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Chapter-5 Night with him. Never. _____________________________ I waited for five minutes till Mr. Hartwell decided it was time to make his entry. "We have to go to the library, Mrs.Collins is waiting for us." I said showing no interest. As if it was interesting. "Ok, so you coming?" He said and started taking long strides in the direction which was I guess the library leaving me dumbfounded. That man. I started almost walking, almost running to catch up to him because I didn't knew the directions. "So Hazel, where is the library?" He asked smirking. The nerve of this man, talking as if he was the one innocent here. "Wait, you don't know?" I looked at him expectantly. "No, I..." He started to say, his mouth forming into a grin when I cut him off. "Oh yeah, how would you know, your work here is to suck the life out of girls." I replied nodding my head while first a frown formed on his face and then he suddenly growled making me back away to the wall. He caged me between his hands placing them on both side of my head and lowered his face to my height. "Don't forget that you only know what I show you and don't even think that I will ever listen to anyone's shit." He all but yelled at my face while I flinched and my breathing became ragged, I knew this position all too well. He walked away, leaving me standing there in an isolated corridor where I didn't even know where I was. I tried to find my way to the library whilst the scene was replaying in my head like a broken record. I know I was wrong because he may be sassy but he moved crossed his line while me being me had to go and cross my line. So what if he is always snogging every girl's face? It's none of my business anyway. I reached there in five minutes and it could have been worse if it wasn't for the board that I saw on the way. He was standing outside the library, hands in his back pocket and looking deep in his thoughts. I went up to him and sensing my presence he looked my way but not with his playful eyes but this was a much gaurded one. He and I sighed at the same time and some of the liveliness came back. "I'm sorry." I said when he moved his head in the other direction. "You shouldn't be, Hazel." He sighed again and continued, "I was just overreacting on such a small thing and I did scare you while acting like a caveman." "I crossed my line." I said with finality. "Okay, so it's okay and we should probably go inside or else collinator would eat us." "Lame." I gave a lot pressure on the word. "And by the way you did not scare me." I told him and followed suit. "Yeah, right." "Don't use that tone with me." "What tone?" "The one share you agree with a 'I know I am right but I am just agreeing to prove that I am right.' tone." I said animatedly. "As I said before, you are weird Hazel." He said grinning. We sorted her sitting here on one of the seats the librarian has put for the teachers and next to her was a extra large pile of different novels and books from different sections. "You both have to put all these books in their sections according to the genre." She explained pointing towards the books. "Okay." Came from him. "Yes, mam." Came from me but both at the same time. It has been like two and half hours but we haven't even placed half of the books in place. Pff. I don't know even this is because we suck at this or the quantity is more than it should be. "Hazel, you hungry?" "No but my throat is parched." "Okay, Princess Hazel, anything else?" He said sarcastically. "Seriously, Princess Hazel?" I asked, arching an eyebrow and then answered his question,"No peasant, I do not want anything else." I said faking his thick British accent to which he laughed loudly. His laugh is so cute. It automatically made me smile too. I have not smiled, I mean actually smiled since all that happened. "I'll be back soon, miss me Honey." And with that he exited the library followed by his retrieving figure. I so wanted to say something. _____________________________________________ It has been like thirty minutes and he isn't back yet, also I'm hungry now. He came back finally with the water but looked deep in thoughts. "Thought you'd be hungry so I bought these from the store too." He said breathlessly. "Store?" I asked confused. "Yeah, cafeteria timing is from 7 am to 4 pm. And it's 5 o'clock so I had to go to the store." He explained,"And Mrs. Collins gave me these keys so I could open the lock of the library doors to go home after our work is done." "Thanks for the food. So technically she is locking us so that we'll not run away from detention." "Right, so you wanna eat or not." "Of course." Then we sat in silence and started eating. This is so awkward. Keeping my head down I ate the food not breaking our silence. We ate and then again got to work. We were not talking that