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CHAPTER - 7 WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME? EMARALD'S POV : "Hello?" It sounded more like a question than a greeting. My heart was pounding in my chest so hard that I thought it was going to come out any second. What if that's...? No, it's not possible because dead cannot come back. Right? Right? What am I thinking? Ugh. I heard some shuffling and someone said, "Hi Emmer, I'm Hannah." "Oh! Hi, this is not your number right?" I asked relieved. Partially, why is she calling, I mean don't wanna sound unwelcoming but I am that way, so why just why? I wanna sleep. "Yeah, my phone isn't working so I called from my old phone." "Are you alright?" I asked confused that why did her voice sounded so excited. "Yeah, I just wanted to remind you that we are going shopping today at 3 pm and I'm gonna pick you up." She squealed at the end. And there goes my sleeping plans. pff. I might have not answered because then her voice became concerned. "Hello Emmer, Emma are you alright?" "Yeah, I am." There's no way I'm sleeping again. Then Joey's voice came from the other line. "Why didn't you come to school today?" He asked and I could hear Hannah shouting at him. "I was busy plus sleepy." I yawned. I was no way in hell, I'm going to tell him that I was locked with Brett. I don't want another almost brother telling me that I should be careful after all they think of him as a bad boy. Which he isn't. No one can say, atleast not me. "You should take care, you made me worried for a second." They all were so great, even without knowing me that much. "Yeah, sorry and there's nothing to worry about." "And if you don't feel like going shopping with this little shortcake, then don't." He said firmly and I could hear her yelling at him to stop calling her that. "No don't worry, I'll go, bye." "Okay bye." He said before hanging up. I sighed while getting up to take a shower and then eat. Ah yes, again. I came outside with only a towel hanging on my body and chose to wear a white Calvin Klein top tucked in the high waisted blue jeans with white sneakers. I combed my hair which were now tied in a high ponytail and were straightened. pff. What? I needed to look nice. I went downstairs to make me something but felt my stomach grumble so I made red sauce pasta. After eating I saw the time and it was 1pm already. I decided to do some homework. _____________________________________________ It was three pm when my work was done. I went to my bedside couch and pulled out my phone to check notifications. After five minutes a car pulled out in my drive way. I went downstairs knowing who it was and opened the door. I was greeted by three squealing overexcited girls. "Hey sexy." They said in unison and I chuckled. "Hey to you to." They looked really hot even in their normal jeans and tops. "Come let's go." Anne said dragging me with her. And we went to the mall on the outskirts of the town all the while laughing and giggling at our bad singing voice. _____________________________________________ After two hours of continuous shopping my legs were hurting like hell and this shopping only contained of make up. Like really only make up no clothes. Keyword: Only. Makeup. "Can we just take a break and eat something first?" I asked more like pleaded because I was bored out of my mind. "Yeah, Ok one second." Bianca replied, laughing at my whiny tone. It turned out to be ten minutes but none the less we went to the cafe in the mall. We ate burgers and talked about random things. After that they dragged me again to the clothes shop. "Emma, why aren't you buying anything?" While they were buying I might have zoned out for a few minutes. Yeah, your few minutes are one hour. "I don't need anything." I shrugged. "Oh no you need everything and we'll select the right clothes for you." Hannah smiled. I did not wanted to argue so I left it to them and waited till they pick out the clothes for trial. After five minutes they returned with so many clothes. Like each of them had their hands full of clothes. God save me. "Try these." Anne said and smiled innocently. "No no no no." My eyes widened and I shook my head furiously. "Please." All three of them said in unison and I sighed because I knew if I said yes there was no going back. Why am I not in a mood to argue? You only argue with your Jerk. Yeah, point but he's not 'my Jerk' and now I'm even doubting if he's a jerk in general. He might be extra flirtatious but he isn't bad or a jerk. "Fine." I went in the changing room and I could hear them chuckling. I started to try the clothes. "Do I have to come outside and show every pair?" I asked them. "Yes." I came outside and I heard a whistle. What? Yes, whistle. I turned and saw Bianca a little embarrassed. So this is where the sound came. Impressive. "You look damn hot." Hannah said and the others agreed. And like that I just tried every single piece of cloth and most of them were rejected. Not because I did not look good or anything, but because they were not 'good enough' for me as they said and I quote. Finally they were done with my clothes shopping and it was now 9 pm. It was pretty late so we decided to go home and not hang there only. We sat in the car and Anne turned the radio on and 'I'm the one' of Chance the Rapper and Justin Bieber came up. We started singing along the song and one by one Hannah dropped Anne then Bianca and then of course me. I waved at her as she went away in her car. I closed my eyes and a familiar pair of green eyes appeared in front of me and then I remembered that he also went after dropping me. Where did he went anyway? By the looks of it, someone messaged him and he got angry but he was in a good mood when he dropped me, so? Why do you care? Yeah, why do I care? That's what I asked. Oh, shut up but I do want to know. I sighed and threw the bags on the dining table and went to change. After changing into my comfy short shorts and a loose tank top, I went to bed. I didn't ever thought thought that I would be able to live normally but I guess I was wrong. I slept with him and his eyes as the last thing. Before falling asleep I asked myself the question that I hated right now. What is happening to me?
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