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A line dedicated to this chapter is :- 'You see her when you close your eyes Maybe one day you'll understand why Everything you touch surely dies'. CHAPTER FIFTEEN :- FOR HIS OWN GOOD BRETT'S POV:- I was seating on her bed right now and it smelt just like the girl itself although I loved her fragrance when she was in my arms and that had happened more than I could imagine. This girl was driving me insane. Her fragrance, her mind, her pout, her mindless babblings, her embarrassed state, her smile and at last her eyes, those hazel eyes were driving me insane. No, I'm not in love with her. Well I don't do love and I could not just do something because I knew that whatever I touched, died. I couldn't even imagine anything bad to her, she was so perfect but as I said I just like making her happy as it kind of light's up my dark world and that's that. Coming out of my thoughts my eyes fell on the frame on her bedside table, which she was looking at yesterday morning. In a towel. Just a towel covering her body. I moved my head in the other direction so fast when I realized that she might feel uncomfortable if I looked at her like a prey that my neck got hurt.  What was in that frame anyway? Getting up I took it in my hands and inspected it a bit and it was odd to say the least, Hazel looked thirteen or fourteen, smiling more like grinning at the camera and an arm was wrapped around her shoulders. I couldn't see the boy that was holding her as the picture was folded, cutting out the face of the boy. I heard a cough behind me. I swirled around around and there she stood looking innocent yet tempting in just a pair of baggy clothes. How was that even possible? Because any other girl would look like a troll, no offence because I'm not saying that any girl should cake up her face with different products to look beautiful but I'm just saying that she looked good without even knowing or trying. "Why is this photo folded?" I finally asked, she looked a deer caught in headlights with the way I was staring at her. She came towards me slowly yet hesitantly and took the frame out of my hands, opening it from the back and taking out the picture painfully slow. Her mouth fell open a little, her eyes gleamed with unshed tears and she looked she was going to break any second like bon China plates that my mom doesn't let any of us touch. "He's my brother." She breathed out, now meeting my eyes. The shock was evident on my face, as my mouth fell open and eyes widened. I tried to say something, anything to break the silence but I couldn't get anything out. I didn't expect this, I was actually rooting for an ex that she couldn't get over from but this was unexpected. Yet she continued, without breaking like again I was betting on. This girl was unbelievably strong.   "He was my brother. He loved me so much, I love him too much. He was everything that I needed, he was my safeguard and the only person who was always there to talk about silly girl problems, to talk about the 'hot boy topics'. He was stupid, very stupid always putting me on top of all of his other priorities. One time on Christmas Eve when we were shopping  I saw a really beautiful vintage red rose terrarium pendant but I already had bought loads of Christmas presents for everyone so I didn't bought it. The next day I woke up to a pendant on my bedside table with a note saying, 'You don't even need to ask me for anything. P.S. The way you were looking at it was weird but I love you weirdo don't do that from next time or people will take you as a thief. - By the best the person in your life.' But one mistake ended it all, one bloody mistake and now I don't even know where he is." By the end of it, she was a blubbering mess and I was clutching onto her as if for dear life. I just couldn't let her cry. She was too innocent for crying but even I knew that she had to get it off her shoulders so I took her in my arms and made her sit on my lap while I stroked her hair, saying small nothings in her ear. I made a promise too myself, a promise I was adamant to stick to. That I would never let my Hazel cry, ever again. _____________________________________________ EMARALD'S POV:- By the time I finished narrating a part of my son story, I was sitting on Brett's lap and I don't even know how or when. It was maybe just for the stress of the moment like I was doing now. Overthinking, every single thing. So what if I was on his lap!? It wasn't like anything was going on between us. Like that would ever happen. Oh, it would. I seriously need a different conscience, which actually supports me. I shook my head a little to get my thoughts collected. This got him to move his head from my brown locks and look at me questioningly. "You okay?" His voice filled with concern. How anyone thought of him as a bad boy was beyond me? "Yeah, I'm fine." Nodding my head leisurely, I tried to get off of him. "What are you