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The dark shadows engulfed the tall figure of the crestfallen youngster almost completely as he remained kneeling before the peculiar gravestone that stood silently in a corner of the palace’s back wall. The light rain that had started falling over him a while ago dissimulated the tears that now dampened his cheeks, making his face feel hot and stiff. -Did he send you to talk some sense into me? – He suddenly asked aloud as he kept his sight trained forward - You are wasting your time. -No, but I figured it couldn’t hurt – The familiar voice declared, reverberating behind its metallic shield as the masked woman laid a hand over his shoulder and gestured at the majestic marble statue of a gigantic feline, which solemnly marked the place where the creature reposed – And I knew I would find you out here. -He was my best friend, you know? – Axe sniffled, angrily wiping his face with the back of his arm -Maybe my only true one… -What about me? You i***t! – A girly voice asked, and he felt the sharp sting when Skhana punched him forcefully on his side -Am I not your friend or what? -You are my sister, Skhana, that doesn’t count – The blue-haired boy halfheartedly replied, throwing an arm around her and pecking her temple – And you can’t compete with Kohu, you know that! -Yeah, you’re right - The girl agreed, staring sadly at the monument – It’s been five years and I still miss him like hell! Why did he have to die? -Because he was old, and he was tired, my dears – Sehira-Xe offered, the grip on her nephew’s shoulder tightening – It was his time to go. -I wanted to help him. Did you know that? I would have done anything! – Axe muttered, his eyes narrowing with resentment – But father wouldn’t let me… He said that I should never interfere with the cycle again. He said that enduring his loss was meant to make me strong… So, he just let him die to teach me a lesson, like it was nothing! -I don’t think that was the case at all, Axe – The Yahurian Guider said in a severe tone, eyeing him with disapproval – If it hurt you that much, just imagine how badly it must have pained your dad! Remember, Kohu was your father’s sole companion for years and years on end, and he’d had him since he was a little cub! Of course, he would have loved to keep him living on forever… But in the end, he knew deep inside that the humane thing to do was to let him rest. -But why does it always have to be about following the rules and doing the right thing when it comes to dad? – The boy insisted, clenching his fists impatiently – What’s the point in owning that kind of power if it is never going to be put to use anyway? -Are we still talking about your father, Axe? – Sehira inquired with an arched eyebrow – Because somehow it feels like these complaints have little to do with his power and a lot to do with yours. -Well, he is the one who insists that I keep it under wraps – Axe breathed out – Just like with the guns, and every other leverage we have. -And how is that a bad thing? – The masked lady asked, tilting her head confusedly at him – I think that is quite wise! -Because we should be using them as a deterrent to keep our enemies at bay instead! – The young man responded with patent conviction – Let them know what would happen if they dared to mess with us! -That could work as well as it could backfire, Axe – The Yahurian woman explained – If you show people the contents of your pockets, they might try to steal them. And you and I know that we cannot take that risk. -So, we do nothing! – The blue-haired boy puffed out – We just sit on them and wait to see what happens next instead. As he says? -Well, maintaining peace is rarely about offensive, you see? – She sighed earnestly – Because when you feel the need to start making threats, then that means that you have already lost it, and your father knows that better than anyone. So, yes, until something else changes, that is his best move. -She is right, brother – Skhana opined in a contemplative tone – And your power could be used for a lot of different purposes, both good and bad. Father is only trying to make sure that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. -You all talk as if I hadn’t a say in any of it at all! – Axe barked at her, glaring at both – I am not a little child anymore, I can tell right from wrong! -You say well – The Yahurian dame concurred – And that is only because of the moral compass that your parents have worked so hard to instill in you… The same one that you are now questioning and putting in doubt. Why is that? -Because there is plenty that I could be doing to help our land! – The youngster cried out, visibly exasperated – But I haven’t been allowed to move a finger in years, only because they fear what it might attract! -Or maybe it is because you almost drowned us all the last time – Skhana pointed out, giving him a sardonic grin – Don’t you forget about that. -How could I? Not when everyone insists on bringing that up after all this time, no matter how far I’ve come ever since – Axe snapped back at her – See? You all claim to love me… You say that I am family and all that. But in truth, you are afraid of me, and I end up feeling more and more like an outcast every single time! -Relax, I was just joking – The young girl apologized, running a hand down his back – I didn’t know that you were still so irked by that. -Well, I am – The blue-haired man said, staring uncomfortably at his feet – It reminds me that I am a freak in the eyes of almost everyone. -So, that is the reason why you have been longing to find out about your origins and your people so much lately – Sehira- Xe deduced, squinting her eyes – Do you really think that it would change how you feel? -At least I would know I belonged somewhere – The boy responded – At least I would know if there is somebody else like me out there. -There is no one like you, my child, that is a fact – The masked woman asseverated – But maybe we can shed some light on that mystery after all and give you some peace of mind at last. -So, you already knew about the Sapphinx, uh? – Axe inferred, crossing his arms over his chest with a hurt look shining in his blue eyes – Why didn’t you ever tell me then? -Well, because you have been avoiding me, remember? – Sehira answered, raising her hand at him in a calming gesture – And because I really didn't know. This was the first time I heard anyone mention them by name… But I have been hearing plenty lately about these barbarian folks that some blue-haired people were apparently escaping from, back when they first came seeking refuge all those centuries ago… The Ruhavkians. -From whom? – Axe questioned her with a sceptical stare – Who told you that? Why now? -The Sigerdeen – The Yahurian woman somberly stated – Their oracle has predicted their imminent return, and they have been reaching to us for help. We don’t have much information yet, only that those Ruhavkians were supposed to be old history, but now they seem to be making a comeback somehow. -So, what now? – Skhana´s voice asked as the teenager bit her nails eagerly – What do we do next? - You two? Nothing! – The masked lady chuckled animatedly – Let me worry about this. All right? Thankfully, the twins are here for Axe’s birthday today, and I am hoping to find out more once I’ve had a chance to speak to them. She paused, giving the blue-haired boy such a purposeful nod, that it would make his next words get momentarily stuck in his throat. - Alone… - She muttered pointedly, patting him on the shoulder once - So, if you excuse me, I must leave. -But… But you said you would help me, Aunt! Why can’t I come with you? – The youngster complained, tugging pleadingly at the woman’s arm – How can you leave after dropping something like that on me? -And I also said: Not tonight, remember? – Sehira firmly reminded him as she turned around and started walking away from them – Now, why don’t you go to bed, my dears? It’s getting late.
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