much just a few words here and there. By the time we were done I was tired as hell. I went to the doors, budging them but they didn't open. So we were actually locked. "Open the door Brett." "Ok..." He dug in his pockets to find it but nothing came out."Umm...." "Where's the key?"I asked a little impatient. "I'll check once more." He once more dug in his pockets, but again nothing came out. Ok, now I'm annoyed. "I think.." "What?" Biting my bottom lip. "IthinkIleftthekeysatthestore." He told me super fast and I gave him my meanest glare. "What did you just say?" I asked him stalking towards him like he was my prey. Oh, you could so eat him. Seriously, I'm in a situation and you think now is the time to say s****l innuendos. "I said that, IthinkIleftthekeysatthestore." Oh he was so not doing this with me. "Slow, Brett say it slow." I said every word specifically and he visibly gulped. If it wasn't a situation like this, I would have laughed right now, like really a guy like him getting scared from me. "I think I left the key at the store." With that said I sat down at the door with a thump. Oh s**t, my bum. An oomph came from me. But I think he didn't notice. "What are we wanna do?" I looked up at the ceiling. "Spend the night here." He said in a quite voice which was almost a whisper and came towards me. "No way, I'm not going to spend the night here." With you. I did not said that aloud. Just as he placed his left hand on my back I flinched but he did not stop there and placed his right one below my thighs. "What are you doing?" He lifted me up bridal style and balanced himself then took me to the table and placed me on it. "Your butt hurts, doesn't it." It wasn't a question, more like a statement. So he did notice. Aw. "If you have any other option than staying here for the night then please do tell me." He smirked. "But there must be some way we can open the door." I whined. "Ok so you can try and open the door with your ninja skills." He again smirked. What is with him and smirking? Ugh. I huffed and got up and went to the door to open it. I have been trying to open this door but it's not even budging. I tried everything from screaming to using a hair pin as a key and let's just say that it is not as easy as in movies. Well, Mr. Jerk sat there looking at me, struggling. "Hazel it won't open, just come and sit here. Come on, I won't bite." He said. Finally. I went and sat opposite him resting my head on the wall. "Let's play a game?" He said, grinning like a five year old. "What kind of game?" I asked giving a little pressure on the word 'game.' "Twenty one questions and the answers are necessary." He explained and I nodded," So I'll start. Ok, How old are you?" "Ok, That was lame. So yeah I'm 17. How old are you?" "18. Favourite singer both genders?" "Ed Sheeran and Ariana Grande. What are yours both?" He thought for a second and then replied. "Drake and Beyoncé." This continued for a while making me know many things about him, like his mum had her own fashion designing company, he thought that his grandmother was a better cook than his mum, he knew how to cook, he played football for the school team but left it and many more. "Do your parents live with you?" It felt like someone just stabbed me, moisture builded in my eyes and I felt the regret and guilt coming to the surface again. "They died two years back in a car accident." I half lied and put a blank expression because I knew a 'Sorry, for your loss' was lined up in his next sentence. He stared at me intensely as though.. "I'm not gonna say sorry so you can relax about it but you don't have to lie about the accident." I knew it. He knew. "Do you live with your parents?" I tried to change the topic and he sighed, shaking his head. But then let it be for now. Key word : now. "Yes, I live with my parents. Do you have any sibling?" I tensed, what should I say, I think... "No. What 'bout you?" "I have eight brothers and yes, I know that is a lot but yeah I have." He rolled his eyes and I stared at him wide eyed. I yawned, my muscles feeling the tiredness of all the today's events. He noticed this and asked,"Do you want to sleep, Hazel?" I nodded. He stood up and sat beside me abruptly patting his lap and I looked at him eyebrows raised as if to ask what happened now and he replied,"You can keep your head in my lap." I was hesitant at first but then did as he said. "Good night, Jerk." "Good night, Hazel." Just when I was going into unconsciousness, I felt him whisper in my ear to which I shivered when his cold lips touched my ears for less than a minuscule. "You know one day, you'll tell me yourself about what happened to them." And I don't know why but I felt that maybe just maybe, he was right. With his voice as last I fell asleep and what a peaceful sleep it was.
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