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Axe would instantly regret having startled the masked man as soon as he found his neck punctured by the sharp end of the large Yahurian spear… Even if it was only for the tiniest second before he felt it rapidly retreat. -Axe! – He heard Akoh´s apologetic voice reverberating behind the metallic shield – What the hell, kid? Don’t you ever try to sneak up on a Yahurian again, it could get you killed! -Sneak up, Akoh? Really? – The blue-haired boy sardonically mocked him – I mean, I touched you with my own bare finger. Had that been a blade, I would have had the time to slit your throat before you even had a chance to react! -Yeah… You might be right – The warrior responded, scratching the back of his head, embarrassed, as the visible part of his face blushed profusely – But can we keep that between us though? Not all of us had the privilege of being trained by your old man. More than a decade had passed since Axe had last seen his Yahurian guardian, back when his aunt had attended one of Skhana´s birthdays, and he had happened to be with her reduced escorting party. He remembered being stoked to see the half familiar face of that young, masked soldier, and spending a lot of blissful hours along with Yórug and Orstig that day. The four of them simply laughing and flying kites. But a lot had changed throughout the years, and Axe was no longer an impressionable child, nor was Akoh a greenhorn Yahurian anymore, and it evidently showed in the harshness of the scarce skin uncovered by his armor, and the unsettling darkness present in his eyes… Besides, the blue-haired boy was a lot less thrilled to see him again this time. -What are you doing here? – Axe huffed with clear annoyance, nodding angrily at him – She sent you to stalk me, didn’t she? -No. Just to keep an eye on you – The Yahurian corrected him, putting his spear away – And she was very insistent that I shouldn’t interfere. -Wow… How thoughtful of her! – The youngster muttered, rolling his eyes at him – So, I see that after all these years serving the Yahurian Order, you are still just their errand boy. -And I see that you are still the same spoiled brat that I used to babysit – The warrior sharply retorted – Everybody seems to believe that you are oh, so precious! But I never understood what was so special about a weird blue-haired child. They stood there, staring at each other defiantly for a few seconds, until a faint rustling of leaves made them both turn to their side with their weapons drawn out. -Who is this? – Skhana asked as she emerged from the trees rubbing her eyes, followed by the Xoltunian Princess a few steps behind. -This is Akoh – Axe explained, pointing disdainfully at the Yahurian – It seems that he has been our stalker this whole time. I told you we were being followed, and I was right. -I would prefer to be referred to as custodian, if you don’t mind – The masked man sagaciously requested, bowing courteously to the confused ladies and giving them a charming wink – It sounds a lot less intrusive and a lot more elegant. -Aunt Sehira sent him to spy on us – The young boy puffed out, putting his dagger away – We should have known that she would pull off something like that. -She sent me to protect you – The warrior rebuked him – And to make sure that you don’t die! -Well, you must be proud then, since you almost killed me yourself just now! – Axe snapped back, walking past him and tiredly heading back to the campsite – Congratulations! You’re doing a great job so far. -Wait! So, that’s it? – Phomeryka asked, while she began hurriedly pacing after him, as did the others – Is he coming with us? Why? -Well, yeah… – The boy calmly said, stomping his feet on the ground – Because I doubt we can just shoo him away at this point… But you’re welcome to try if you want. -How long have you been following us? – Skhana inquired, catching up with the masked man and timidly touching his arm. -Girl... I wasn’t following you! – The warrior offendedly replied – I was just keeping an eye on Axe like The Guider had ordered earlier when I saw him sneak out of his room in the middle of the night. So, I started tailing him to make sure he was alright, that’s all… I didn’t know that he was about to flee with you two guys! He paused, gesturing purposefully at the light armor he was wearing and nodding at the girl with slight irritation. - Had I known this would be such a long stake out, I would have at least brought some provisions and a good sleeping bag! -Isn’t my aunt aware that we are gone? – Axe questioned him – I gather that you didn’t have any time to inform her that we had escaped. -Not then, but I’m sure that she must be by now – Akoh casually mentioned – I mean… Weren’t you supposed to join the Crimson Guard today? I bet they noticed your absence when you didn’t show up for that. -s**t! – The blue-haired boy murmured in a low voice – I totally forgot about it… Dad must have been so mad! -So, the Yahun stays – The Xoltunian resignedly interjected, seeing the masked warrior reach the campsite and promptly take a seat near the fire. -Oh, I guess it’s not that bad – Skhana optimistically suggested – This way we will have our own bodyguard, and he can even keep watch for us tonight. -Yes, that would be nice – Axe emphatically yawned, slumping down on the ground and nodding at the two girls – You should go back to the tent now. It’s pretty late, and we’re marching at dawn. The silence had gradually settled around the place soon after the ladies retired for the night, and the blue-haired youngster had finally begun to doze off when Akoh´s deep voice made him jolt awake. -What are you guys running away from, uh? – The Yahurian pondered aloud – Was it really necessary that you all skipped town in the dead of night? -We are not running. We are searching for answers about who I am – Axe dryly replied – And you… You just wouldn’t understand. - You see – The warrior chuckled, side-glancing at him with amusement – I’ve always found it strange how sheltered people like you tend to dramatize the most. You are a goddamn prince, for the Gods´ sake Axe! What’s not to love about that? -That’s not it – The boy wheezed in frustration – I just have this compulsory need to find out about my real family. Why is that so bad? -It isn´t. But sometimes family has nothing to do with the people who birthed you, kid – The Yahurian simply shrugged off – I should know… I am an orphan myself, and it took me years to realize that I had been at home the entire time. -And yet, you always knew where you came from, you always knew who you were! – Axe heatedly argued, obstinately shaking his head. -What is that even supposed to mean, boy? – Akoh candidly chortled – Your ancestors, your past, the place where you come from… None of that stuff determines who you become in the end! If it did, I would have been destined to be a baker, just like my father. But I wasn´t. Fate had other things in store for me! -Wait! Is this your way of telling me that I should embrace my present and leave it be? – The boy protested, suspiciously narrowing his eyes – Because I’m sure you’d love that, wouldn’t you? -You bet I would! Then I could finally go back to being a warrior instead of sitting out here with you, wasting my time – The Yahurian man admitted, boredly rolling his eyes – But I have orders, and they forbid any intrusion… So, I guess you will have to learn from your own mistakes, lad.
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