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CHAPTER 14 IT'S HARD TO STAY AWAY. FROM HIM. EMARALD'S POV:- "Pwetty pwease?" I asked in a baby voice. I pouted. I moved towards him a little more. Ther was only one centimetre of space left and I tried closing that too but before anything could happen, Mr. Party Pooper decided to move his head on the side so that lips landed on his cheek. Wow. I didn't accept the defeat and just gave him a sloppy kiss there. I then moved my face a little backwards while taking his face in both my hands, making him look at me. Just as his eyes met mine, I grinned. "What have gotten into you?" He shook his head, as if disappointed at my behaviour. Ha. As if that was gonna stop me. But his lips twitched upwards, so I knew he was enjoying this. "Why didn't you let me kiss you?" I made a weird expression, my eyebrows drawn together. "Haz..." He began, but I cut him off. "Oh, I know now, you don't like me." Understanding dawning on my features, my drunk mind didn't have any problems making look desperate because that was the only way to subtle way to describe what I said next. "You don't like me too. Am I that bad, that nobody can just take me for who I am? My parents left me. He left and made me the bad person, who couldn't save her parents, who couldn't save herself from falling. And you don't like me too." My voice broke, I don't even know if I was under the alcohol influence or not, right now. I was, I realised because I wouldn't ever slip up something like this, to well anyone. "Hey, Hazel, you're the best. You should know that because even if I was an asshole to you, you have been more than good. You make people's day even people's life, baby. You are the best and as for the kiss, I might have returned it rather eagerly if you were not drunk." He grinned, the boyish one which made him look much younger. I smiled a small little one because I just knew that now I had attached myself more than enough but it was hard to stay away. From him. From everyone and everything. My drunk self was a emotional and bizarre, I'd you ask me. I was not like this, atmost I tried to not be an emotional wreck besides I used to contain my inner turmoil inside me like an everyday routine but this alcohol and this boy was making me do things that I might regret. "You have had enough for one day." He suddenly spoke noticing the change in my mood. "Can you take me home?" I weakly conjured up the stability that my voice was lacking. I sighed internally. "Okay, can you stand up?" He sighed too. I pouted and made grabby hands at him. Yup. I was definitely drunk. I giggled and pouted again. This is so insane. "I so want to tell you this when you wake up." And with that said, he chuckled wholeheartedly. Sexy. Oh, s**t!! He came near and placed his left arm being my back and right beneath my thighs, picking me up bridal style. I couldn't look away from his face and it being this close didn't help so I just stared. Not the creepy one but the I want to eat you one and I know that staring is bad but one look at him and common sense flew out of my mind. Looking straight ahead he guided us out of the party. I could tell that he knew I was staring at him still, he chose to ignore my eyes or me. That thought made me angry and also brought tears to my eyes. See, drunk me is emotional. Opening the door of his car, he placed me there as if I was a baby. Shutting the door he entered the driver's seat and buckled himself up. He looked at me, raising his brows as if telling me something but I could not catch on to it. He shook his head silently, his eyes gleaming at my state. He reached over, more than close to me totally invading my personal space, his hands touching my sides. But his eyes, his eyes were just locked on to mine as though trying to decipher something, anything. It felt like our faces were getting near and near however something flashed in his eyes. Panick. Just then I heard a click sound and he backed away. My heart was thudding, I realised. It felt as though he came back to his senses and started the car. I was dumbfounded to say the least. What just happened? Staring at him wasn't an option because he was not even looking my way. I fought to stay my eyes open but they were closing on their own record. And with that I fell into a tiresome slumber. _____________________________________________ Ugh. Waking up from a hangover was not what I would suggest anybody. Not waking up but drinking too because that was the cause my head felt like it was going to explode. Literally. I was on my bed that much I could tell by squinting but I although I knew no one was in the house besides me. No, not because of my sixth sense or anything but because well I got a note on my bedside table saying, 'I have an important thing to do right now but I'll try to check up on you. There's a medicine beside this note, take it to calm down your headache a bit. - Your favourite person, Jerk.' I have to say I felt a little good after reading this note. That had to be crushed though because not only I was having a killer hangover but also pain in my stomach and back region as mother nature decided to pay a little visit to me, today of all days and I also realised that I didn't had any tampons with since I didn't buy them when I got here. What an intelligent thing to do. Right? I do not want to talk to you today so please shut the hell up. I took the medicine Brett left for me with water, not moving from my place at all and then crouched down into an uncomfortable position because I could not just move right now, to go and buy them. Ugh. Why does this happen to me? I laid there, I don't know for a few hours. My body was hurting, my head was pounding even more and my stomach was grumbling. So in all I was in a very difficult position in life. I tried sleeping nevertheless failing miserably at it. Suddenly I heard the main door open and slam. Oh god s**t, it can be good news that an unknown killer came in or it can be a bad one and Brett would be entering in five seconds. I was hoping for the former. Yeah, I know I'm mad but imagine a guy walking in when you're in this kind of position. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. And yes we have a winner which isn't me. I'm mad. He entered, not really bothering to look in his surroundings then his eyes landed on me. His eyes widened and he almost sprinted towards me. This guy. "Hey, baby, what happened?" His face had concerned written all over it. I hid my face in the blanket. "Nothing, just go away." I said, it came out as an almost whisper. "Hazel, have I did something wrong? Are you okay? Whatever happened, you can tell me anything." His voice sounded frantic. "No, you haven't. I'm not okay and I am not telling you what happened." I almost yelled in frustration. "Oh." Stupid. After another minute or so, he found his voice again. This time much calmer or atleast he tried to remain calm. "Hazel, please tell me baby so that I can help you." "Don't call me that." Typically going off the topic. "What? 'Hazel'?" My face was hid by the blanket but I imagined him raising his eyebrows while scrunching his nose in a cute manner. "No, the other one." "Which one? Oh." Understanding dawning in his voice if that was possible. He got it. Phew. "Yeah." I added stupidly. "Don't divert the topic and tell me what happened?" Sneaky i***t. "IgotmyperiodbutIdon'thavethenecessities." I said in a breath and it was soon followed by his 'oh' again. "Wait here." With that I heard his footsteps retreating. I peaked out of the blanket to see any life signs around me. No one. Releasing the breath I was holding I closed my eyes till he returned from wherever he went which I think I had an idea about. This is so embarrassing. The fact that he saw me like this and nobody else was better. You are rather very comfortable around him, now aren't you? My conscience asked, squinting at me. I did say shut up before. I groaned in frustration and pain, the first and second day were the worst and I was extremely moody *cough* rude *cough* too. Hearing the front door open and close got out of my thoughts. "Here, I got you all you need plus before going I checked the fridge but it was empty so I bought food too and it's on the kitchen island." Handing me out the different types of tampons and medicines. I was red, I could feel it, not from embarrassment but something this time. I went ahead took it from him and went in the attached bathroom in my room. After finishing my business and changing myself in a new pair of the uttermost baggy clothes that I owned, I left the bathroom. He was standing in the corner beside my bedside table, his back facing me. I coughed. He swirled around and inspected my body from top to bottom as though I came back from war. I bit my lower lip and that snapped him out of it. "Why is this photo folded?" His face scrunched up adorably. Snap out of it, I have more important things to focus on. I went towards him and the frame in his hands. I took it from his grasp and nothing but looked at it. The time when we were happy back then. I opened the frame from the back and took out the photo that I had folded that day. That day when he left. "He's my brother."
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