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In your arms- Nico and Vinz "Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it." - Robert Mitchum CHAPTER- TEN IN HIS ARMS Emarald's POV:- Three weeks later It's final. I'm officially mad. I have been sitting here for four hours doing nothing but watching my three friends picking out dresses for Halloween for themselves. "I swear to god if this takes two more minutes then I'm out of here." "Patience." Bianca says laughing hysterically and I huff. "Yeah, we have to pick your outfit also." Anna says. "I have my outfit planned nobody has to worry about it." I tell them as Hannah asks between the black dress and white dress in her hands and I nodded towards the black. "Will we have the honor of seeing it?" Anna joked. "Not yet." With that I opened my phone to check messages. One was of Ben asking for any updates. Really it's my life not sop Opera. Next was of Brett? Sexiest man alive: Hi, Hazel. Is it over? Me: What is? Sexiest man alive: Is your shopping over? Me: No, at least more than half an hour. What are you doing? Sexiest man alive: Nothing. How about we leave go somewhere? Me: Where? To the hills? Sexiest man alive: Haha Hazel your sarcasm isn't fitting my phone. Me: Get your ego out of it, then. Sexiest man alive: So creative. Me: I know I am. For the record he saved his number in my phone after unlocking it when we were in the coffee shop and I went to the restroom. How he was able to do it? I don't know and he wouldn't even tell. "Guys, are you done?" I asked sighing shutting my phone. "Yeah, just a second." Before this I didn't knew that a second was one hour. _____________________________________________ I am exhausted. Seriously. This is insane. I have so much work precisely homework left. Right now I am sitting on my living room sofa doing homework. I did not have to do homework while homeschooling. But now I remember my freshman year. I was going in the kitchen to make dinner when door bell rang. What the! I saw the time and it was ten o'clock. Who the heck can it be? After wondering for about five minutes, I decided to see who it was. It's going to be okay, my inner voice said. I hope so. I had placed a bat near the main door for protection so I guess it's time to use it. I took the baseball bat in one hand and opened the door with the other. I swing the bat and closed my eyes hoping that the intruder lost consciousness. "Fuck." I opened my eyes again to have my jaw hanging on the floor. Literally. Shit. "Yeah, shit." It was Brett. He ducked the hit. "What .... What are you doing here? Why are you here?" I asked coming back to senses. "Hello to you too, but can I come in first?" It was raining and he was wet. I could make out his built chest as his shirt clinged to him more than ever and what a body he had. Sighs. Long deep sighs.I realised I was staring and could also see a smirk forming on his face. I took aside making space for him to come in and locked the door. He hanged his leather jacket in the case. I took him in the kitchen. "Now, what happened?" I asked in all seriousness. "Nothing." I gave him my best glare that I could muster. "I had lunch with my family today and my father said something. I left the house and drove on the city outskirts for hours. I couldn't go to Jake's house he have his family visiting so I came to the second person that popped in my head but I didn't wanted cause you any problem and was thinking about it standing your porch so technically I had a second bath." I couldn't stop myself to swoon on his British accent and definitely not on the way he said 'bath' or anything starting with'b'. But I had yet something more serious in my head. "You stood on my porch in rain. Are you insane?" I shouted, creasing my brows and used my left hand to sooth the headache forming in my head. "It rhymed." He said amused and I thought for a moment and burst out laughing. He seriously is insane. He could have gotten cold but he is thinking about rhyming. Huh. I laughed so hard that my sides hurt and finally stopped after a few seconds. "You go sit in the living room while I make you something. What do you want hot cocoa or coffee?" "Hot cocoa and do you have clothes these are really wet and I don't think you would prefer watching me naked till they are dried." He said raising his eyebrow suggestively. "Eww." I said making a face and went upstairs to get him something to wear. I pulled out an oversized men's sweat shirt and an oversized lower. This would fit him. I went downstairs and gave him the clothes on which after watching between me and the clothes for a few seconds, He made a confused face and he looked so sexily adorable. Did you just say that?! My inner self shrieked. "You wear them." It was more like a statement. "They are comfy." I stated. "Do you want to eat reheated pizza?" "That would work just fine." He smiled, a small natural smile. He looked so... Okay, stop, he is messing with my brain. He and his body. "You can change in the room down the hall on left." He nodded. I