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The soft rustling of the tent's curtain door being drawn made Axe raise his head up in its direction as the Xoltunian Princess quietly emerged from it. -Hey Phoms… – He tiredly greeted her, noticing the dark circles under her eyes and nodding worriedly at the girl – Do you have trouble sleeping, are you okay? -I miss the river and the lulling sway of its waves – She sadly sighed, dragging her feet around the campsite and plopping heavily next to him – I always struggle to doze off on land… I guess it’s just too static and harsh for me. -Well, you better brace yourself for the Sand Valley then – Axe winced, staring sympathetically at her – We are about to be surrounded by an endless desert and without a body of water in sight for miles and miles. -I know – She murmured – Dad always warned me about that whenever I insisted that he let me visit him at least once. Strangely, his daunting description only made the idea of trading the river for the dunes for a while even more appealing every time. -It must have been quite an experience though, growing up in Xoltun. They say it is such a mystical place – The blue-haired boy commented appreciatively with a tad of envy embedded in his tone – I wish I knew what it is like to be surrounded by crystalline waters all day. -It is very soothing – Phomeryka mumbled with a nostalgic expression that soon turned into a mischievous grin – But you grew up on the southern coast with the perpetual sound of the ocean ringing in your ears… I’m sure you know perfectly well what I’m talking about. -I do. But I wasn’t allowed to sleep on a raft – He chuckled lightheartedly – Believe me, I tried once… But mom said it was too dangerous. Dad, on the other hand, was more amused than anything. But in the end, he took mom’s side. - What was it like? Having them as your parents? – The Xoltunian curiously wondered aloud – I’ve heard so many stories about them throughout my life that they’re practically legends to me! It is hard to picture your heroes living an ordinary life. -Well, I guess we could say the same about Queen Histya, in that case – Axe carelessly shrugged off, giving her a flirtatious tilt of the head – I only know her through the tales other people tell of her fierce adventures and her famous battle feats… But to you, she’s still just your mom, am I right? -Yeah, I guess. I’d never thought of it that way – Phomeryka admitted pensively – It’s kind of funny when you stop to consider how everybody else sees your mom and dad. -Are yours really all what they say they are? – The blue-haired youngster inquired, leaning towards her and accidentally grazing her lap. -Well, if by that you mean to ask if my mom is the headstrong ruler with an iron fist, and my father your regular cutthroat Uplander with a beard as thick as his acrid mood – She chortled – Then, sort of! But they also have a hidden soft spot. Both do… Once you know where to look. -Yeah, I definitely can relate – Axe spiritedly giggled – Mom and dad are both so hell-bent and tenacious when they set their minds onto something, that it is hard to believe that they found a way to coexist peacefully throughout the years. -Mine couldn’t be more different from each other, to be honest – Phomeryka mentioned – They are just as contrasting as the places they come from… Father is the calmest person I know, whereas mom can sometimes be as wild as a rabid fox… But somehow, they’ve made it work. -Is it hard? Being away from your dad most of the time? – Axe cautiously asked – Is that why you want to see him so badly? -Well… I miss him, I won’t lie – The Princess nodded, after a hesitating moment – But that’s not the only reason why I want to visit Cahen… or why I’m doing this trip, for that matter. I just want to get a full taste of the outside world before I make my mind about staying at Xoltun, or not. -W-What do you mean? – The young boy confusedly breathed out – I thought you were meant to be a Xoltunian archer from the cradle! -Nobody is born to be anything, Axe – Phomeryka scoffed, raising a slightly judgmental eyebrow at him – You can always choose who you want to become, at least that’s what we believe. -So that thing about every Xoltunian baby being raised behind your walls with the sole purpose of becoming an archer and joining your ranks once they come of age isn’t true, then? – He muttered. -It is, in part – She shrugged it off – I mean, they do train us and try their best for us to choose them in the end. But the final decision is ours to make. After all, we are a women-only society for a reason. We hate oppression… So, the last thing we need is someone trying to impose anything upon us, not even our own. -But aren’t you kind of expected to take over your mother’s place as a ruler at some point? – Axe insisted with piqued interest – Or do you have any other siblings willing to assume that role? -Sure! Mom would certainly love me to follow her steps, of course – Phomeryka reasoned, scratching her head distractedly – But that is not my only option, and she knows that perfectly well… She paused, looking at him with a mildly comical expression, and patting his leg pointedly a few times. -As for your second question – She began saying with a cryptical grimace – Mom has been pregnant a fair share of other times, but I am the only female she’s ever had. -Oh, true… I forgot about that little detail – Axe murmured, embarrassed, his face blushing momentarily as he quickly averted his sight and cleared his throat – My point is, won’t she be a little disappointed if you end up picking an entirely different path? -Maybe – The Xoltunian said after a quiet moment of thoughtful consideration. Her eyes soon brightening as she gave him a careless rub on the back and broadly smiled – But this is my life, not hers… And hey! Mother is not even that old yet. Spring is around the corner anyway… Who knows? Perhaps this is finally the year she gets another heir. -So, no pressure, uh? – The blue-haired one huffed in a dubious tone – You’re just rolling with it and seeing where things flow. -Pretty much, yeah – She nonchalantly agreed, raising a curious eyebrow – But why do you ask? Are your parents forcing you into joining that army thing that Akoh was talking about? -Nah… I’ve been begging dad to let me in ever since I was a little kid – Axe murmured, rolling his eyes and shaking his head with sadness – There was a time when that was my biggest dream… I just wanted to be like him. -What changed? – Phomeryka wondered. Reaching tentatively for his shoulder while biting her lip. Her fingers grazing his back and making