1330 Words
-Is it true then? Are they really going for it? – Iktan worriedly asked as he walked down the corridor with Sehira´s arm wrapped around his – Isn’t it a little too drastic a response? I mean, it was just a bunch of kids, and they’re already contained! -Ussi is right – The masked woman heavily sighed – The ban is unsustainable as it is now, a revision is his best move… And you and I know that a bunch can turn into a load pretty fast. -Even so, do you think that handing out that kind of power around is a good option at this point? They are practically yielding all control! – The Yahurian warrior concernedly insisted. -Precisely! – The Guider sharply nodded – Let them share the responsibility at last along with the protection… People tend to care a lot more when they are invested, he is just inviting them to the table so they can be. -I understand, but why does it have to be all of them though? – The ex-cleric protested – Not everyone deserves such a privilege! -It is a simple token of good will – Sehira reassured him, patting his arm – And a wise way to even things out. Sometimes, you must give your trust first to get some in return. -It’s just… I never thought of Ussi as someone who would leave things to chance – Iktan puffed out dejectedly – And this seems like quite a big one. -He is not – The masked leader calmly said – He has carefully considered every outcome… But he knows his current course has come to a dead-end, and he is still a Yahurian: He trusts in fate above all. Besides, that “Everyone” you talk about includes us as well. Iktan fell pensively silent, and they soon reached a heavily guarded door before he could say anything else. The woman swiftly disappeared into the assembled crowd after the gate opened for them. Letting his hand go and leaving him standing with the rest of the different soldiers gathered behind. -Oh for the Gods´sake, Sir! – A familiar voice exclaimed as he felt his forearm being patted excitedly and repeatedly, making him roll his eyes – Is that your woman? No wonder you can get your junk up without trouble! She´s so fine! - Mikkho – Iktan mumbled with annoyance – I wonder how you’ve managed to keep all your teeth intact inside that ridiculously big mouth of yours? -That’s easy, I’m faster than most! – The guard cheerfully proclaimed, obliviously staring ahead with a silly grin plastered on his face – Do you know what’s all this fuss about, Sir? -You’ll find out soon enough – The Yahurian grunted, distancing from him as his eyes scanned the place and located every ruler and representative that sat ahead. The enormous esplanade they were on elevated above the main square of the city, where every inhabitant had congregated and expectantly waited. There was a loud commotion when the Commander and the Queen approached the edge of it and a mixed cacophony of cheers and boos welcomed them. The loud uproar would gradually devolve into a pregnant silence when the warrior raised his fist in the air and patiently stood there. -People of Lowland’s Gate! – Souna began speaking once the quietness had been completely restored, taking a decisive step forward – We’ve gathered you all here today because you are all a vital part of our realm, and we have important news to share. She made a sign with two fingers and a large wooden portal across the camp was lifted open, revealing a few dozens of disheveled men and women, who gingerly emerged from the shadows and confusedly joined the massed crowd. -These are the rebels that attacked our warehouse and tried to steal our guns – She announced, then she waved her hand to her right and two figures were instantly ushered towards the balcony for all of them to see – And these are the leaders behind them… She paused, deliberately allowing the seriousness of the moment to extend while she eyed the group with pointed graveness. -A blatant racist and a troubled kid with an agenda of their own have somehow tricked you all into believing that they care about your mishaps, only to recruit you into their twisted cause – The monarch loudly proclaimed – We know what made you do it, we understand. And unlike them, we will not hold any grudges against any of you… this time. You are all free to go. -Lowland’s gate was brutally slaughtered and left for dead sixteen years ago – Souna continued saying in a deeply emotional tone after the applause that followed her statement had ceased – But thanks to each and every one of you, we brought it back to life once more! We are all Lowlanders now, no matter where we come from or how! She took a deep breath, feeling a treacherous tear beginning to seep down her cheek, so she raised her eyes to the clouded sky before letting out the air and refocusing on the crowd. -We have been a diverse city for years, and that’s where our strength lies within! – The ruler resumed her monologue – So, I won’t tolerate any animosity among our ethnicities, is that clear? She pointed her index finger at the crestfallen couple of mutineers standing beside her and waved it sharply up and down. -The lies this pair have told you all have brought you nothing but imprisonment and death! – Souna angrily cried out – So, keep that in mind before you fall again for any of their hateful deceits! The remorse in the eyes of the freshly freed group was evident as she finished saying those words, and she could see the indignation with which most of them ogled the rebellious leaders. So, she took that opportunity, and nodded at Ussi, for him to proceed with the rest of their speech. -Firearms are deadly, and you all just got an undeniable reminder of that – The Commander took over saying – That is why the general population will continue to be banned from wielding them in the future… But that doesn’t mean that your arguments have fallen on deaf ears. -We have listened to your protests, and we are ready to make some changes – Souna intervened, gesturing towards the assembled monarchs and raising an eyebrow at them – Every realm will be given the necessary ammunition to arm their troops and defend themselves. -A small delegation will be sent to each of your cities, to instruct you on their use – Ussiariah pointedly remarked with a serious stance – And to ensure that you all meet the minimum conditions for their correct storage and maintenance. -You will all be required to keep your weaponry safe and away from unwanted hands – The Queen notified them in an authoritarian voice – And should you fail to do so, you must know that the Yahurian Guard will also be armed accordingly, and ready to act. -Now, if any of you still feels the imperious need to wield a gun after all of this, then you are always welcome to try out for the army and show us what you’ve got – Ussi casually mentioned, tilting his head in the crowd’s direction, then to the young pair of prisoners shakily standing on his right – That goes for you two as well. -W-What? – Kaionte mumbled in disbelief, looking mistrustfully at him – So, are you letting us go? Are you for real? -We are – Souna loudly proclaimed, giving him a malicious smirk – But good luck explaining to your followers why you acted so recklessly and got a bunch of them dead with your stupid plan, and let us see if they still welcome you with open arms.
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