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Just because you don't have a prince, does not mean you're not a princess- Zayn Malik _____________________________________________ CHAPTER - 3 ARE YOU GOOGLE? EMARALD'S POV : "Hazel." Was the first thing he said to me. I removed my hands from his chest which I placed when we collided and tried to back away from him but he held me in place. "Umm Hi, Brett?" It sounded more like a question than a greeting. He wasn't losing his grip on my arms. And then God knows why he started chuckling like an i***t. I mean Greek god, handsome, cute... Wait what? "Why are you laughing?" I asked skeptically, completely oblivious to the situation. "I don't know maybe because you were so stunned to see me here." He replied mocking me. "You know I'm fine, you don't have to hold me." Something flashed in his eyes but he quickly covered it with a annoyingly cocky expression. "Any girl would love to be in this situation with me and you want me to leave you." My face turned scarlet at his words and I guess he noticed too because then he added,"What are you? A tomato?" A smirk plastered on his face. "Very funny." I said with a fake smile, "Anyways, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously. "I was just returning from the grocery store. You?" "Going to grocery store." He silently said 'O', "Okay, want me to walk you there?" So sweet... Oh shut up brain. "No, it's fine it's just down the street anyways." I said with a genuine smile. "You know it's not the safest place at this time and I can walk you there." His face looked really sincere. "No no, it's fine. You should go with your friend, he must be waiting." "See you tomorrow in school, Hazel." He said and walked away towards his friend to wherever they were heading. Is it just me or did he just call you Hazel which by the way isn't your name, twice? ______________________________ I was walking down the lane towards my  house at 1:00 a.m. where my parent's were waiting for me. I was coming from my first ever party. My friend which was my ride didn't wanted to leave so early so I decided to walk home. I reached home in ten minutes as the party wasn't that far. The roads were dark. I found the key under the door mat but the front door was already open. I tried to walk inside very discretely but then I heard the sound of someone pulling a trigger..... I came back to my senses. It was a  nightmare. It was just a nightmare and nothing else. I kept chanting this to myself. Even if I do this, I can't change the truth they died because of me. All that wasn't a nightmare it was my living reality. It was better from the last few days but now I'm getting these again. Oh god! When will this stop. I came here to start over but if this happens then how will I be able to do that? Shaking my head to get away from these negative thoughts I glanced over at my alarm clock. 3:45 a.m "Great! Now I will not even be able to sleep. Perfect, just perfect. Ugh." I went to the washroom and did my every day routine. And then changed into a grey off shoulder long top, black rugged jeans and black and white sneakers. Going downstairs and I made some pancakes and ate. It was not the time for school so I checked my emails if I had any. I talked to Ben and Justin and then walked to school. _____________________________________________ I reached to school and went straight to my locker to take my AP English notebook and novel of our first semester. The teacher was not there so I just sat there till all the students filled the class. After some time the teacher came in and started the lecture. "Today we are going to start our novel for this year which is 'Romeo and Juliet' so.." And then there came Brett with no worry what so ever about being late and Mrs. Collins's face was worth looking. "Why are you late Mr. Hartwell?" She asked with an irritated look on her face. "I went to find my brother." His face was blank. "Last time you said that your brother got hit." "It was my other brother." He made his way through and sat behind me. Mrs. Collins meanwhile just told us to read the novel and that she'll pair everyone later this year for some assignment. I don't need a partner. After half an hour of reading this boring novel something hit the back of my head. I picked it up and saw that it was a paper from none other than Brett himself. I opened the note and in very good handwriting may I add, was written- Are you Google? I turned around, to see him smirking. When is he not? "What?" "Are you Google?" "What are you sa..." before I could complete my sentence he cut me off. "Because you are everything I'm searching for." And with that I burst out laughing. "Really? Are you mad?" I asked between my laughter, with an amused look on his face he nodded. "Can't changed the truth. Ok now, are you religious? Cause you're the answer to all my prayers." He said, half smiling. "Why are you doing this?" "I'm bored Hazel and you are a very beautiful distraction." I blushed, looking downwards on my new formed doodling out of boredom, which looked much more interesting than looking at him. "You're so cute Hazel." My cheeks flamed even more if that was even possible. "Okay, so next, I'm new in town. Would you give me directions to your house?" He scrunched up his nose at that. "Technically I'm the one new in town." I replied with what we both were thinking I guess. "I can always show you my house then." I shook my head slowing in a mocking way. "You can do so much better than saying super cheesy puns to girls." "Not girls, it's you I'm ever saying this s**t too." "You are crazy, Hartwell." "Both of you detention." Our teacher half screamed and half said. My mouth hung open. When did she notice us talking, like she was drooling a river, just few minutes ago. "Get out of my class both of you and stand there for the rest of the period." Did you said that out loud? Yes, yes I did. Ugh. And the Oscar goes to Emma. Shut up, brain.
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