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CHAPTER THIRTEEN "Huh?" Emarald's POV:- After Brett and my little whatever, we finally went in. The music was blasting and vibrating through the walls. We passed the sea of people that were loitering around the house, red cups in hands and I don't think I have to explain what was in those cups. We reached the front door, but some guy from inside opened it at the same second we started to ring the bell. The guy was attractive to say the least, light blue no the lightest blue I've ever seen was the colour of his eyes, he was wearing a wizard costume with the hat and all but he was one fine man. "Hey, man." He greeted Brett with that half hug and half handshake thing and then looked at him questioningly about who I might be. "Hi, I'm Emma." I waved at him stupidly. "Hey, Bryson Richards." He smiled then waved like crazy, and I think he was aping me. His name sounded authentic and I just knew that he was crazy rich. I tried to smile politely but it was difficult I wasn't in a mood right now to face anyone so I just did a fake one. "Enjoy the party." He told us both and then vanished between the sea of people inside. Brett looked at me warily, distracted. "You're good at faking." He shook his head, smirking. That smirk is so infuriating. He took my hand is his larger ones and we entered the house. It was like the whole house stilled for a few minutes because every single pair of eyes were on us and most importantly on our intertwined hands. He started walking again ignoring all the eyes following as if he was used to this which he was I guess because for well everyone he was the town's bad boy and I followed the lead like a lost puppy, which I didn't like one bit. Passing the gawking people we reached the kitchen in mere seconds where I found all my friends lounging around and drinking including Jake and Bryson. I went towards the girls first as they saw me enter and bid them my greetings. "Hey, girls." I grinned, they were looking hot. Bianca was wearing panda outfit a one fitting accentuating her curves, Anne a Catwoman one while Hannah was wearing a sexy waitress outfit. "You look fabulous." "Hot, looking at you makes me wanna be a lesbian, so you rock." This was Hannah. This girl. "Sexy, babe." They hooted. I sat beside them. "Let's dance." Anne suggested. "Yeah, let's go. You both coming?" Bianca agreed and asked us. "No." Came my reply. "Yes, of course." Hannah too agreed. "Why not?" "Not in the mood right now." I replied honestly and ushered them to just go and live their time here. I was looking around unconsciously and noticed almost everyone was on the dance floor. I couldn't find Brett though. He might be with someone. Some girl. My conscience replied. Ugh. I moved my eyes in the sea of people dancing sickly close as though they'll be doing much more than dancing there. I shook my head internally. I first saw the girl in the cafeteria, what was her name again? Candice? Never. Janice? No. Jennifer? Jennifer, yes, that was her name. She had both of her arms around him, dancing with him. I could only see his back, from here it looked like he was enjoying it. Oh, he is. My conscience isn't ever even with me. She's thin, reedy thin with long straight black hair and a figure to show off too, high check bones and black eyes making her face have that beauty pageant look. Why am I even thinking about this? It isn't like I care or anything. I concentrated at the kitchen at which both of my hands were clutching on the sides. Very tightly. I ordered a drink, I know it might be spiked but why the hell not because it's not like anything more bad than what had happened would happen and it will calm me down a bit too. So with that thought in mind, I drank it. It was my first drink ever that had any alcohol in it so it went down my throat with a burning sensation making my insides churn. I drowned it down in another swift motion and asked for another. After completing the second one I felt a little tingly, I giggled. What the hell? What am I doing? Oh, nothing you're just stumped. Another drink was placed in front of me. When did I order it? I giggled again. Ugh. I am not this. I am feeling very tingly, oh god I am giggling again. I am not drinking anything else. I moved aside and looked at the dance floor searching any familiar face so that it could just leave the place. I did find one but he was busy with that cheerleader again. She literally had her hand in his shirt and he had that blank face again. I hate that face. I just can't read him that way but that's not even a problem because I can't read him in any other face too. He's just so... Okay, I'm not going to talk about him right now. She had her other hand on his right bicep and she was slowly moving her face towards his. I moved my head away towards the kitchen counter, I'm not going to look at them doing anything. A drink was placed there and I think I left the rational side of my mind at home. After I don't know three, four or I guess six drinks, I knew exactly in