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Song dedicated:- There's nothing holding me back by Shawn Mendes Not today by imagine dragons CHAPTER SIXTEEN :- I'LL DO ANYTHING EMARALD'S POV:- Entering the kitchen I saw Mr. Hulk doing something I didn't knew was possible. He was moving around, dancing and singing too. He looked too cute. God, this boy. I laughed a little inside. He didn't notice me at first so I coughed a little to get his attention. Not like that. He looked like a fat kid caught stealing a candy from a candy store. Except the fat kid s**t. I pulled out my best 'I'm disappointed, you shouldn't have done this.' face, to which his his eyes widened even more in shock and he shook his head violently. Aww. He was too cute for his own good. I agree. Out of the blue I started moving my body from side to side and started singing 'There's nothing holding me back'. The look on his face was priceless nevertheless he came out of his shocked state pretty quickly and started singing along with me while grinning like a Cheshire cat but he looked sexy in it. Oh, yeah? Sexy? Uh, uh!?!? Don't even try to deny it. Shut up. Phew. We crossed the counter separating us all the whilst dancing and singing, making us more pumped up. Why? I don't know. I actually forgot all the pain I had. Physical and all others. He changed to actual songs then, which made us perform on 'Makeba' to what we were performing now 'Girls like you'. The song came to an end starting one of my favourite songs from my existence, 'Not today' by imagine dragons. I literally love that song so much. Taking my one hand in his and placing his other on my waist, he swayed slowly pulling me incredibly close to him. I hesitantly placed my other hand on his shoulder and let myself lose even though it was the most impossible task it could think of. Not because it was real slow dancing but it was with him, him being so close to me making it hard for me to breath. I was making new memories for when I would have to leave this place nonetheless this, every single thing happening was bringing back memories. Memories which were too hard to remember. Memories I didn't wanted to remember. I shook my head, letting my brain know that these thoughts didn't affect me. That much. Unconsciously I placed my head on Brett's chest, my eyes fluttered close and a deep sigh rose within me. His heart was beating fast to say the least, it may be his normal heart rate because it wasn't like I effected him in any way. I was plain. Very plane. I wasn't like the model figure girls that he went out with. He's with you now, isn't he? Yeah, but... No buts just let loose for one time. So I did just that and we completed the whole song like that. In the same position. Even though our minds were running a mile away. I felt good. Like myself, my old self just with a better mindset. I was getting more and more comfortable and familiar around him. It was the scariest yet the bestest I have felt in a long while. He was like my own safe place. I am getting attached. Again. The song came to an end eventually, it took long enough like I didn't knew it was that long. Or the song changed and we didn't notice. I didn't notice. We untangled ourselves from the wrap we were in few seconds ago and I felt cold. That is the cheesiest thing I could have said and you may thing I'm just saying this to make this seem romantic but no that's not the case and I really felt safe as a friend around him. More than a friend around him. Ugh. "I thing I might have too make the pasta again." He stated, while looking at the pan in distaste. "Why?" I tried leaning over him a bit to look at it, failing miserably because of his height. I rolled my eyes internally. "Well it's burnt." He rolled his eyes at my short self and moved aside. Jerk. "Ha! I knew you couldn't cook." I clapped my hands loudly, grinning from ear to ear. He just proves my point. "Well you can't too if a human sack just decides to manhandle you." He smirked. Oh, how dare he call me a human sack? "The way you dare to become one." Did I say it out loud? "Yes, you did." He smirked again, the nerve of him. "Ugh. Just cook it again. I am gonna go and do something productive unlike some people." I gave him my best fake smile and flipped my hair in a Regina George move, leaving the kitchen swiftly after but not fast enough to not hear him laugh wholeheartedly. I smiled. I just wanted to make him smile or laugh at least once in a day. It suits him. Waiting for someone is the worst thing that could possibly happen to you and I being the lucky one was getting the opportunity to go through that. "Brett, what are you doing? Cooking pasta for the whole Ohio?" I wailed from the couch for the billionth time in the past thirty minutes which personally felt like two decades. So much pain. Phew. "Patience is the virtue to success." He quoted while entering the room with both of his hands occupied by two plates. I don't get up to help him, periods are crap. "No, patience is the virtue to starvation." I moved my hands dramatically, trying to get my point across his thick scull. He chuckled at my antics and placed his butt on my couch, almost shoving my legs aside as I was groping the couch like a starfish. Again jerk. "Stop the dramatics and just start whatever movie you put in it." I whacked his head. "Hey." His tone whiny. "Stop being a cry baby. Mumma's not gonna leave you." I said in a baby voice, cooing him. He swatted my hands away from his face, making a grumpy face. I smirked at him and started the movie. The reaction was exactly what I had expected. Shock. He was so shocked while I sat next to him doubling over in laughter. It was a sight for the world to see and the headlines would be 'Greek god died of shock and the whack head next to him died of laughing.' I could earn a million by it. Just kidding. I sobered up after a few minutes of more of my during hyena laugh. "Don't be so shocked!! You earned that." A laugh escaped my mouth again. "Really though? 