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Casheon took a long, deep breath before pushing the large door open and entering the rich hall with a submissive stance and measured steps. His hands nervously twisting behind his back as he inevitably approached the throne, where his master sat. -What now, Cash? – The gigantic man propped on the visibly uncomfortable chair blurted out as he exasperatedly brushed his fingers through his bright, ginger hair – I swear a new tragedy strikes every time you show your appalled face! -That is because you insist on sending our men across that cursed strait! – The brawny officer boldly replied, holding his gaze momentarily before returning to a slightly more deferential behavior – With all due respect, King Hanta, that ice is still not solid enough… We lost half a platoon and three mastodons this time, they all drowned! -What about the mage? – The monarch angrily inquired – That blue-headed scum had just one job, to keep that water frozen and strong! -It was too much for him to bear – Casheon responded, sadly shaking his head – He died as well. They managed to pull him out after he fell into the broken ice he couldn’t contain, but he was already too weak by then, he didn’t make it through the night. -What a pathetic excuse of a sorcerer! – Hanta complained, spitting contemptuously on the floor with evident antipathy – He wasn’t even worth the trouble we went through to capture him in the end. -We couldn’t truly expect a single Sapphinx to be capable of handling the fury of the relentless ocean waves on his own – The dark red-haired soldier expressed – Much less when he was kept as high as the meridian sun! -Then we need to find another way to get to those shores! – The ruler irately screamed, throwing the half-full glass of wine he was holding at him – Don’t you see! The flames had never danced so wildly before! That Vessel must be in the prime of its power by now, and it ought to be ours this time! -We should wait until the winter fully sets in, Your Grace – Casheon insisted – The cold will help thicken the ice enough so that our troops can safely cross. -And what if it doesn’t? Then we would have wasted another year! – Hanta disagreed, slamming his fist on the chair’s arm – Our people have already waited for centuries, patiently watching that strait and hoping that the waters would fully freeze again… But they never do, and I’m sick of it. I won’t sit on my ass again until spring is here! -Then perhaps you might want to reconsider the volume of our army? – The warrior tentatively offered – Pretending to get through the Bhertang´s thin surface with all that weight is maybe a little bit too ambitious, I must say. -Absolutely not! – The monarch loudly cried out – Haven’t you heard the story a million times? Those aborigines are insane! We are going to need each and every one of our men if we want to win this time! -But there won’t be anyone left if we keep going at this pace, Sir – The soldier pointed out with a sad expression – So far, we have been massively losing assets to the mere elements before the war even starts… If you insist on continuing this way, who is going to remain standing to fight when it’s time? -Ugh, fine! – The large man grunted with mild annoyance, stretching his open palm at him condescendingly – What do you have in mind? -We could send a small scouting party first – Casheon patiently suggested – I would say, five or six men, tops, so they can quickly assess the safety of the terrain and advance more than just a few miles each day. -Are you kidding me? – Hanta furiously sniffled – Five or six men? We are expecting some serious opposition over there, Cash! That’s nowhere near enough to retrieve the Vessel and take it home! -No, but it should be enough to finally get our asses to the other side – The warrior confidently nodded at him – And it would be the perfect way to infiltrate those lands and quietly investigate where the Vessel is first, instead of blindly striking and putting them on alert. -I’m listening – The monarch simply said after a silent moment, scratching his chin and staring at him attentively. -I can pick the team myself – Casheon enthusiastically said – With a little luck and without the burden of the mastodons or the rest of our men, they should be able to reach the shores in just a couple of days. -Oh, I trust no luck at all, Cash, I’m sending you with them – Hanta firmly announced, waving his hand dismissively at him – And you are going to personally make sure that this goes our way. -Why do you even care about it that much after all these years, my darling? – Ihlla curiously asked, playfully crawling over him as her long magenta mane softly tingled his face. Her particularly low voice ringing deeply inside his ears and making his member harden instantly. -Because it should have been ours from the start – He bitterly sighed – The only reason they beat us was because they cheated… It’s time we got it back. -Are you sure about that? – She maliciously inquired, her slender fingers tapping markedly on his bare chest – Then why is it that all magic died in Ruhavk while theirs only thrived? -Because at some point we gave up, and we let it dry – The monarch puffed out – It is one of the things I intend to fix with this, and yet, not everything is lost. The fire still lives, and it strongly burns. -So, what will you do once you get it back? – The woman whispered against his neck, running her tongue down his skin – Are you going to kill them all? Do you think that will make things better at last? -It will make things right! – He solemnly said, seizing her by the hips and pulling her towards his pelvis – They broke the rules! -They paid the price – She retorted, grinding her dainty breasts against him – A very high one. They almost got their entire community wiped out, and they wound up in exile. Besides, neither of you got to keep it in the end, so why do you insist on holding this grudge after all this time? -Agh! Enough with that already, I didn’t come to chat – He hissed, lifting her slim body up effortlessly and ramming it heavily against the wall, his hands spreading her legs open and positioning himself in between her skinny thighs – If you keep pestering me with your silly questions, I will carve your tongue out! -Oh, you would never do that, my darling – Ihlla amusedly chuckled, grabbing him firmly by the jaw and staring right into his amber eyes – We both know that you like this tongue way too much, and that you love hearing yourself talk. He didn’t respond, instead he sighed and buried himself into her warm body with a defeated howl. The candles were lit when he opened the door and entered his chambers that night, finding the bed strangely empty as he cautiously paced inside. -You reek of w***e! Again! – A womanly voice loudly accused, as the door slammed forcefully and his wife appeared behind it with crossed arms, startling him – Why don’t you stay there for good, Hanta, why do you even bother coming back here? -Ah, please, Kaya! Don’t be stupid – He carelessly cackled. Recovering from his surprise and covering the distance between them, his hand softly caressing the bump on her stomach – I know my place. -For years you have done nothing but disgrace yourself and continuously disrespect me – She huffed, shrugging him off her and angrily walking away – Why don’t you just go already and let me be? -Are you crazy? – He cruelly laughed, clutching her arm and gradually squeezing it tighter, until she let out a pained yelp. His fulgurant irises flickering with titillation as he closed himself on her and whispered against her ear – Why would I ever give up on seeing your sad, little face?
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