Can I jump off a Cliff?

1955 Words
Chapter seventeen :- CAN IT JUMP OFF A CLIFF? Emarald's POV:- I knew I was dead the second I made the deal with the devil himself over just some petty tickle fight which wasn't even my fault but who was I to blame, I was the one that suggested the deal. I am so dumb, I mean literally, couldn't I just wait a little while surely he would have stopped, nobody could just go on with tickling forever. It had to end nevertheless I was at fault here and now I had to just wait to get striked. Yeah, I know you think it's not a big deal but you weren't the one that was in front of him when he gave me his mischievous infamous smirk. "It looks like someone just killed your dog." Oh, right he was still next to me and it may be like that because I still haven't left the couch as I was in shock from his last statement. "It looks like I will kill your dog." I deadpanned. "For that you'll have to come to my house, so why don't you?" "What?" My eyes widened. "Yeah, I always have Sunday dinner at my house in which all of us have to be present." He explained with a nervous expression. "And you want me to come? Won't that be weird?" I scrunched up my face. "Yeah, moreover for me it would be less weird." He rolled his eyes. "Okay I'll come but come on it can't be that bad." I laughed when he stuck his tongue out while his eyes rolled back. "You don't say." _____________________________________________ Up came the sun in my room beaming at me when I opened my eyes the next day. I groaned and rolled around in my bed trying different positions in which I could just get some sleep. Yeah, I'm not like any movie type of girl that would look like a goddess while waking up and yawning so I just groaned again rubbed my eyes to get my vision clear, finally making my way to my attached bathroom. I got in the shower not bothering to take any clothes with me. Oh yeah, Brett wasn't here because I finally kicked him out around 11 p.m., not literally kicked him out but convinced him to go home when he told me that he haven't gone to his home since four days without telling them where he was going. i***t. I closed my eyes savering the feeling of the hot water on my skin which made goosebumps to erupt. I stood there a few more minutes to ease my nerves. Coming out I went to my small walk in closet and started to find a perfect outfit for me to wear today. I looked through all of my clothes but none looked suitable for meeting someone's parents. Ugh. Brett should have at least told me before breaking this bomb on my head. Are you crazy? Shut up, I'm nervous. Why? It isn't like he's your boyfriend or anything. Your mind goes in only one direction. I am a mind. Your mind. I went through them again this time a little slowly processing all the clothing I have without going into my la la land. Yup, found it. It was a high waisted blood red skirt which came to my mid thigh and a plain black top which a jacket on top pairing these with thigh high black boots. I made a messy yet sexy bun at the top of my head and applied eye liner, mascara with a hint of my favourite cherry lip gloss. Yup, all done. Patted my back a few times that I actually made myself look presentable I went to message Brett to pick me up. Me: Hey, all ready!! Come pick me up. His reply came back in a few minutes. SEXIEST MAN ALIVE : BRETT Already? Couldn't wait to stay away from me? Me: You know I think I might not be able to come. SEXIEST MAN ALIVE : BRETT Hazel, I take that back. I'm coming. On my way. Hazel? Hazel?! You can't just not answer me. This is what he had texted me in the last ten minutes but this one new text made me hyper. I'm so gonna punish you. Me: What?! SEXIEST MAN ALIVE : BRETT I knew it will make you reply, I'm so in tears. You made my day, Hazel :) I sighed and returned my phone on my bed side table. In less than one minute I heard a car honk in front of my house. He's here. I picked up my phone once again, checked that my hand bag contained everything necessary and quickly have myself a onceover for any flaws. None on the outside. Well inside..... I practically ran downstairs taking the keys with me and opened the door, closing it shut and locked it extra jumpily. If that's even a word. My nerves are all over the place. I went to his car, fawning over it once again and appreciating the person inside too as he was going through something on his phone. I opened the car door which finally took his attention off of his phone. I think it would have been nice if he was busy on his phone and not diverted his attention to me. His mouth fell open and his eyes scanned me like x-ray, well better than x-ray. "I am rethinking about the punishment." He finally said after taking my attire in and a smirk found its way to his face. Jerk. "Pervert. Keep your mind out of the gutter." I rolled my eyes to add effort to my statement when inside I was again hyperventilating. This boy. Doesn't he know the meaning of friend? "My mind right now is nowhere except on you." A blush broke out on my face faster than lightening. Blush would be an understatement because what I was resembling would a beetroot. I don't even want to look at my face right now. "Shut up." I know. My lamest reply ever. "Aww, you can say better than that." He pinched my cheek with one hand while his other was gripping the staring wheel. I glared at him in response. "Yeah, I can but that might make you die of shame." I smirked. "You're never really this sarcastic with anyone except for me." His face contorted a cute frown. I scoffed. "You make this side of me more prominent." "You know what can I make more prominent?