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CHAPTER - 6 COFFEE? EMARALD'S POV : I woke up to feel the bed shifting beneath my head. Wait one second how can my bed shift? Exactly, and that is not your bed. Oh, shoot that is not my bed, that is oh no no no Brett? I opened my eyes and found Brett shifting under half of my weight. Oh poor him. You're saying as if I'm the heavy one. "What are you doing?" I croaked out in my groggy morning voice. "You're awake. Done feeling me up?" "No, Emma is asleep, I'm her spirit." I said giving him a fake smile while he glanced at me amused. "You know you can give simple answers, no need to be sarcastic all the time." "I'm not sarcastic all the time, sometimes I'm asleep." I quoted, using my hand gestures. All the while he chuckled. "Anyways, yeah right." I faint smile stretched across my face,"That will happen when you'll stop flirting with every single girl." "Aww, you're jealous." He pinched my cheeks, I groaned. "Shut up." "Whatever you say." He shrugged. "Do you have any idea how are we going to get out of here?" I asked impatiently, changing the subject. "Yeah, I have a few ideas..." But they are just not sensible enough, so the only idea I think could work is if we can go out of the window." "I think that would work." Shrugging at each other we got to work. No window, I mean not a single window that I have checked is open. Sigh. "This window's open, come let's go." I heard him say. Thank god. He jumped out from the window with a thud. I looked at the place of now thin air where he was occupying, wide eyed. I looked out of the window. Help me god. It was at least 7 feet long and if I broke my arm... I was dragged out of my thoughts when he gave me his hand. "Here don't waste time we have to take our phones from our lockers too." I nodded. I jumped out and landed with a more loud thud. Pff. I followed him inside the building where our lockers were. I took out my phone and there were 85 miss calls. A few from my aunt Ellani, a few from my uncle Oliver and other's from Ben and Justin. I turned around to see that Brett had a hard expression on his face. "What happened?" I asked concerned. Without answering he just started walking out of the building. I started walking too with larger pace to reach him. When I reached him I just slipped my hand in his, I don't know why but I did. It was very busy compared to mine. His hand was warm and hard yet so soft. The feeling was kind of undescribable, after a long time I felt like could relax and did not had any urge to just look behind my shoulder. But he I don't think so thought the same way as he was shocked at first but then intertwined our fingers together too. I could see him visibly relax into my touch, I wanted to relish the feeling as much as I could because I don't think I will let anything remotedly close to this happen after this. I wouldn't let anything happen. Yeah, one gave you enough wounds to last you lifetime. We reached a black BMW not a simple one but it was the latest model. "Get inside." He said. "No, I can walk." I said. "I know you can but I'll drop you." He said making a pout. "It's just that my house is near." "Common, I won't kidnap you." "You sure?" I don't want to be an unnecessary bagage for anyone. "Yes, you're surely not a bagage for me Hazel and have you seen the time it's not safe to walk." He said and leaving my hand, he opened the door for me. I raised my eye brows at him but he just shrugged. "Did I said that aloud?" I asked a little embarrassed, when he sat in his seat. "No I just knew what you were thinking." He shrugged. He started the car and I closed my eyes. After five minutes he pulled in front of a cafe. "Cafe at 5 a.m in the morning. Really Jerk, really?" I asked eyeing the time in my watch. "What, it's open, which means people come here at early hours also." He shrugged. I have to get him checked, he shrugging too much today. "Yeah, people like you." I said bored. "Yeah, people like you and me." Now giving me his girl flattering smirk but this is me we are talking about and I am not flattered. Oh, really? Shut up, brain. "Common in now." "I'm tired I wanna go home." I said not in mood of any sarcasm. "Ok, as you say Hazel." He sensed my shift in mood and agreed. I told him the house number because I myself didn't knew any of these places much. After 10 long silent minutes he pulled in front of my house. "Brett, I'm sorry if I said something wrong." I was going to step out when he pulled my wrist. "I'm not angry at you." He said with hope in his eyes,"And will never be." He whispered or it was just me who thought that. "Thanks." I smiled. I reached my main door when I heard him yell,"Bye and take care, Honey." He smirked. "Bye, come home soon daddy." I yelled with the biggest grin and waved at him. When his car was out of sight, I went inside. I decided to freshen up first then eat. So I went upstairs and took a long warm bath. Then I changed into a pair of Nike shorts and a loose tank top, pulling my hair in a hight but loose bun. I came downstairs and made a sandwich for myself. After eating my breakfast I messaged uncle and aunt that I'm fine and dialled Ben's number and he picked up in four bells. "Where the hell were you mad woman? I was going all insane here." He yelled on the line. "Sorry sorry, just listen to me first. I was locked in the school library." I explained. "What?" He yelled once more. "Calm down geez, do you want me deaf? And yeah, I got detention and he lost the keys of library so I got stuck there." "You got detention and who is he?" He asked in teasing tone. I could imagine him raising his brows and smirking. "Shut up, you didn't get the part where I said that I got stuck but you got the part that I got stuck with him loud and clear and by the way that he, is Brett and don't you make any imagenary stories. Ok?" "Ok, I'll think about." He said laughing. "You..." I said and with that the line went dead. The kind of brothers I have. I sighed and went upstairs to sleep for some time because no way in hell I was going school today. I was going to go in a pretty deep slumber just when my phone rang. I didn't pick it up at first thinking of sleeping only, but it rang again so I reached out to my bed side table and saw the caller's name. And wow it was from an unknown number. I froze. What if that's..? Without thinking of anything else, I picked it up,"Hello?" It sounded more like a question then I heard some shuffling and someone said....
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