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-Who the hell are you, and how dare you address me like that? – Dahro asked, his tone more intrigued than angry – I am a prince, you are a servant… Who gave you permission to speak freely in my presence? Do you wish to die? -Ha, ha, ha… Save your empty threats for somebody else, Your Grace – His interlocutor amusedly responded, cynically clapping his hands – You own a big mouth, for sure, but you lack the guts… I can tell that. Besides, I am not a servant, I´m an infiltrator, and you might want to hear me out before you start screaming bloody murder and calling out for the guards. The bold youngster that stood before him was an olive-skinned boy around his own age and with a similar constitution, but who wore the signs of an evidently rougher life on his severe expression and the multiple fine scars that crossed his face like tiny cobwebs. -Why would I? – The Xiblenean challengingly asked him - Tell me a single reason why I should bother sparing your useless life? -Because I saw the way you looked at that gun – The tanned stranger replied – And I just happen to know where to find it. In fact, I want you to have it. -You “want” me to? – Dahro scoffed loudly with incredulity, glancing at him dismissively up and down – Who the f**k do you think you are? -My name is Kaionte– The boy nonchalantly introduced himself with a slight bow – My mother named me after my late father… It´s a swamp name, as you should know, but you can call me Kai. -So… Kai – The prince audaciously narrowed his eyes – Are you telling me that you somehow sneaked into the palace posing as a servant and came all the way here just to tell me that you know where they keep that gun? Why? -Because we are going to steal it from them – Kaionte shrugged off – And we need you for that. -We? Who´s we? – Dahro inquired, raising a suddenly interested eyebrow and reclining back on his enormous pillow with clearly piqued attention. -The rebellion – Kai vehemently said in an audibly reverent breath – You may not be aware, but there are some of us that don´t think it is fair that only Lowland´s gaters get to keep those weapons to themselves. -I don´t believe that either! – Dahro agreed, shaking his head vigorously – They think they get to decide for the rest of us just because they fought those wars all those years ago… But they don´t! -Exactly! – The other boy ardently exclaimed, nodding at him – And frankly, I don´t know how the other realms have put up with this arbitrary bullshit for years! Isn´t it every monarch´s right to possess the means to defend their territory the best they can? -It is – The prince sighed resignedly – And I have been telling my mother that for years! But she says that Xiblen doesn´t even get to pose that question, since we sided with the enemies both times. -Enemies that they have so conveniently forgiven and welcomed back into their lives – Kai retorted in an offended voice – Why is it that Xiblen remains an outcast when Argant´s King and Hathengatt´s councillors are treated practically as their guests of honor even after what their people have done? -So, your father was a Xiblenean, and you want to help us because of that – Dahro concluded – Am I right? -No. My father was a swamp man, that part is correct, yet he was not from Xiblen but from Umber… So, as you can deduce, he sided with them. He even took part in that famous exchange that freed the Wetlands and all! – Kai angrily grunted – And he still ended up dead a year later because of that stupid ban of theirs! -And now you want revenge – The Xiblenean chuckled in a pensive tone, giving him a smug stare and grabbing a large piece of bread – That is why you want to steal their gun? -I want congruence! – The youngster shouted, exasperated – Did you know that the Commander himself had given the Wetlanders a batch of firearms at first? Only to confiscate them all shortly after, when he changed his mind about other people having them! -That´s because they are dangerous – Dahro recited in a monotone voice – It was meant to be a measure to avoid them falling into the wrong hands, I guess. -If they are as deadly as they say, why not destroy them then? – Kai wondered – Why would he choose to keep them around and even make more of them when he knows the risk they represent? -To be prepared, maybe? – The prince offered – Mother says that Argant is not the only nation across the ocean that owns guns and raids for a living. That is supposed to be the norm over there, as King Ghroghl has confirmed himself. -And are we supposed to take the words of a dirty invader without giving them a second thought? Only because he claims to be our ally nowadays – Kai spat out with evident disgust. -Alright. Say I agree to help you – Dahro said, tilting his head towards him – How would we steal it anyway? Their steps resounded in the empty hallway as they both strolled firmly towards the large door at the end of the corridor. Two guards were posted at each side with a grim expression that would turn into blatant puzzlement the more they approached. -I have a present for Prince Axe – Dahro announced, gesturing at the box that the servant standing beside him held – I need to take it inside. -Then give it to us – The eldest one of the soldiers responded, reaching his hand out – We will take it in and put it with the rest of the gifts. -Absolutely not! – The Xiblenean shrieked, dismissively slapping his hand – This is a very valuable object, I won´t be leaving it with you brutes! I must see for myself that it is properly set inside. -Prince Axe has already received a gift from the Xiblenean court – The other guard told him, taking a quick look at the pad in his hand. -That was my mother´s, this one is mine – Dahro replied, unfazed. Glancing at him with disdain, then stomping his foot impatiently on the ground – Listen bud, you´re wasting my time here… If you fear that I might steal anything, why don´t you just pat me down on my way out? The huge vault was filled with an obscene number of trinkets from wall to wall, and there was barely any room left to walk. -I can´t believe it worked! – Dahro excitedly whispered as soon as the door closed – I swore they were going to try to come in with us and ruin our heist! They are so incredibly dumb! -Don´t you ever underestimate your hierarchy – Kai shrugged off, putting the empty crate down on the floor and starting to rummage around – Trust me, they are more afraid of you than you are. They´d spent a brief time going through the piled objects and marveling at the little fortune that was stored inside the room, until a large rectangular box caught the prince´s attention and he immediately made a beeline for it. He went to open it with eager hands, and uncovered the golden weapon stored inside it as Kai stood expectantly by him. His fingers grazing the shiny material in absorbed fascination for only a second before the other youngster abruptly closed the lid of the case and snatched it from him. -You can play with it later – The young boy urged him. Hastily picking the box up and beginning to walk to the back of the hall with the Xiblenean in tow - Right now, we need to get the f**k out of here! -How? – Dahro doubtfully asked as he obediently followed him and pointed at the thick safety bars shielding the only window that they could find. -Like this – Kai responded, sliding his finger behind the frame and soon locating a hidden bolt, which he proceeded to pop open with a satisfying click as he winked at him – Here´s the thing, my prince… They always expect the menace to come from outside, never from within.
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