fact, I came here to guide you. As I know you have been meaning to ask me to for a while now, isn’t that right? -I have – Axe agreed, nodding briefly at her, his eyes then darkening – But perhaps you are too late, Aunt. Because I already got a lead, thanks to our friend here, and I intend to pursue it. -As you should – Sehira convened, pointing at the main hall’s gate invitingly – Just not tonight… Please. -You can’t make me go in there – The youngster voiced out. His initial bold statement soon turning into a veiled question – You wouldn’t force me, right? -Oh, you know I can - She simply responded. Letting out a light chuckle and taking a quick glance towards the sharp spear hanging on her back – So don’t make me do it, Axe. -You forget about something, Auntie – Axe said, raising his hand towards her and glaring at her in an insinuating way – I could always just… -But you won’t – Sehira interjected, shaking her head disdainfully, then pointing at the large main hall’s doors –So, stop dragging this any longer and get inside… I will help you later, I promise. Now, you two, please walk!
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