1657 Words
The Nevarehan regent sat comfortably on the terrace, basking in the warm morning light that bathed the magnificent gardens of the coastal palace. An assortment of delicacies remained untouched before her while she simply sipped on a large glass of Lowland’s finest wine. -Isn’t it a little bit early in the morning to start drinking, Favena? – Yarinthza asked as she stepped outside and was swiftly intercepted by a hunchbacked woman dressed in full armor, who started immediately patting her down – And isn’t this a little too harsh? -Oh… Don’t worry, this is not my first drink – The monarch lazily answered, taking another generous swig from her crystal cup, then nodding at her female companion – And Umna is here only as a mere precaution... After the unfortunate incident with the uplanders, we’re just trying to be thorough… I’m sure that you will understand. -Not really… You’re a guest, the same as I am, and it is not your place to reinforce security measures, is it? – The Xiblenean disdainfully answered as she endured the intrusive inspection with widespread arms – Besides, you were the one who requested this meeting. So, I find it rude that you are being so mistrustful, especially when I came here alone. -That’s enough, Umna – Favena called out, waving her hand dismissively at the guard – You may leave us now. -Yes, Your Highness – The woman obediently responded, bowing to both monarchs, then promptly walking away. -Better? – The Nevarehan said, adjusting her purple robe and brushing her fingers distractedly through her wild mane as she invitingly pointed at a nearby chair. Unlike her Xiblenean peer, who donned an opulent ocher gown and impeccable hairdo, Favena seemed to be practically fresh out the bed. And yet, her features glowed with a natural beauty that easily overshadowed any cosmetic gimmicks or fashion. -Quite – The alluded regent snidely sighed, taking the seat that she offered her and reaching for a plump strawberry, which she proceeded to chew on as she curiously glanced in the direction where the peculiar soldier had just gone – I didn’t know that you were so charitable. Taking cripples into your ranks is certainly a noble thing. -Trust me, there is nothing remotely noble about Umna being my personal guard – Favena assured her, refilling her empty glass and taking an eager drink from it – In fact, she is repaying an old debt to the crown with the remaining days of her life… And I wouldn’t call her a cripple either. I’d put my gold on her any day against the finest of your men. -Speaking of gold – The Xiblenean pointedly remarked – I’ve been informed you wish to settle a commercial trade between our realms, and I’m all for it, sweetie… But how are you planning to pay? -Pay? - The Nevarehan amusedly chuckled, fanning her eyelashes at her – This is a trade, not a purchase! What I’m proposing here is a mutual exchange. -And what is it that Nevareh has to offer that we could possibly want? – Yarinthza contemptuously questioned her – They say your high lands have the most impressive of views, but aside from that… -Horses – Favena calmly informed her, eyeing her defiantly while she studied the expression on the monarch’s face – I’ve been to Xiblen a couple of times, and each one has frankly been a living damp torture… But I must admit that those swamps have an undeniable bright side to them, and that is that they are fertile as hell! She cleared her throat, dramatically reaching for a grape and tossing it into her mouth, winking at her. -Now, I happen to know that you have been trying to get your hands on some of these magnificent specimens for a while – The Nevarehan nodded at her – But of course, you’ve already found out that breeding them is trickier and more expensive than it might initially seem. -So, you are willing to give me a herd – Yarinthza deduced, the twinkle in her irises contradicting her casual tone – Is that right? -Not only one, but several indeed! – Favena cheerfully notified her – You see, we’ve discovered that, depending on their type, horses may have a multitude of different purposes… All equally beneficial, as you will soon confirm. Not only are they good for transportation, but also very efficient as farming and working tools! -That sounds truly wonderful! – The Xiblenean confessed, narrowing her eyes at her – But I can’t help but wonder why are you offering me this precisely now, after all these years? I’m not stupid… I know what people think of me. - Because I firmly believe that it is time for Xiblen to leave its shady history behind at last – The Nevarehan nonchalantly told her – And because it’s been a