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows. He doesn't back down, I swear. "Can I jump off a cliff?" I replied rhetorically, looking at the roof of his car as if asking God. "Ha ha, I'm dying of laughter." "Die then." I gave him a sour look before looking out of the window of the car. There were only forest on both sides of the road. "Brett are you gonna kill me here?" I asked rather cheerfully. "For a person going to get killed you sound rather cheerful." This came his reply, repeating what I thought. "No, not now. I'm just taking you to my house remember?" "Yeah right." I said sarcastically. He chuckled silently while I smiled. We reached in another ten minutes of me asking when we'll reach there. It was anormous, large, extra large and so beautiful. Even the word itself would shy away from this house, no no mansion. It was white and had four pillars in the front and it made the house even more grand. Wow. "It's not even that good." He said rolling his  eyes. "Sorry that I actually appreciating something that belongs to you." I opened the car door. "Hey, let me park the car inside." I closed it shut again. He did just that and then we went inside the house. On the inside it was even more beautiful, everything was colour coordinated. Cream walls, crystal chandeliers and more and more furniture that made this place look heavenly magnificent. The staircase was in the middle like in those typical movies and on the walls hung the photos of the family. "Oh you're so beautiful." Came a gushing female voice from around the corner. When did she enter? "I'm Elana." So she must be the mum. She was tall, really tall like 5'11 which I had kinda guessed since her son is well, tall. Her hair were dark brown and straight. Her face had a heart shape giving the perfect model look. Maybe she is one? "I'm Emarald, Mrs. Hartwell." I took my hand out in hopes of her shaking it but she quickly denied and took me in her embrace. It was like I was hugging my mom. A sigh erupted from somewhere within me. "Call me Alana from next time." I came out of the embrace after a few seconds. I am thankful that I did because what happened next could have left me deaf. "Boys!!" She yelled. In 5 seconds I felt like a football team appeared from all around, just of different sizes. The only one that caught my attention was a full grown up that had his jeans halfway up his legs. Literally. "What the hell are you wearing Tristan?" She shouted again, lines appearing on her forehead. "Actually it should be 'what the hell are you not wearing Tristan?'" No, Brett didn't say it. The one who said this was the shortest of them all, he also imitated his mother at the end of the line. Brett was cackling beside me while I tried to stop my giggles too but it was difficult you'd know if you were here so I just stopped trying to seize it and started laughing out loud too. When all our laughing wore down then everybody started introducing themselves at Alana's command. Boys. Correction: mumma's boys. I was chuckling at their antics. "Hey, I'm Joey. I'm 15." He had light brown hair, which were messy as though just came out of shower and had light grey eyes. "Hi, I'm Tobiath and I'm 23, also the biggest." He was had just the same features as Joey just I guess mature. "Hi, I'm Zachary, you can also call me Zach and I'm 19." He had baby blue eyes and he was really cute. "Hey, You must know me already but yeah I'm Tristan and I'm 21." He completed his intro when Alana glared at him. He had a little long hair which were tied at the back of his head and had ocean blue eyes and had that same mischievous glint in his eyes that I saw in Brett's forest greens. "I'm Tomas. 13." He freckles on his face and had brown eyes. He looked really shy nonetheless cute, he also had a brush in his hand which meant one thing; he painted. A cute painter. Nice. "Hey I'm Steven and I'm 16. I think you're beautiful." I chuckled at that one so did everyone else. He looked just as Zach just his haircut was a bit different. "Hi, I'm Noah. And I'm 20." He was sexy. He had same eyes as Tristan furthermore he had a golden boy image. "Hi, I'm Phillip and I'm 6." He was so cute. "Can I call you Phil then?" I asked raising my eyebrows, grinning slightly. "You're Pretty so you can." He shrugged offhandedly, right then I looked at Brett and he also shrugged, bobbing his head up and down as if it was a normal thing for a six year old to say. "Well it runs in the family." Boys. "Well, I am William." Up came a voice booming through the house making everyone especially Brett stop in their tracks.
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