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Souna was standing in the middle of the immense gallery, surrounded by a large group of diverse people that were each taking careful note of the instructions she was giving to them. The exquisite crown that she had been wearing since the early hours of that day was now constricting her temples so mercilessly and giving her such an obnoxious headache, that it made her want to yank the useless thing off and smash it against the floor in anger. But instead, she kept a straight face and a clear voice as she carried on reciting her long list of still pending assignments under the dim candlelight. - Yórug, Orstig… Please make sure that our kitchen is duly stashed with all the produce that the cooks will be needing for tomorrow’s feast – She ordered, tilting her head at the golden-haired man and his brother, who both nodded in response while scribbling furiously on their pads – especially berries! You know how Axe loves his berry pie, so let’s not skimp on those… I need this to be perfect! -And it will be- A powerful male voice replied from the other side of the room, making every present head turn that way to find the massive warrior standing there with a playful smile on his face – You have been going over every little detail for weeks! It will all be great, I promise. Now, please, sweetheart, give these poor people a break, would you? It is getting awfully late! You all need a rest. -All right – Souna sighed tiredly, massaging her forehead after giving him a doubtful look – You heard him, everyone! Get the f**k out of here before I start regretting it. There is still so much left to do, and you know it. So, I will see you all first thing in the morning… And don’t you dare be late! Ussi stood calmly leaning on the wall with his large arms crossed over his chest as he watched everyone rush to scatter in unison like a startled flock of birds and scurry out the door with patent relief on their faces. He looked as strong and athletic as he had always been, perhaps a little bit tanner, thanks to the last years he'd spent under the coastal sun. The charming smirk that adorned his face had remained as jovial as ever. The only sign of the unforgiving passage of time was the set of small wrinkles that now framed the corners of his eyes and the few discolored strands of hair, which blended almost perfectly with the rest of his golden mane that was tucked in a long braid over his chest. Souna, on the other hand, had aged into a slightly leaner and sturdier woman than the curvy young lady that she used to be once… And it suited her wonderfully. While her characteristic wide hips and thick thighs prevailed. The constant work out over the years of her husband’s lessons had sculpted those into a tonified and firm structure that, paired with her dark hair and fair skin, conferred her a quite youthful appearance, despite the inescapable proximity of her middle age. -You are worrying yourself a bit too much, don’t you think? – He commented as he approached her slowly, giving her a serious glance and pulling her chin up – This is meant to be a party, remember? Just have a little fun! -I will, once I make sure everything is being taken care of – Souna sneered at him – And you and I know this is not just any party… This is important, Ussi! You can’t blame me for being nervous about it… We have never hosted so many people here, let alone THOSE people. -It’ll be fine – Ussi replied reassuringly, pulling her towards him and pecking her lips – Axe is going to love it, everyone is… I mean, you are serving enough food to feed several armies, why wouldn’t he? -Well, we ARE feeding several armies, aren’t we? – She responded, rolling her eyes at him – And it’s not Axe whom I am most concerned about. In truth, Souna was feeling rightfully anxious regarding the upcoming festivities, not only because they marked Axe’s coming of age, but because they were also supposed to commemorate the past fifteen years of uninterrupted peace. Everyone was coming to Lowland’s gate. From the scorching dunes of the Sand Valley to the high peaks of Nevareh, and even across the dark seas of Argant. Every realm seemed to have been summoned to this important event. Every. Single. One. And that was a dangerous thing to do. -Leave those concerns to me – Ussi said, brushing her cheek tenderly – It is a calculated risk, the one we are taking, Love. I know what you are thinking. Having them all under one roof may seem hazardous to you, but it is also the best way to assess our situation. -So, you’ll condone the pissing contest then – Souna huffed, eyeing him doubtfully – You know it is inevitable. -Well… A controlled one, yes, I will – Ussiariah nodded with conviction – It is the fastest way to tell where we are standing now. -And you are willing to use our son’s birthday as a front to accomplish that – She murmured with resentment – After all we’ve done to protect him, why are you putting him at risk now? I know this is important to you, Ussi, but why the rush? -It’s been fifteen years, Souna – The warrior muttered, his features darkening considerably – In my line of work that is almost unheard of. So, I can feel how the ropes that keep this precarious stability are beginning to tear. I need to get ahead of it, that’s all. Axe won’t be in any danger, you have my word. I would never let that happen… Just trust me on this one, please. -Ugh, I know you wouldn’t – Souna agreed, removing the crown from her head and letting her dark hair loose over her shoulders with a heavy sigh – I just… -What? – He interjected, seizing the heavy tiara she held and placing it aside on a nearby pedestal. His harsh palms then grabbing her by the shoulders gently but firmly as he gave her a deep stare – Tell me… When have I ever failed you? -Never – She mumbled, averting her eyes from his penetrating gaze – I’m just scared, I guess. But you are right. This is the way… So, let’s do it. Let’s stir this goddamn pot and see what we find. -That’s the spirit! – Ussi exclaimed animatedly, placing a quick kiss on her lips before reaching for the messy mop of hair cascading over her shoulders and carefully running his finger through the soft strands, his movements soon turning into a more purposeful stroke as his index traveled softly down her neck – Now, come over here... Why don’t we get you into a slightly merrier mood? Without waiting for an answer, he lifted her up in the air and swiftly leaned her body on the cold throne that sat a few feet behind her, his hands reaching for the voluminous ruffles of her exquisite, but frankly pointless… And quite annoying skirt, pulling it up her hips and getting it out of his way. Souna let out an involuntary yelp when he suddenly yanked her underwear down in a single motion, the rough tip of his fingers probing her warm entrance delicately for a minute as he studied her features with absorbed interest before giving her a devious smirk and diving headfirst between her legs. Propped on the harsh surface of that regal seat with her extremities spread wide open and the face of her husband deeply within her thighs, she suddenly felt invincible. An intoxicating rush of power coursing all the way up her core and expanding through her entire body as his taste buds savored her thoroughly. Every inch of her skin contracting in delicious expectation. Her toes helplessly curling up in the most absolute pleasure as she began to shake helplessly below him. The intensity of her climax making her curse and shriek uncontrollably as she released herself in a wave of exhilaration and chortles. -Much better, isn’t it? – Ussiariah pointed out, raising an eyebrow at her in a frisky gesture. His fingertips caressing her engorged folds, smearing her fluids all over her skin distractedly – Now, if it were for me, my love, THIS is the only kind of stirring I would like to be doing. But tomorrow we ought to dig some dirt out of the way in order to find the worms that I’m looking for… So, would you help me do that? -Of course, Commander – Souna replied suggestively, making him recline as she climbed on top of him with agile movements, reaching for his braid and rolling it between her fingers – But not before I’m done performing some stirring on you of my own.
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