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Phomeryka had made it back just in time to slither by her mother and occupy her spot, as Queen Histya and her archers took their turn to greet their hosts. -It is a pleasure to see your pretty face again, Yahun – Histya saluted Ussiariah, bowing her head slightly towards him, then to Souna – And it is even a greater delight to witness this happy occasion… She paused. Her eyes traveling pensively from Axe´s freshly arrived face, to the girl in the cobalt dress that stood fidgeting beside her, and smirking deviously before opening her plump lips and speaking once more. -May this be a joyous day, Your Majesty. As your son has now rightfully turned into a man – She acclaimed, raising a suggestive eyebrow at the Queen sitting before her and taking a large sip from the glass of wine she held while blatantly inspecting the blue-haired boy – So, cheers! And who knows? Spring is just around the corner… And I, for one, can’t wait to see what the Goddess brings, can you? There was a tense choking sound, after which Phomeryka took a small step forward and politely presented a delicate flower in a pot to the teenager, who sat between his parents. -A little token from home, Prince Axe – She explained, stroking its white petals absentmindedly – It is a waterlily… I hope you like it. -Thank you – The indicated boy responded in a faltering voice and a crimson face – I love it. It was true, he adored plants... And animals. And every living creature ever to exist on the face of earth. It was just who he was, it had always been like that. The bond he shared with nature and its creation was so strong that nothing made him happier than spending time under a palm tree, feeling its trunk vibrate with life and listening to the ocean’s song. So, the Xoltunian gift was by far one of his favorites indeed. There had been very few other presents among the mountain of pretentious junk that he had received throughout the night that he had liked as much… He was looking forward to playing the exquisite Mavaerian flute that King Ishtun and his wife had brought for him. And of course, he couldn’t wait to open the humongous bag of Nevarehan candy that Favena had gotten him. Apart from that, he really couldn’t care less about the pile of jewels and fancy clothing that had been slowly accumulating behind him. Bored, and frankly exhausted by the seemingly endless line of diverse rulers, he had been zoning in and out for hours until, suddenly, his interest was mildly piqued when a strong, golden-haired man entered the room, followed by a large group of similarly looking guards. - Ah, King Ghroghl, welcome! – His father saluted in an affable tone – Glad to see that you could make it… I trust that the winds were benign to you, and that your journey was safe then! -As safe as it can possibly be at this time of the year – The man bluntly replied, sliding his fingers distractedly through the wet strands of his short cut hair – We ran into a few storms on our way here, but nothing that could stop us from attending your kid’s special day. He smirked, waving his hand at one of his men, who rushed to place a heavy crate in front of them and swiftly crack it open for them all to see the contents of it. A loud gasp immediately resounding in the precinct as soon as that happened. -Happy birthday, big boy! – The newly arrived Monarch chanted. Winking at Axe mischievously and signaling at the massive rifle that was lying inconspicuously inside the metallic box – Here, a little present from Argant especially tailor-made for you. Because now that you are finally allowed to play with the grownups, I thought you should at least have your own gun. -Yeah, well… I’ll hold that for him if you don’t mind – Ussiariah stepped in. Wordlessly nodding at a grave woman that stood silently in a corner of the room – The use of firearms among the general population has long been banned in this land, as you are surely aware. -Oh, but that is just nonsense! – The Argantean King chuckled lightheartedly, shaking his head dismissively at him– You and I both know that this kid has never been part of any general population... He is the prince! Just let him have some fun! - And I am about to join our army anyway, Dad! – Axe chimed in enthusiastically, eyeing the shiny artifact with fascination - Oh, it is gorgeous! -That doesn’t mean that you will be allowed to wield one right away – The Commander immutably dissented – We will take this matter into consideration once you have proved that you are ready… Now Teranha, would you take King Ghroghl´s gift to a safe place, please? And just like that, the large box was promptly lifted by the stony-faced woman and carried out of the room before Axe’s disappointed sight. -Well, I guess it is my turn then – A flabby old-man spoke, making his presence known as he paced lazily forward, holding a turkey leg in his hand and noisily munching on it. Grease dripping all over his chin and clothes copiously. - King Savghor – Ussiariah sighed, giving him a measured smile that wouldn’t reach his eyes – We were not sure you’d come… After all, Midland’s Gate never sent a proper reply. -What can I say, Yahun? I wanted this to be a surprise!