doing?" This came from him with a quizzical expression as though what I was doing was absurd. "Getting off of you." I replied, making an equally quizzical face. "Oh." You would think he would let go of me but no his hold on me tightened even more. "What?" He didn't reply. "Brett? Brett?!" My voice came out as a shriek at the last word as he snuggled his face in the crook of my neck. "I'm sleepy. Let me sleep." I felt bad. I might not remember what I did yesterday after drinking but I do know that he brought me home and took care of me all night, let's just say I wasn't that sleepy yesterday. His voice genuinely sounded sleepy and there were dark circles under his eyes. "Just let me get off of you and then you can sleep on the bed." I tried reasoning. "No, I want to cuddle." He groaned lightly, and suddenly I was picked bridal side and placed on my bed, he got in the bed a few seconds after me. I didn't knew I was that tired but when my head hit the pillow, I realised that I seriously needed this sleep so I let the sleep overtake me before falling asleep though in came Brett's arms around me, engulfing me completely. I felt protected, like I belonged there. With him. _____________________________________________ Waking up wasn't that much of a problem. Waking up with a hulk on you, literally on you, is a pretty much big problem. I tried to get him off of me yet he just groaned, not even budging a little making me feel like an ant in front of an elephant. I felt quite small in front of him. I wasn't that small, I mean I was 5'8 and that is a moderately good height if you weren't standing or in my case enveloped by a hulk of height 6'4 and a built that would put any guy to shame. "Brett? Brett? Brett?!" I repeated a few times but no response whatsoever. Okay, I have had enough. I do the cruelest thing I think anyone should not do when you are asleep. "Stop poking me." Words. That ought to do it. I knew my plan would work. "Not until you get up and make something to eat for me." I grinned evilly while saying this even though he couldn't see my face even if he wanted to because my back was pressed tightly against his bare torso. One second, bare torso? Oh s**t!! "What the hell?" I yelled, it came out a strangled shriek. This woke him up completely. "What? What happened?!" He too yelled, his hands leaving my body quickly and he fell on the floor in the commotion. "Fuck." "Oh shit." You can tell which came from which. I got off the bed myself and tried helping him get up. "What the hell are you doing?" He said, after I was done trying to pull him up. I was panting like a dog. Hulk. Yeah, I know not the bestest of ideas besides tell my mind that thing. I gave him my hand to get up, taking my hand in his much larger warmer ones, he got up. "You were really trying to pull me up." I laughed escaped my lips and I gazed down at my feet sheepishly, the grin not leaving my face. "How creative? Have you seen yourself?" He moved his hand from his towering figure to my smaller one as if comparing our heights. "Hey!!" I swatted his hand away. We came downstairs bickering about who was a better cook and let me just say that the ten seconds journey of coming downstairs became ten minute journey. Phew. "Okay, I win Hazel. What do you wanna eat?" I grinned at him. "Told you. One second, hey!! I won, fair and square because I don't not win speaking battles." I hit him at the back of his head again to which he groaned, I have done that at least fifteen times in the last five minutes. This boy. "Just tell me what do you wanna eat?" I shook his head dramatically. "You actually gonna make it? Okay, then I want mixed sauce pasta and oh, after that make some popcorn so that we can eat it while watching a movie." I said in one breath, pulling out my thinking face with a thoughtful finger on my chin. "Patience, Grasshopper patience." A smile broke out on my face. "You've read 'The fault in our stars'?" "Yes, is that a bad thing?" His cheeks turned red. "No, a very cute thing indeed." I bit my bottom lip and his eyes lingered there. Now, I was red. "Whatever. You go put in some movie while I make this." "Yeah, sure. I'll be back." I walked into the living room, all the while bobbing my head to the song playing in my head. I connected my TV to Netflix and found the perfect movie to play. Wanna guess? Entering the kitchen I saw Mr. Hulk doing something I didn't knew was possible. He was moving around, dancing and singing too. He looked too cute. God, this boy. I laughed a little inside. He didn't notice me at first so I coughed a little to get his attention. Not like that. He looked like a fat kid caught stealing a candy from a candy store. Except the fat kid s**t. I pulled out my best 'I'm disappointed, you should have done this.' face, to which his his eyes widened even more in shock and he shook his head violently. Aww. He was too cute for his own good. I agree.
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