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"Why does he have such an unnerving effect on me? His over-whelming good looks maybe? The way his eyes blaze at me? The way he strokes his index finger against his lower lip? I wish he'd stop doing that." -E.L. James _____________________________________________ CHAPTER 2 YOUR EFFECT ON ME Brett's POV:- She was perfect. In every sense, she was breathtaking. I was watching her silently as her eyes roamed all around the classroom, taking everybody and everything in. I was taking her in, her innocent face, a small button nose, eyes wide and the sexiest lips. She was completely and utterly perfect. Her eye colour was looking like light brown but I wasn't sure. Her gaze suddenly settled on me and the little smile on my face changed with a scowl. I saw the wheels turning in her head and just knew she also thought of me as a so called bad boy. I did not like it one bit, the way everyone stereotyped me and everyone else. It felt like they were not happy with themselves and that's why they just made a myth about someone's personality. She made a face seeing my scowl and I broke into a full blown grin. Her face turned into a dumbfounded one. She was cute that was just final but I wanted to know her head, I wanted to be invited in her head. I was watching her till the very end of the lecture and first time in history I was not happy that the bell rang. I got up eventually after her departure, picking my stuff to go to my locker. I reached there and I saw the same girl from class. She turned around after taking her books and smiled a little to more like herself when she saw me. I saw Jones coming towards me from somewhere behind her and didn't wanted to again go to Coach just to say no for joining the team. I was in the team before hell broke loose. I quited but once in almost every month Coach would send Jones to make me join. I shook my head getting rid of those thoughts and sat on one of the last seats. I plugged in my ear plugs and started a song tuning out the rest of the world for at least a while. _____________________________________________ I drove around the area after school, I didn't really fancy going home that much. I was on a high speed which for me was moderate because I loved the adrenaline rush that surged through me while speeding, it was perfectly soothing for me. When I knew I just had to go back home, not because of some shitty rule of not reaching home late but for my mum as I just had to check up on her and also to ask about the whereabouts of my sperm donor which normally people would call father. Mary, our cook opened the door. I smiled at her and went to change up to my room. In the way, Phillip my six years old brother ran towards me as though he haven't seen me in ages. I have in total eight brothers, a mother and a father who never treated me as a son but always a problem for his life style and work. "Brettie can you please make a poptart for me." He asked in an overly dramatic tone giving me his 'you can't say no to my pretty puppy dog eyes' all the while hanging at my leg like a leech. A very parasitic leech. "Anything else Mr. Hartwell?" I asked sarcastically, bending my body to bow at him. "No, nothing else although I think you can make a chocolate shake with ice cream on top for me later." He gave me a sheepish smile. "Ok, but first tell me where's mum?" "Last time I saw her she was in the her study." Phil answered and ran upstairs probably to joey's bedroom. I too went to my room to change. I took a shower first, letting myself relax under the lukewarm water. I then changed quickly and went to meet mum. I knocked on the door and she opened in a few seconds. Her spectacles were perched up on her nose, she didn't really wear them all the time just when she was reading. She raised a brow at me. "Hey mom?" It came out more as a question. "Wanna ask something?" She said grinning. "Yeah, I just wanted to ask you that when is father coming back." "I called him a few hours ago and he said that he will arrive tomorrow mor-" I started to go out of the room but she stopped me, "Brett, I want you to be here tomorrow and please stay patient." And what mom!? He can do whatever the hell he wants but I, I have stay patient. Every single second I see his face, I go through that day again and again. Why can't you see? Why can't anyone? For everyone, it's always my f*****g fault as if it's me who's trying to control him. I really can't stand him and I don't think I ever will." I emphasised the last part particularly. "Just listen to his side too, he also has feeling you know." "Night mom, I'm staying at Jake's." After that I left the house in an instant. -------------------------------------------- "Jay, I seriously am not in mood of your imbecility right now." I stated utterly frustrated. "Brettie-poo, you should calm down." "Don't ever say that name again." "Chill man and stop punching this punching bag, which I think will have to be replaced." He said trying to sound angry, which is so not his piece of cake. "We can just watch a movie or something." I suggested. "We can and we will but first I have to buy groceries, I'm running out of my food stock." "Yeah, Okay." _____________________________________________ Emarald's POV:- Finally. The first day of high school just finished. Correction, the first day of hell hole just finished. Yeah, I know it might not seem that bad but everyone were staring like I was an alien, while whispering too. It was frustrating to say the least because I wanted to smash every single person's head off but I couldn't just because I want to have a very low profile. I entered my house and slipped my bag onto the couch. I ran upstairs straight to my room and changed to go to the nearest grocery store that I searched on Google. I did not have a single food item available in the house. Ughhh. I'm tired. Not listening to my body's protest I took my phone and wallet to go to the grocery store. It wasn't that far just downtown. I decided to check on my oh so lovely cousins who very sincerely forgot to call me. After a few rings, Ben answered the phone,"Hey big brother, you forgot to call me." I stated, mocking hurt. "Heya doll." Did I tell you he was crying rivers yesterday because I was leaving? Yup? Yup. Sheesh. "Stop calling me that and tell, is justin with you?" Justin is my younger brother and right now my best brother. "In his room, the guy's been stuck on 2K16 for too long." "When are you visiting me, I'm missing you both." "Sis, it hasn't even properly been on day and you are talking about visiting." I could imagine him smirking. "Fine, don't come. Bye." "Sorry, sorry. But I think we can try in Christmas break." God knows how I'll wait. "Okay. Night and take care." I said missing everyone there. "Yeah, will do." I could see the  store a few lanes away in my phone  when I suddenly bumped into something. No, I guess it was someone as their large hands steadied me, clutching onto my arms. I looked up to see his face to see a very handsome face, a very familiar handsome face staring back at me in utter shock. I think anyone can guess who the person would be, none other than Brett Hartwell. We stood there for a few more minutes, and then the first thing he said to me was, "HAZEL."
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