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Sehira cracked an eye open a little to find Iktan´s face inches away from hers. The sight of his freshly shaved jaw and the brightness in his eyes letting her know that he had been awake for a while. He sat there, wearing only a pair of trousers and a radiant smile. His long, dark hair framing his familiar features as it fell loose down his shoulders while he leaned towards her. -What are you doing here? – She groaned, yawning and stretching her arms up sluggishly towards him with a sleepy grin. -I brought you lunch – He responded, winking at her and placing a gentle kiss on her lips – You barely ate yesterday, so you must be starving by now! -L-Lunch? What do you mean? – Sehira exclaimed, springing forward and looking around the room with a panicked expression – What time is it? -Past noon – The warrior informed her, grabbing her firmly by the shoulders and looking into her eyes with a serious demeanor – But wait! It’s alright, Seh, you deserve to sleep in every once in a while. -There is an army I must lead! – She protested, squirming restlessly against his tight embrace – I can’t just sleep in! -Relax! – Iktan murmured, daintily pecking her forehead – I got you… Xibu is taking care of the troops as we speak, and there is still plenty of time before we leave… Besides, I figured that you could use some rest after all the physical activity we had last night. -Stop it! – Sehira cried out, patting his arm and blushing profusely as she began picking distractedly at the food displayed on the platter beside her. He blushed as well, his eyes rolling up dreamily as a broad smile extended mischievously on his face from cheek to cheek. -You were insatiable, my lady! – He cheerfully declared between chuckles – I can’t remember when the last time we had such a marathon was. But it certainly had been a while… For a moment, I thought I was going to pass out! -Shut up! – She snorted, choking on a piece of carrot, before regaining her wits and staring defiantly at him – Is that a complaint, soldier? Should I go easy on you next time then? -Oh… Please, don’t you dare! – The warrior scoffed, tickling her side playfully. His tongue sliding teasingly down her neck – That’s the whole point of feeding you, silly… I’m restoring your strength, so I can get another round! So, what do you say? Is it working? -I should be going… – Sehira reluctantly mumbled. Her mouth uttering the words, but her muscles refusing to move as his hands fluttered masterfully all over her body at a studied pace. -Are you really saying no to this? – He hoarsely asked, trailing down her stomach and easily spreading her legs. His warm fingers soon locating her sprout and giving it a tentative probe while he eyed her inquisitively with a raised eyebrow. -Or this? – He insisted, his face descending between her thighs but stopping purposefully at her entrance as he let the question linger in the air. A triumphant smile crept on Iktan´s lips when she let out a defeated grunt and raised her hips invitingly towards him. So, obediently, he locked his mouth with her damp folds and began licking them leisurely, feeling her fluids gush out of her and merge with his own drool as he savored them with blatant greed. He would keep going steadily for a few more seconds until he got a characteristic moan out of her. -Shall I stop? – He suddenly wondered aloud, retreating and triggering an annoyed grumble as she eagerly waved her hand, blindly trying to reach him and get him back down. -Say it! – He ordered in a gentle, but firm tone, pulling backwards a little bit more – I want to hear you say the words. -Please! – She panted, staring meekly at him with pleading eyes – I’m so close… Please don’t stop! -I know – He replied, sniffling the air all around him with a smug smirk as he softly rubbed her spot – I can smell it already… It’s the most delicious scent in the world. Sehira didn´t respond. She physically couldn’t… The only sound that would come out of her mouth was an enthralling low growl that would increase in volume as he rhythmically fondled her slippery bud. Once her limbs began uncontrollably flailing everywhere, he finally went down on her and started licking her viciously again. And this time he wouldn’t stop until he felt her tense up underneath him and let out an exhilarated howl. Feeling utterly satisfied at this, Iktan then leaned on his back and enjoyed the remainder of her ecstatic sounds with closed eyes. He was proudly wiping his mouth with the back of his arm when she rolled over him and straddled his lap. -Hmmmm… So, I see your energies have been restored – Iktan mumbled in a pleased tone, slightly tugging at her lower lip with his teeth – Do you want to have another go? His hands had barely grabbed her by the rear when there was a loud knock at the door and they both turned to look at it with surprise. -Are you there, little one? – Souna´s worried voice reached their ears, and they immediately scrambled to get their scattered clothes from the floor. -Yes, come in! – Sehira-Xe called out as soon as she managed to put on a light robe and hastily grab her mask. Iktan had precariously pulled up his trousers and was holding the still unstrapped piece of metal against his jaw when the heavy plank creaked open, and Souna barged inside. -I’m sorry to interrupt – She awkwardly blurted out, giving her sister a quick glance, then rapidly averting her eyes – But I urgently need to speak to you. Would you mind? -Oh, not at all… You’re as opportune as ever, Your Grace – Iktan resentfully huffed, grabbing the rest of his garments and dashing out the room with a quick nod. -I’ve been thinking about what you said when you told me you wanted to talk to Axe before he left - Souna began saying, as soon as the door had closed – And I have the suspicion that you know more than you’re letting on. -Ah… Knowledge – Sehira sadly sighed – That is a double-edged sword, Sister. Knowledge can be a burden just as much as it can liberate. We have yet to see which one it will be this time. -I’m not in the mood for that puzzling nonsense of yours – The monarch angrily spat out - Just drop the f*****g riddles and tell me what you found! -Not much – Sehira confessed – Just an old entry in one of Pahoka-Xe´s journals. It talked about others like Axe. Not the Sapphinx, but the Vessels themselves… Of how they were preserved for centuries inside Tamensun´s gates. And how every time a new Vessel was born, the previous one died. -So, does that mean that even if he finds those people, his true ancestors are long gone? – Souna realized in terror – That might just shatter him! Why wouldn’t you warn him before? -I tried reaching out to him on a whim when I first discovered the journals – Sehira admitted – I was so excited... And I just wanted to share the news with him! But he had been blocking me for a while, and he wouldn’t respond right away. She cleared her throat, her eyes clouding a little before she carried on. -Then I started reading and… The more I did, the more I understood that this required a longer conversation than I had originally thought. I just wanted to speak face to face and be there for support. -So, there is no one like him in this entire world! – Souna dejectedly breathed out – My poor little Axe! -I told him that the last time we spoke, and I meant it… More than he knew – Sehira nodded sympathetically at her – I am afraid our dearest boy is truly one of a kind.
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