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"Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze." ― Elinor Glyn Song dedicated - Roses - The Chainsmokers ______________________________ CHAPTER - 4 DETENTION EMARALD'S POV :- I was standing outside my English class on my second day of high school. Best effing feeling ever. Pff. Just because of this super smart person next to me. Note the sarcasm. Silence. And even more silence. None of us talked but then Mr. Jerkface thought it would be very brainly to explode the lava. "Well you know Hazel, you should be happy that you have another hour to spend with me, I mean nobody have that kind of luck." I turned my head to my left where he was standing with the biggest smirk I have ever seen. "Yeah, you can see how happy I am." I said sarcastically pointing towards my face. "And also I would never in my baddest nightmare want to spend even a penny of my time with you." That my friend would not be true because you and I both know what kind of nightmares you have. "You were definitely better yesterday in our little meet up." He said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Cuz darling you weren't being a jerk yesterday." I said in a barely audible voice, just then the bell rang. "Ya know I heard that." He yelled in his thick British accent which by the way I noticed just now, because I had already started going in the opposite direction to my next class. Without turning around, I yelled,"You were suppose to." Reaching my locker I saw Hannah and Joey talking. They saw me coming and greeted me. "You got detention." It sounded more of a statement than a question, but how the hell Joey knew that I got detention. "Now don't give that 'tyres twisting in your head' look, news travel fast around here." Hannah pointed out with a Cheshire cat grin. They are up to something. I placed my English in my locker after trying out my locker pin four types. You are stupid. Hey I can forget new things mind, I don't have a cityscan in my head. Taking my books out I started walking down with both of them to our next class. In class, Hannah sat on my left while Joey in front of us, I was on the forth desk from the front. The class still had another five minutes to start but Mr.Sere was already sitting on his desk. Breaking our short term silence which I just knew I wouldn't be getting this year, Hannah turned to me, one brow arched and asked,"You coming on Friday night's party?" "Party? For?" "Party for the winning of our school football team. So you coming?" He added on, cheerfully. "Already sure you're gonna win. But Sorry, but I'm not a party person." I shook my head. "But it's our first game this year and plus we want you to come. Right, Joe?" She turned around asking him. "You should come, baby girl." He smiled, a charming one. "I would have but I have something really important that needs to be done this week only, so not this time but I would try next time." I told them apologetically. I can say that, It's a half lie after all. No lying in your bed and reading is not an important thing. No one asked you mind. But you should go. Shut up mind. "Ok but you can at least go shopping with us after school at three I think." "Remember I have detention for an hour after school because of that jerk." Her face fell and then instantly lit up as though some idea came up. "Oh right, so you we can go tomorrow and but who's the jerk that got you detention?" I sighed,"Tomorrow is fine by me and you know I got detention but you don't know because of whom?" "No, I only got to hear that 'the new girl got detention on her second day'." Emphasizing the statement by moving her hands around. "Oh, so I got detention 'cause Brett Hartwell thought it would be nice to irritate me with any possible pick up line and then the teacher yelled detention and threw us out of the class to stand there for the rest of the period." I explained and then turned to start writing the notes that Mr. Sere was writing on the board. _____________________________________________ At lunch time we quickly got out of class and went to the cafeteria. A girl was sitting there as we made our way to their usual table. "And who that might be?" The girl acknowledged me, quirking an brow and then moved her line of sight between Joey and Hannah. She had straight dark brown hair coming to an end at her shoulder blade with a set of big turquoise green eyes with a very small frame. "I am Emma." "So you are the new edition to our whackjob group, nice you seem like a good fella and I hope she didn't eat your brains for shopping but with the grin she's wearing, I second that." She grinned pointing towards Hannah. "She did." I then excused myself and went to the line to get a pizza. I went back to the table with my pizza to see Jasper and Mike also occupying respective seats of their own. I greeted them politely and started eating the pizza, it wan not the one I like but I didn't have any other better option so continued eating it. After a few minutes of chatting it felt like like the whole cafeteria fell silent including our table. I looked around to see what happened but everyone was looking at the entry of the cafeteria, I too moved my head in the direction. And there Brett was making his entry in the cafe with his friend that I saw yesterday. Looking better than any Armani or Calvin Klein model. He loved his eyes all around the cafe until his eyes landed on me and he started walking towards our table. Not here. Not here. No please, not here go anywhere except here. He came up to us. Of course. "Hazel, can I sit here?" He said pointing towards the empty seat beside mine. "No, I imaginary teddy bear with a hole in his left eye is sitting here." I said sarcastically and then added. "From when did you started asking for anything?" I said as a matter-of-factly. "Point." So he planted his butt in the seat next to mine, squishing my imaginary teddy bear while his friend sat on the seat opposite him, next to Anne. "Don't you have manners Hazel, atleast introduce me to everyone." He said shaking his head in a mocking manner and then looked at everyone," Hi, I'm Brett Hartwell." I turned my head to look at them to find their mouth hung open,"This is Hannah, Anne, Bianca, Jasper, Joey and Mike." I then started focusing on my pizza slice but Mr. Butthead took it from my grasp just when I was going to take a bite and shoved it in his mouth. See, totally Butthead. "Hey that's my food." I said in a furious voice, at least I think it was. No one takes my food. No one. "Yeah? I don't see any name." Moving it  around to look for names. "But I was hungry." I whined. "What are you? Five?" He asked. "Haha." I fake laughed while he again took another bite making a very sexy moaning sound at taste of the pizza, it wasn't even half as good. I shook my head internally. Okay, I am not going to my let money get wasted on his jerk because he took a bite of it and I am certainly not gonna stand in the line for another second to get another slice, so making up my mind I took the slice and took a bite of it. I know I'm mad but how can I leave my food like this. Plus it's not like I took a bite from the side he took it. Oh, s**t. I don't remember which side he took the bite from. I gagging inside. "Ew." Anne said making a face and I can say that I am doing the same thing but I'll get over it. "Get over it, I am a growing girl." I joked making a face and ate another bite just when the bell rang. I tried finishing it in full speed but Brett stole a few bites too, it's okay we already shared spit. I then collected my Mathematics book from my locker and went to AP Maths with Brett also trailing behind me. He is in all my classes except for AP Biology. Great. Not. ______________________________ After my gym class, I headed to the assigned detention room. I really thought I would never go the detention room but here I am standing in front of it on the second day of high school thanks to Brett. I went inside and our English teacher Mrs.Collins was standing there talking to the teacher who was incharge of detention. I was making my way over to one of the seats when she stopped me,"Miss O'Connel, do you know where Mr. Hartwell might be?" "No ma'am, he was with me in the last class but I haven't seen him since." I said politely. "Ok, when he gets here then both of you come to the library, I'll tell you both what have to do for detention." She said with a fake smile. "Of course ma'am." After this she left.
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