– The corpulent monarch responded, a malicious laugh erupting from his chest as he held his voluminous belly with his puffy hands. He paused, and just as abruptly as he had started cackling, a resentful stare replaced his previous forced smile. -I brought you a present too, boy – He announced, snapping his fingers impatiently at the tiny maid standing beside him, who reluctantly dragged her feet to the table where they all sat and placed a leather sack on it – Come on, open it! Axe tugged suspiciously at the chord that kept the dark sack closed for a brief moment, before untying it with agile fingers and extracting a cloth figurine from inside. His perplexed eyes darting to meet the monarch’s, looking for some clarification. -What is it? – He mumbled, staring dumbfounded at the trinket in his hand, then back at King Savghor´s eyes. -It’s a doll, you silly! – The enormous man stated, grinning venomously – See, I figured you should have your own… Given that you once knocked out a girl at my court over one. -He was a child! – Souna snapped, enraged – And you are a piece of garbage for even daring to bring that up! After everything that happened, and after everything you’ve done, you should have been overthrown! -Oh, but I wasn’t, was I? – The Midlander bitterly spat – My council found it more suitable to let me keep my title while they stripped me from every other faculty… I wonder whose idea that was? -Not his, you moron! – She yelled at him – So, why don’t you take your stupid present and shove it up your ass? -It’s all right mom, I actually like it – Axe mediated in a conciliatory tone, nodding politely at the large ruler and offering him a broad smile – Thank you very much! It is very thoughtful of you, as I’ve always wanted one. Ask Skhana… I was always borrowing hers as a child. -Yeah, that´s true! He was the worst! – The girl concurred, letting out an infectious chortle that would instantly lighten the spirits that had reigned over the tense crowd until that moment and made everyone immediately burst into laughter with her. After that, the music and the animated chattering would soon resume in the main hall, leaving the overweight monarch no other option than to retreat to his seat with nothing but a scowl on his face. -Maybe I should get that gun now, dad – The blue-haired boy muttered to his father over the loud noise, glancing at the angered man – It might come in handy after all. -That’s not funny, Axe – Ussiariah scolded him sternly, yet keeping his attentive sight on the Midlander as well. -No! You know what’s not funny? – Axe incisively remarked, his mood darkening – That you are taking away our people’s right to arm and defend themselves with your stupid ban! -I am not – The golden-haired man calmly replied – They can defend themselves just fine, just not with firearms. People will be crafty enough to figure out a way to kill each other anyway, every time. The last thing we need right now is having them all wielding such dangerous weapons… It is not safe. -And what happens when a greater enemy comes, and everyone is unprepared, uh? – The boy ardently insisted – What if our troops aren’t enough one day? What if we need every man and woman around to fight it out! It has happened before, and you know it! But you still choose to keep them oblivious to their use! Haven’t you learned anything after all this time? -It is not that simple, son… - Ussi started saying, raising an appeasing hand towards him and intending to touch his shoulder. -But it is! Don’t you see! – Axe shouted, recoiling from him – You are keeping a precious knowledge hidden behind the curtain just because you are afraid! You are doing the exact same thing your ancestors once did, and that didn’t end well for them! The pained look in his father’s eyes would make the boy gulp in regret as soon as he had spat those last words out, the awful aftertaste of them quickly burning his tongue with remorse. But he had already pronounced them, and he could no longer take them back… So, he did the only thing that he could think of next and stormed out of there without looking back. His outburst yet remaining unnoticed to most in the rising heat of the absurd celebration that was now nearly at full blast.
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