I will never leave you alone, Hazel

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I am the angel that wear's black. - Madelaine W. Blakeley aka me CHAPTER - TWELVE I will never leave you alone, Hazel Emarald's POV:- After Brett left I went to do some homework as I had many assignments to complete. I was not really in the mood to even walk but I have to, this is the senior and last year of the hell hole we call high school. I just have to get good grades, then I guess I'll feel a little completion in my life that isn't bad. Wasting my four hours of doing non - beneficial assignments that I could have used, to get my much awaited sleep, it was finally three p.m. so I decided to just eat Mac and cheese with watching 'friends' on Netflix. I started it and went on the road of Joey Tribbiani's gibberish jokes, which are by the way my favourite. It's now five o'clock and I am trying on the outfit I chose for the party which I really didn't wanted to go because of my over the top first high school party but having the persistent friends I have, I gave in. So now I just decided to wear a white dress which is till my mid thighs have a designer net in the stomach area and a golden and white leaf head band and made a cute simple bun out of my natural frenzied hair with a pair of white lace up stilettos.  I did a little make up and there I was finally ready to go but that cannot happen just because, first I don't have my own car and second that I don't know where the party is so I waited for Anna, Jasper and Bianca. It was thirty past six when a car finally pulled up in front of my house. It wasn't Jasper's car, I knew how it looked like, it was surprisingly Brett's black BMW. I can't get over the fact that it's so beautiful but I have more important issues at hand like, why the hell is he here and not Jasper. He came out of the car in his all black glory, looking uhh, I can't even describe. It should be a penalty for looking this hot, like seriously, it is really necessary. So, you agree, he's hot. How many times do I have to tell you? Shut it. Actually, I talk to my conscience like its someone else. He came towards the house but just when he was about to ring the bell, I opened the door. "Hey, Haze..." His words died down when he saw me. He was dumbstruck at first then moved his gaze up and down my body. He was in a trance, kind of and I also took him in. Again. To say that he is sexy would be an understatement. "That's like, I guess a guy's name." I said sarcastically. "-l. You should listen properly from next time, Hazel." His eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree, while he leaned in a little to whisper this I'm my ear and I shivered when his lips touched my earlobe. He instantly realised the position and stepped back, looking at the bell concentration clear on his face. "Hey to you to, but why are you here?" I asked curiously waiting for him to reveal the reason of being here, also breaking the silence. "Can't I come to pick you up?" He countered back. "I asked first." "I asked second." He said smirking. "Just spill it." I said deeply agitated. "I just called Jasper and told him that I'll pick you up." He shrugged. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Why would you do that now?" "You really are very complicated, you know, always thinking about the cons before the pros and to answer your question, you are not my mother so I don't have to answer you." He finished off with a smirk. I glare at him like my life depended on it. I really thought that once I start talking to the guy he won't be that infuriating but hah life really loves laughing at my face. Couldn't he just behave like he was yesterday, so caring, so thoughtful and so unlike right now. As if you don't like him playful. My brain is not in my own favour, its like it swapped with his. Always against me. But one thought did get stuck, he could read me more than I like to admit. Making me feel like he knows me more than anybody till now. And I didn't like it one bit. You do, you don't want to admit. "So, you're an angel." c*****g his eyebrow he leaned against the main door. "What?" I asked quizzically, but then realized that he was talking about my costume. "Oh, yeah, I am." I said, nodding my head. "Yeah, you are." He smiled. "What are you? Devil?" I smirked. "Nah, angel." He smirked right back. "You are wearing black." I stated, raising a brow. "I'm the angel that wear's black." He smiled evilly for a second then laughed for a second. "Are we going Hazel or you want me get out of these," winking and gesturing to his clothes, without me realising he pressed me against the wall and bent to whisper in my ear, "of course, in your room?" I went red, like not the little attractive blushing type but the cringy beetroot kind. He backed away a little, keeping his hands on my waist in tight grip and I did the mistake of looking in his eyes, those damn deep forest green pools of his eyes. So you swear now too. I was in a daze. Literally. His eyes were so enticing, I felt they were pulling me in. I was so close I could see his cute freckles. I could just feel the hurricane in his eyes. I don't know how long we stood there but then I pushed a little at his chest and damn I felt those abs. Okay I'm going insane. He pulled away. "We should go." "Couldn't stop thinking about kissing me." We both said at the same time and no, not like any other cliche I did not say the first but the latter, so, obviously you may imagine him going red as well. "We should go." He pressed a little more on 'go'. "You didn't deny it." I smirked. It was roles reversed time and I was enjoying every second of it. "Oh, come on Hazel." He started speed walking to his car. He is so cute. Yeah. I started laughing while locking the door. After that I went to his car while he opened the door. "I can open my door, you know." I said still laughing and probably looking like a lunatic. "You can say thanks like a normal person would, but how will that happen you're no normal." I shrugged, still doing my hyena laugh. "I can be embarrassed a billion times if it makes you smile." He smiled, a million dollar one. A real one. I stopped laughing and looked him to search for the sincerity, everyone else's words lacked. "And I'm not just saying." He added a few moments later. And I just knew it was the truth. I smiled. A real one. He started the car and we reached in ten minutes. No words were spoken then but it was comforting. The silence. It didn't feel empty with him. I looked out of the window all the while and it was beautiful. The houses, the roads. All the kids in costumes, they looked so happy. The lights decorating the houses, it was all just magnificent. After two years of not getting out of the house, back at my uncle and Aunt. I was homeschooled so it was an advantage to make up excuse of not getting out of the house. I couldn't call it home even after they looked after me as their own. It just didn't feel right. It always felt empty without them. It just brought back the guilt of not saving them and of making them even be in that situation. "Hazel, Hazel, we're here." Brett touched my arm. I flinched. And moved away from him, violantly. I didn't even knew when we reached there but I did realized I was breathing heavily. Very heavily as though I got another panic attack. "Hey, baby, calm down. I'm here. I'm here. Take deep breaths. In and out. In and out. Nothing happened. See, we're here at the party." I repeated the process a few more times until I was breathing normally again. My psychiatrist today me to stay a little away from the things that could trigger these attacks but that was for a while. And I think it was not because of the party moreover I guess it is because of the tou.... "Hazel, if you want we can go back to your house." He took my face in his hands carefully, stroking my cheeks with his thumb. It took me a moment to realize that he was indeed talking to me and I was just looking at him dumbfounded as if he was talking in another language. "No, no it's okay. I'm fine." I stated in a high pitched voice looking anywhere else but his eyes. "You know you can't lie to me, you can tell me anything Hazel." He looked so sincere, honest. But I can't. I nodded nonetheless. I haven't told anybody anything, so how could I tell him. But you want too. Oh, I know. I mean I know what I want. "I want to go inside, I feel like grandma sitting at home." I said rolling my eyes to put the effort and convert him back to his cocky irritating self because him being sweet almost opened old wounds and I could not take that. I may think of me as strong but not enough to rethink and feel all that. " Then let the party begin, Hazel." Brett rolled his eyes at my lame attempt to change the conversation but got the hint. Phew. I hope this never happen again or I won't be able to go through it. Not alone. "Don't worry, I will never leave you alone, Hazel."
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