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Axe stealthily approached the young girl who was sitting obliviously under a tree with a book on her lap and her back turned towards him. His steps carefully closing in on the slender figure until he was only a few feet away from her. -Do you seriously think that I can’t hear you, Axe? – The lady blurted out right as he was about to tap her on the shoulder, startling him – I was taught the same way as you were. You, silly. You can’t sneak up on me. The tall, vivacious teenage girl sat casually crossed-legged on the grass, wearing a comfortable pair of pants and a simple linen shirt that one would think were more suitable for a peasant boy than a beautiful princess like her. But that’s how she liked it… And everybody knew better than to mention a thing about it by now. The only adornment on her was the green pendant that hung from her neck. She was not a little girl anymore and that had begun showing nowadays, as she was slowly but certainly developing into the spitting image of her own mother… Except for those bright blue eyes of hers, which accentuated her olive skin and contributed to her already striking looks. -Well, I was closer this time, Sis – The young boy replied nonchalantly, plopping beside her and throwing an arm over her back – You’re getting too comfortable, you know? One of these days I’m gonna succeed, you’ll see. -Yeah, keep dreaming – She snorted, ruffling his hair playfully - What are you doing here anyway, uh? Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your birthday party? -Who cares? You know it is not even my real birthday, Skhana – He sighed unenthusiastically, staring blankly at the horizon – I don’t know why mom and dad insist on making such a big deal out of it every year. And I don’t get what is so special about this one either, they have really gone bonkers this time! -You’re an adult now, brother – Skhana shrugged off, patting his back lightly – That’s a big deal, isn’t it? And you are officially joining our army’s ranks… I mean, I think they’re just excited for you! She paused, jumping on her feet and dusting her pants off, then crouching beside him and whispering into his ear. -We all are, Axe – She said, pecking him cheerfully on the cheek – By the way… Happy birthday, you grumpy i***t! Now come. I’ve got something to show you. The flock of swans sat still on the crystalline waters of the pond as they silently peeked from behind a tall bush and watched their majestic figures float. -How did you find this place anyway? – Axe murmured as he stared enthralled at the mesmerizing image – We must have walked for hours! Who would have known that something so beautiful was hidden beyond all those endless miles of humid rain forest? Honestly, if it wasn’t for you, I would have given up and walked back home a long time ago, when my feet first started aching. - That’s because you have never had much of an adventurous spirit, Axe – Skhana quietly chuckled, keeping her eyes trained on the elegant white creatures – But I do, brother. So, when I saw them flying repeatedly in this direction a few weeks ago, I knew that they were up to something good. So, I tracked them down... It took me days! But then I found this paradise! She paused, then she looked at him with a beaming pride oozing from her eyes and smiled widely at him. -Isn’t it beautiful? – She whispered-yelled, clapping her hands very quietly before his face - And I know how you like your ducks, Axe! So, I figured that you would love it here too! -They are swans, Skhana – Axe commented, rolling his eyes at her condescendingly. His features soon brightening with glee as a broad smirk formed on his lips – And I love them! Thank you so much! This is the best birthday present ever! -Whatever, ducks, swans… They all look the same to me. And I thought you said that it wasn’t your birthday – She pointed out sardonically, giving him an inviting look and nodding at the flock – Well then, are you going to stay there watching them swim all day, or are you gonna do your thing? Axe bit his lip, giving her a doubtful stare as he considered her suggestion, side glancing at the swans. He rarely used his gift in front of an audience, and although she’d always known about it, it had been a while since she had last seen him perform even the simplest of his tricks. The main reason being that his parents didn’t like it when he did. They hadn’t explicitly said so. But all those warnings about safety and responsibility had made him feel insecure, and he had ended up avoiding using them whenever anyone was around. It was not that he couldn’t control them… He could! After all, he’d spent countless days and nights learning how to specifically do THAT, under Ussiariah´s vigilant eye. He was no longer susceptible to outbursts or mood swings. The warrior had made sure of it. Very! But every time he had used them in the past, no matter the purpose or reason, a lecture would always follow… And he had just gotten tired of that. “You need to keep in mind that your gift is a very precious thing, but also a very dangerous weapon to wield around negligently, Axe” – Ussi would constantly remind him – “It empowers you just as much as it makes you a target…” And yeah, he got it! He agreed that there were some hazards involved at times. Stuff that could get somebody hurt or, even worse, killed. But sometimes what he did was just for the sake of having a little fun… Like this one. -All right, Sis, just keep an eye in case anyone comes lurking, would you? – The youngster instructed as he decidedly stood up and walked cautiously towards the pond. Skhana watched fascinated as her brother approached the bank of swans with very calm steps and his hand raised up in the air. The smile on Axe’s face grew while he made careful eye contact with his attentive, white-feathered audience. A moment later, the biggest one of them advanced towards him with its wings displayed in full extension, an initial threatening gesture that would soon fade into a submissive pose when the swan offered its head for his brother to pet, which he happily did. She was surprised to see the rest of those impressive animals not only stay put in place without getting startled at all by his presence, but also, as he got closer, they would start seemingly bowing to him in an orderly fashion. The girl attested how, in just a matter of seconds, their little reunion had turned into a party… The boy and the herd of animals were all now having the time of their lives together in the amazing playground that her sibling had improvised for them, materializing slides and whirlpools out of the once tranquil water of the pond. It was frankly an otherworldly experience to witness him bend and twist this wayward element at his own will with the same effortless naturality as one would simply breathe. And it was a treat to see him enjoy himself that much as he did so. The happy glow on his face as he swam and splashed around among those magnificent birds was delightfully infectious… All of a sudden, it was just like they had gone back in time, and he was five years old again. She was about to jump on her feet and join them when a distant rustle caught her attention and she hurried to emit a distinct alert whistle that was enough to make her brother bolt back behind the bush, dripping wet and just in time before a young woman stepped into the clearing and made a beeline for the apparently undisturbed shore of the pond and the serene birds. -Who the hell is that? – Axe mumbled as he watched in stupefaction how the lady walked confidently towards the swans. Which, to his surprise, began crying out in undeniable excitement as they all hurriedly surrounded and greeted her while she patiently smiled and stood very still among them, petting a few on their heads. - I don’t know, I swear I’ve never seen anybody around here before, Axe – Skhana muttered back with her equally intrigued eyes glued to the stunning woman ahead. Her head tilting curiously as she scanned the intruder from head to toe… The silky, brunet hair, the affable features and the impossibly long, tanned legs – I don’t know who that is. -Well, what are we waiting for? We need to find out! – The boy breathed out with conviction, beginning to stand up in his place. - I certainly don’t – Skhana scoffed, amused, pulling him down by the arm and making him squat again – And you don’t either, you i***t. What we need to do is go back to the city before they start looking for you and freak out! And with that, she dragged the reluctant boy away from the oblivious girl and the swans as he felt his heart shrink with a strange, yearning pang.
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