Why, want me in bed again?

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CHAPTER - ELEVEN WHY, WANT ME IN BED AGAIN? Emarald's POV:- I woke up with sun rays directed at me. I cringed at least let me sleep at Saturday I barely murmured. I tried to shift but I felt like a heavy pillow was placed on me. I tried moving my hands to move the weight but felt something soft yet so strong. I finally opened my eyes to look what was the weight above me. But girl was I wrong. It was not 'what', it was who's body specifically who's arm was cuddling with me. I turned my head knowing exactly who was sleeping with me. I was hoping that he would be sleeping and he was. I again tried breaking free out of his grip but his hold on me tightened even more. I tried some more but his hold was of steel, not letting me out of it. All flashes of last night's events got refreshed in my brain and I went red. Embarrassed. Then I layed there beside him just noticing him. How I could see his cute but perfect nose. His lashes actually they looked bigger than mine. The tiny unnoticeable freckles on his nose and cheeks that you could not see from normal distance. His hair I wanted to run my hands in them. They were a little curly but only he could look good in curly hair. They were covering his eyes. His lips. They looked so soft. Just by watching him like this I wanted to so badly touch his face. I couldn't move my eyes away. But then.... "Hazel, take a picture it will last long." But then every single precious moment have to end. "I would but it is against the law to take animal pictures." "Move your hand, Brett." But he did not budge. Hulk. He grinned. Oh the nerve of him. "Move or I will boil you in hot oil then wash you in the dishwasher." I stated. "You have a wild imagination but we can use it somewhere productive." He smirked and his eyes turned that light forest colour that did when he was planning to do something mischievous. He then looked at me as if I was a prey and turned me over so that I was below him, caging me between his arm. Most importantly I could feel all of his muscles flexing above me and looking at his forest green eyes was seriously made me feel things, things I was not yet accustomed to and didn't want to be. It took all my willpower to say what I said next. "Do you want an example of what I said?" My voice was strained. "As though you don't like the feeling." He said but moved his arm so that I had the space to move. It's nice feeling my body again. Yeah right, like you weren't enjoying feeling his body against you. Shut up, brain. I got up and went to take a bath, leaving him there. I finished bathing and went for my clothes... Oh s**t, where are my clothes? You didn't brought them in, dumbass. I don't swear, brain. But I do. I opened the door a little and peeked outside. Phew, he wasn't outside. Might be downstairs. I came out and went to my closet. It was small walk in but I loved it. I took the first thing that came in my hand and turned around to go back. My gaze fell on the photograph on my bedside table and I stopped there. I wanted to look at it but it was just too difficult to even think it. I picked it up anyway looked at the picture that dad took of us together. It was the day I first saw him. He was the sweetest person you could ever meet. He helped me get up from darkness when I was made fun of, when I felt like nobody could love me. He was the kindest of all. Yet after everything I couldn't look at him because something happened that he couldn't take and became the reason of my loneliness. I wanted to look at it. Look at him. But it wasn't just the time. I was going to put it back there when suddenly the door opened and Brett's head popped up. "I didn't knew you were a fan of skitt..." He looked wide eyed at me frozen on his spot for a full five minutes with mouth hanging open looking at me from to bottom as though Savering the view, then I coughed a little to get him out of his reverie and to which he responded by hastily turning around. "Umm, I just came to let you know that I made breakfast." He gulped, his voice was very strained. "Yeah, uh umm, I'll come." "Ok, so yeah." With that he sprinted off, closing the door behind him in the process. "What was that?" I murmured questioning myself. "Well, that wasn't awkward." I changed quickly, braided my hair and went downstairs. He was really cooking there. I stood there observing him. I tried being silent but it was difficult, in fact difficult was an understatement. He was drowned in his own world. He was so into making it that he didn't even notice me walking in, just then I coughed a little making my presence known. He turned around with pancakes in his hand. Seriously. Is this the bad boy who is an airhead? Because it does not certainly feel like it. "Uh so I made pancakes." Just then I saw something behind him. "And burned some too." He placed the pancakes on the countertop but not at all meeting my eyes. Is the jerk shying away? He is so cute and sexy and Greek godly and... Shush, brain. "Brett, what happened?" I said and started walking towards him. Showing as if I knew nothing. As if he didn't see you almost naked. Shut up. "Nothing. We should eat." He said still not looking at me. "Are you sure?" Coming so close that it was only few centimetres between us. It's so not me. Since that day I have closed up. I should not be attached with anyone or anything. "Anything I can do to make it right." My voice getting that slutry edge which I didn't knew I had. I backed him up against the counter like any romance novel scene. He was looking at me now, his eyes asking me the one question I didn't want to think about 'You really wanna play this game?' He then smirked and every single exceptional moment have to end do he spun me around and his hands got placed on both side of me, caging me. We looked at each other lost on our own self consuming thoughts, and I again just forgot all the pain I experienced. Ever. His eyes, oh, his eyes, I can fall in love with them. Yeah. Yeah? What? No!! Then something like senses came back to us, we waited for a few seconds for the other to fill the silence but then he said with a defeated sigh. "We should eat." There was finality in his voice. I thought of saying something to make it less awkward but decided against. We just ate and he became his jerky self once again. "So see you tonight?" I asked, when we were at the door. "Why, want me in bed again?" He asked smirking. I went red and hyperventilated in my mind. Yeah, that's you. "I mean in the Halloween party." I said rubbing my hands together. "Nah." He said waving his hand. "Ok. Bye." I said in a low voice. "See you tonight, Hazel." He grinned shaking his head and went to his car, driving out of my lane. See you tonight, Jerk.
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