'The fault in our stars'?" He gave an amused side grin. I bursted up again at his question. "Yeah, well you have read it and I got to know that little fact about you so I thought that I might surprise you by it." I shrugged. Scrunching his nose, he shook his head, amused. He's being amused with me as though I'm some kind of monkey. Just so you know, I don't like monkeys. "Just continue it already." I did just that. The movie was my favourite, as always. It's just something about them both that I love too much, their love was pure. Even if it's only a novel it makes me want to marry Ansel Algort. He is so hot. Not as much as Brett. My conscience was moving my imaginary hands in a semicircle, singing hallelujah. It was the ending letter write now and I was in tears, leaning on couch cushion for support so that he couldn't see me cry. What a sight it would be? The girl who doesn't like to cry on her past cries on a movie. A simple plain fictional movie. The credits rolled in pretty quickly after that. I had eaten the pasta and the popcorn *cough* he made popcorns two more times after the initial one was finished by me in five minites *cough*. I coiled around the cushion a bit more. "Hazel, not that I mind but my arm needs a little rest don't you think?" I shifted my head from the cushion to see it wasn't the cushion that I was snogging it was his arm. His arm. s**t, stupid. Stupid Emma. A blush broke out on my face and I placed my palms on my cheeks to contain the redness to myself. Embarrassed. That's what I felt. What was I thinking? Don't I have eyes? God, it's only me that you have problems with. I mean I know many of you have more problems than my own but let me just say this, Why god, why? "Stop daydreaming, princess. I know you're cute and all but that is plain creepy." I didn't know to blush at him calling me cute or mad that he called me creepy. I choose the latter. "I don't look creepy and what if I do? I am not the arrogant one that think he's a greek god and every single person kisses the ground he walks on." I huffed and moved my head in the other direction. That wasn't successful as I was yanked back into the other direction. His direction. "Know when to open your pretty little mouth, okay?" His eyes was lost of its forest green now, they were that dark green when the storm comes. "Okay?" His voice boomed in the lonely house. "Okay." I replied back timidly. His eyes turned back to their mischievous forest green and he started cackling next to me, not letting me free though. "What? Seriously?" He was joking, the nerve of him. "My nerves are in check Hazel besides it was fun seeing you fearful." He chuckled, the stomach clutching one. "It wasn't even that funny, Jerk." I swatted his head a few times, he grunted. He deserved it. "So we're sticking to jerk only? No honey boo boo, s**t?" He smirked. Doesn't he get tired? "No, I don't get tired of smirking. Really, you think these kinds of things?" I rolled my eyes at him. "You want me to call you honey boo boo?" I smirked, completely ignoring the question he asked. "Well you can call me dog s**t for all I care and you'll still be my Hazel." His tone was offhanded but his eyes said that it was true. Oh god, it was. How can you not want him? I can't ruin him, too. "You again overthinking?" He knocked my forehead as if it was a door. "Stop telling me what I'm doing." I flicked his forehead. "Don't flick me." He flicked me back. My mouth opened in a un-me like fashion. "You don't flick me." This came a few more times till I swatted his hands away. "And you don't do that too." Before I could process anything, in came his hands on my sides for tickling. I hate that bloody thing. "Stop! Stop?! Sto- st- Bret- Brett stop!!" He was on top of me and both of my hands were clutched by his only one hand above my head. Hulk. "Ple- pleeeaseeee! Please, Brett please!! I'll do anything." This got him to pause. Oh, s**t. I'm dead. "Anything?" I was done deal. I knew it. I also knew that he would not let me go till he heard what he wanted. Please, save me god. "Yeah, anything." Wait a second, he might say... "No kissing or anything related should be there." I clarified. "You can say s*x, it's not a big deal. We're in our senior year and I wasn't going to say that anyways." I smiled, my gaze on the black carpet of the living room and I knew him enough that he was smirking, again. "You can let go of me now." I stated, a smirk formed when his face got red. Immediately he got off of me and sat beside me. He is so cute. "So what do I have to do?" I asked raising my eyebrows, awaiting his next strike like a wounded animal. "I'll tell you when the time comes." He smirked. That smirk was haunting to say the least. Now, I'll have to look out for my life. "Always the dramatic one." I said it out loud. s**t.
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