which condition I was in and I was enjoying myself. I was free. I giggled again, I got used to it after sometime. Someone placed a hand on my shoulder and in reflex I flinched, so I guess I wasn't that drunk. I looked behind me to see that Bryson was the one to touch me, I calmed down a bit not fully coming out of my shell just enough to look normal. "Hey there, wanna dance?" He said grinning, he's so 'happy go merry kind', I realized. I looked at him dumbfounded for a few seconds because well my drunk mind wasn't processing anything but I tried to think a little clearer, it was difficult so I gave in and stopped thinking. I took his hand and ran to the dance floor. Oh, my god. The song was very upbeat so I started moving along in synchronization with Bryson, he did everything without thinking anything. I was carefree. I bobbed my head while shimming and did all the gross slutty moves I had seen in movies. I was actually doing this, I can't believe it. I pinched myself and started laughing like a mad woman. I am so not me. I laughed so loudly while dancing that my sides hurt. He was saying something but I was in my own trance. I feel bad for him, he must be regretting asking me to dance but I don't care right now. So I danced and danced and danced till my feet hurt. While all if this happened, I danced with all my friends I guess moving myself up and down, side to side. We were enjoying. "You okay?" Someone asked me, concern present in the voice but I couldn't pin point who it was. I nodded my head nonetheless less. I was so drunk. I giggled and went to stand up on some chair or was it a table when an arm, a very familiar fuzzy yet hard arm wrapped itself around me. I didn't flinched this time, but why? Before I could say anything, the voice I knew like my back on the hand said. "Did you drink, Hazel?" Said my favourite voice. "What gave you that idea?" I giggled again and slapped a hand on my mouth as soon as it left. He heard it. "The fact that you thought dancing on the kitchen counter would be good in a dress and also the fact that you're giggling, which you never did till this day." I could feel the smirk formed on his face, so I slapped his stomach with the hand that was free and wasn't clutched tightly to his arms. "I can do whatever the hell I want and stop squeezing me every two seconds, I am not a lem- le- lenon- no lemon, yes lemon, I'm not a lemon." I slurred and jumbled almost every single word. His grip loosened a bit but he not let go of me completely. Hulk. "Nor you can talk neither you are walking straight, or even walking." He said glaring at me. I tried to give witty response but then I looked at the position I was in if he wasn't clutching me to him. I bit my bottom lip and nervously glanced away. "Don't do that." "Don't do what?" Again slurry me asked. Without answering me he picked me up bridal style and started walking to god knows where. I giggled and closed my eyes, they ere hurting because of the lighting in the room. "What now, Hazel?" I smelled him and oh god I smelled him, I'm so stupid and giggled again. "I always wanted to be carried bridal style when I was small you know by my prince charming but I think that dream died down but you fulfilled it." Thinking about what he asked I replied, squinting to look at his reaction one eye closed. He looked as if he was deep in thought. He opened a door. "Where are we?" I asked smiling as though it was the most smiling moment out there. "Somewhere I can question you." He was angry I could see that, his jaw was tightly set. His poor teeth, they have to go through much. "Why'd you drink? No, no. Why'd you drink this badly?" He placed on the unfamiliar soft bed and sat beside me. "I wanted to." I tried to reply coolly, a laugh escaped my mouth. He pulled at my arm a little which made me bounce and land on him. Literally on him. I burst out laughing. I laughed and laughed and laughed, my eyes closed and my face bearing the biggest smile in a while, drinking does that to you. Getting no laugh or simply any motion in return, I slowly opened my eyes which after getting opened got stuck on those forest green but they were not forest green, they were something more, something much much more darker not because any anger but something close to want. Need. I stared and stared in those ocean of mysteries, not saying one word. It was peaceful. His eyes were breathtaking. They held so much, so much pain, want, answers, questions. So I whispered something. "I want to kiss you." This got him out of his trance. "Huh?" He was speechless, I was so not backing out. I wanted to kiss him. So, I will. I was drunk so I could do anything. "I want to kiss you, can I kiss you?" I said moving my face in his line of angle. I would have never did this sober. I started laughing again. He looked at me like I was insane so shut my hyena laugh. "Pwetty pwease?" I asked in a baby voice. I pouted. I moved towards him more there was only one centimetre of space left and then.....
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