reheated the pizza and made two cups of hot cocoa. Then went in the living room. He was looking at the only photo I had decorated here. It had a story behind it. I smiled at the thought. "You look like your dad." He said smiling. "I had braces then and I was baking my favourite cake with mum and dad, which  was more like a disaster, on my 11th birthday morning." I smiled fondly at the memory while he chuckled. "Everyone says that, anyways here's your hot cocoa and pizza." It smells so good I actually moaned to it. "Did you just moan on smelling this?" He asked amused, chuckling. Red painted my face. "Oh just eat it already." _____________________________________________ After dinner we sat in silence until he broke it. "Can I stay for the night?" He asked hesitant yet pleading. I expected him to say something but not this. He wants to stay for the night. I think that can happen but I have never had any guy be in a house alone with me in daylight ever and he wants to stay overnight. Before my mind could comprehend the situation more, I said... "Okay." Yup, I said it. Woo hoo. "Thanks." We went upstairs to my room and he entered. He analysed every inch of it like memorising it. I felt like he was seeing my deepest secrets. My heartbeat was at full speed. My room wasn't small or big it was normal and had dark blue and white theme. Everything was at place too. When he broke out of his reverie I said, "I'll go change." I took a shirt and shorts from my wardrobe and went in the attached bathroom. After changing I came out and he was sitting on my bed. I plucked a cushion at him. "You'll sleep at the couch." I said getting on the bed. "No." He shook his head like a five year old. "What?" "I'll sleep on the bed." He answered wiggling his eyebrows. "No." I smacked his arm. "Common I won't bite, Hazel." "No means no and sleep now. I don't want to be sleepy tomorrow." With that I turned off the light. I could make out his body standing rigid and then he started taking his clothes off. "What the hell are you doing?" I whisper yelled at him. "Taking off my clothes." He said in a 'duh' voice. "Thanks captain obvious." I rolled my eyes though he couldn't see me. "I won't try anything promise unless you want me too." I could imagine him wiggling his eyebrows again. "Shut up and wear something." "Hazel I won't be able to sleep with clothes on." He sighed. "Good night." I yawned. Before falling in my slumber I heard him say, "You're too innocent, Hazel, too innocent, my Hazel." In an almost whisper. My hazel. _____________________________________________ I was going inside the house when I heard gunshots. I ran inside and saw my mother's dead form on the floor lying in the pool of her own blood and my father standing beside her, void of any emotion. In front of them was him, the one person I trusted the most who made me the reason of my parent's death. He evilly smirked and shot my father. They both were lying there lifeless because of me. If only I hadn't met him none of this would have happened. Then suddenly everything went black. I heard. I heard voices. "You did everything." "It was your fault." "You should have died." "You are a horrible bitch." "You did it." "Noooooo." I yelled and came back to senses. "I did it. They are dead because of me. I killed them. I should have died." I screamed. My breathing was unusual. "No no no, baby you did nothing." He suddenly enveloped me in his arms. He rubbed my back for some time whispering soothing words in my ears. His breath fanned my face making me weak in the knees. I was hyperventilating, I knew it. But he was having no problem easing my breathing. "Take deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale." He made me try the pattern for a few minutes until my breathing became normal. I couldn't believe that happened, I hadn't taken any meds for attacks from few months but I couldn't believe this right now and oh my god, s**t, Brett's the one that's helping me so might want to know what the hell I was saying before. "Thanks and .... sorry." I said looking sideways. "Sorry? Why?" He asked confused. "You had to witness that and I woke you up by screaming." I said biting my lower lip, lowering my eyes even more. "I have insomnia so I wake up even at the sound of footsteps. It's not a much of a deal." "Oh." I was greatful he didn't ask any questions or just didn't say anything else for that matter. "You should sleep now." He said walking towards the couch which was two steps away for him. Giant. "No. Stay." It was barely above a whisper but he heard it. "I am here." "With me." I drawled patting the space beside me. He smiled a genuine one. He stretched out on the bed beside me and I switched off the light. "Good night Hazel, dream of me." I smiled internally. "Night." Just when I was about to enter in my sleep I felt him place his arm on my waist moving me close to him. I was to tired to make a fit out of it. I smiled, a real one. I felt safe and free after a long time. In his arms.
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