rough year… We’ve lost half of our crops due to the blizzards, but my people still need to eat. -So, I finally got an invitation to sit at the grown-ups table – Yarinthza bitterly remarked - And all I have to do in exchange is feed your entire realm on top of feeding mine! -Well… You could say so – Favena carelessly shrugged off, reaching for another grape – But please, don’t you look at it that way. -Then how should I be looking at it then? – She angrily responded, staring piercingly at her. -Like a unique business opportunity for the Xiblen I know you are trying to build! – The monarch fervently replied - After all, once you implement our innovations, your production rates will take off… And then you will see that this isn’t such a lopsided proposition as you are making it sound. -Can I at least think about it? – Yarinthza breathed out cautiously after a long, silent minute. -Why don’t you sleep on it and let me know? – Favena answered, nodding empathetically at the Xiblenean Queen, her attention diverting towards a corner of the adjacent building – Now, if you excuse me, it seems I have a very busy morning ahead. Enjoy the rest of your breakfast, Your Grace. And with that, she stood up and hurriedly made her way towards one of the large wooden doors, where a shirtless, bearded man stood. The lanky teenager was still tangled among the blankets when Yarinthza entered the room. A pile of half-eaten dishes surrounding him as a young servant obediently handed him yet another plate. -Dahro! – The woman exclaimed, eyeing her self-indulgent son with a hint of regret – It’s almost noon! Why are you still in bed? -Because I’m bored! – The youngster complained, taking a large bite of a biscuit and spreading crumbs all over the place – There is literally nothing left to do around here now that the blue-haired weirdo has mysteriously fallen ill, and the rest of the festivities have been canceled because of it. -Well, you could have joined me for breakfast this morning – The monarch suggested – Maybe eat your meal at a proper table instead of making this… mess, and maybe you could have even learned a thing or two about politics while we were there! -Oh, I’m nothing like you, Mother – The Prince muttered in obvious disgust – I would never give that arrogant b***h the satisfaction… And frankly, I don’t understand how you could! - Because she has given us a way out! – Yarinthza cried out, enraged – Don’t you see! This is the chance we’ve been waiting to finally crawl away from the atrocious shadow that your father and uncle left us under! -Speak for yourself – Dahro pouted, scrunching his prominent nose – You’ve always said that they were true evil, and that they brought us nothing but disgrace, but I know for a fact that there are still people back at Xiblen who are nostalgic of those past glory days! -Glory? – The Xiblenean Queen scoffed – Your father left us all to starve while he chased an impossible dream that got him and most of our army killed! And your uncle wasn’t any better either… He drove the Yahurian Order against us, and we would all be dead if it wasn’t for me! She paused, her face growing redder by the second as she difficultly inhaled a large, deep breath. -You have no idea of what I’ve been through just to keep us afloat! – She whispered-yelled at him with contained exasperation – I have spent the last fifteen years cleaning up the shambles that those two selfish idiots left behind… Closing her eyes, she managed to calm herself some more, then she reopened them and signaled for the clutter surrounding them everywhere. -I’m done! – She announced – And I’m certainly not going to start with yours now. So, you better be dressed and ready to leave when I come back! -Whatever – Dahro puffed out, ignoring her previous rant. Grabbing an apple from a silver tray and taking a big bite from it – You know? I get why that blue-haired kid is suddenly indisposed. I would be too! He continued saying as he chewed loudly with a purposefully open mouth for her to see. -I mean, the guy gets the coolest gun, and he is not even allowed to lay a hand on it because of his dad’s stupid ban… I feel for him! It kind of makes me want to hug him and tell him that our parents are just as lame. Maybe I should. What do you think? The door slammed loudly after the queen as she furiously turned around and stormed away, her stomping footsteps echoing in the hallway for a while after she’d left. -I agree with you – A male voice unexpectedly said beside the prince – That ban is stupid, and it is time someone puts an end to it.
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