him shiver involuntarily. -Promise you won’t laugh? – He worriedly whispered, stealing a shy glance at her. -I honestly don’t know if I can promise you that, pretty boy! What if you tell me something hilarious? – She deviously giggled, her playful smirk devolving into a serious frown as she raised her arms in the air – Alright, alright! I promise I’ll try my best not to. Is that enough for you? -I started having these recurring dreams – Axe began recounting in response, his eyelids automatically closing as he did so – I can see others like me in them. Blue-haired children, women, and men. And I can feel their pull so clearly that it burns. He opened his eyes, nodding firmly at her with conviction and a palpable emotion oozing from his pores. -It’s like they’re calling me, Phoms! – He heatedly exclaimed, staring piercingly at her – Sometimes I see a shadow too. An elusive figure that will never show itself, but always fills me with utter dread… And all I can think of lately is how badly I need to find these people and the menace looming over them! -And why would you think I would laugh about that? – Phomeryka asked after a long silent moment, letting out a disappointed snort – That’s the unfunniest thing I’ve heard in my life! -I’m serious! – Axe defended himself, a treacherous smile creeping to his blushing face as he cracked up. -Oh. Me too! – She replied. Punching him lightly on the chest – But enough with the gloomy stories already, I came out here in the hope that I would be entertained. - I am no jester – The young man babbled. Offering her a nervous chuckle – So, you might want to lower your expectations next time. -You don’t say! – The princess grumbled, taking a distracted look around – It seems I am surrounded by the lamest bunch alive! Speaking of… Where's that Yahun? I haven’t seen him in a while. -He’s hunting – Axe calmly explained – Our rations are almost over… That’s why I’m keeping watch tonight. -Ah well, that shall give us some time then! – She friskily whispered in his ear, surprising him by motioning for his trousers with a quick brush of her hand – Let’s see if we can distract ourselves otherwise. He gulped down, feeling her warm hand slide over his increasingly hardening member through the thick fabric of his underpants. His lips suddenly dry, and his head completely blank. -What are you doing? – He managed to finally utter in a labored breath, a mindless moan escaping from his lips as she abruptly pulled his garments down – Oh Gods! What the heck? She didn´t respond. Instead, she grabbed his manhood forcefully in her palm and began massaging it vigorously up and down while eyeing him with a mischievous grin as he arched his body in pleasure and desisted from his initial protests. -Look at me – She ordered, driving her free hand towards her own nether regions and sticking it below her clothes, her eyes rolling up as she caressed herself rhythmically in the same way she did with him. With expert fingers, she rapidly found her bud and began flicking it while she attentively took note of every reaction she got out of the large blue-haired man she had surrendered below her, and every reflexive gesture that he made. -Imagine me – The Xoltunian woman continued saying in a vehement tone as she picked up her pace and her voice involuntarily strained with each stroke she gave – Imagine how I feel, how I look… How I taste. -Oh yeah – She heard him unconsciously pronounce to her most absolute delight, and a tingle sparkled up her groin in response as she watched him heedlessly smile with closed eyes. -Can you picture me? – She groaned, grinding her digits against her slippery flesh – Can you tell how warm I am inside? -I… I do – He stammered, blindly trying to reach for her clothes only to find her recoiling a little at his tentative prod. -Uh, uh, uh – Phomeryka clicked her tongue with an amused frown as she momentarily let go of him and waved her index finger left and right before his face – No touching. Use your imagination, my prince. With that, she went back at it with renewed intensity, firmly massaging him as she mirrored her movements on her own s*x as well. -I’m so close – She exhaled in a broken voice while her rubs became increasingly sharper, and she eagerly fidgeted inside her own trousers – Look how wet you’ve made me… Can you feel me coming? -Damnit! – He cried out as every muscle of his stiffened and a forceful discharge was ejected from his throbbing member, spreading uncontrollably all over her fist and down the ground. A broad smile appeared on the Xoltunian´s face as she kept him firmly clutched and fondled him a few more times with her eyes trained on his perplexed expression while she drove herself to climax a moment later before his stunned eyes. After that, he would remain speechless for a long time, until he realized that he was lying in the middle of the woods completely exposed to the elements, and he rushed to cover himself up. -That was… definitely something – He sheepishly croaked, shakily cleaning himself as best as he could before putting his drained member back in his pants, slowly recovering his breath. -Yep, that’s what I call entertainment! – She contentedly sighed, lazily leaning beside him and cheerfully elbowing his side – You seem quite taken aback, Your Grace… Don’t tell me that was your first experience, Prince Axe. -I wish – He bitterly puffed out – There was a less enjoyable one with this classmate once. Apparently, she told everyone. So, they all called me a freak and mocked me afterwards. -Oh, trust me – She sneered, rolling her eyes upwards – There’s nothing freaky down there… You are as normal as a man can be, Axe! -How can you tell? – The blue-haired prince curiously inquired, turning beet red against his will as he averted his blue eyes. -Well, we don’t have a problem with nudity back at home – She casually blurted out – And the Ceremonies are always very... enlightening. I’ve seen my fair share of specimens to know what I’m talking about. -Wait! – Axe exclaimed in realization after a few silent seconds – So, if you say that you are not prudish about being naked, then you… -That’s right! Congratulations! You finally figured it out – She interrupted him, leaning against his cheek and pecking it ever so softly – I’ve just been teasing you this whole time. And with that, she stood up and swiftly walked away, back to the tent. Leaving him sitting there deeply dumbfounded but equally submersed in a blissful charm, his thoughts momentarily distracted from the monsters that lurked in his dreams every single night.
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