Literally 'Sorry seems to be the hardest word'?

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CHAPTER- NINE LITERALLY 'SORRY SEEMS TO BE THE HARDEST WORD'? Emerald's POV:- It has not even been one week here and I have started to get all homesick. I mean it's not not like I always lived at my aunt's house forever but they were there for me when I again started from zero in life. And no‌, I'm not being emotional I'm just confused that when I came here I thought that I will not get myself attached to anybody. But here I am that people are sending 'sorry' messages to me. I think you might want to say Brett rather than 'people'. Shut up, Brain. I went into the kitchen to get some food but all my take out noodles were finished that means I have to cook. I want to cry. It's not like I don't like cooking it's just I'm tired out of my mind. I just skipped eating and went upstairs to my room and changed into my comfy clothes to relax and enjoy Netflix a little. I wore a blood red tank top and black short shorts and let my hair loose. I think I'm changing I'm clothes more than someone can say 'often'. Halfway through me watching 'friends' I heard a noise in my front yard. Noise? More like song. First time ever I agree with my conscience. It was a song and not a normal song, it was 'Sorry seems to be the hardest word'. I went to see outside my room window which was like only one and there standing in the middle of my front yard was Brett with song playing in his car. And he grinning was the best part. NOT. I opened my window to give him a piece of my mind. "What in god's name are you doing here and literally 'Sorry seems to be the hardest word'?" I yelled annoyed. Obviously. "Hazel, yelling is a bad manner so come down and open the door." He said calmly. "What if I don't?" I said, much coolly this time. "I'll break into your house?" He said much more like a question, squinting his eyes. "You'll not." "Try me." He stated raising his brows. I stared at him for a few minutes searching for any hesitation but found none. "Ughhh." I ran downstairs and then out of the door. He stood there amused and then eyed me from head to toe. That did not made me uncomfortable like any other pair of eyes did. After what felt like forever the mischievous glint in his eyes came back. "You sure know how to tease, Hazel." I don't know why but I blushed. "I wish I could say the same, though." I gave him a sickening smile. "Oh please, I look better than any Armani model." He said smugly. That is sooooooo true. That is so not true. Oh, yeah. Zip up, Brain. I came out of my daydreaming and shook my head. "Did you just came here to show off your body?" I asked pulling out my 'not interested in s**t look'. "No Hazel, I just came to apologize." He really looked guilty. He has more mood swings than a pregnant lady. "So?" "Hazel, I didn't mean it I just thought that I would scare you a little but it didn't went as planned and I'm really sorry, Hazel." Now I really feel guilty. You should. No, I shouldn't. "It's okay, you didn't know how I would react." I shrugged. "So, that means you'll go on lunch with me." "Who said that?" I said making a face. "I apologized and you forgave me that means you'll go out with me. So, now go change." He pouted. "I didn't say yes in the first place." "You didn't say no too." He said challenging me. "I already ate." I lied. My stomach grumbled, just then. Great, just great. "Wow, so your digestive system works really fast." He said amused. "What?" I asked confused. He shook his head as though I was the i***t one. "Your stomach's grumbling very loudly and now mine will too because I haven't eaten so just come with me." "Okay, but first lemme change." I started to walk inside. "Can I come inside?" "No, you will stay here as you behaved like a jerk." I said mimicking our English teacher. "Yes, miss." He said saluting. "She's misses." "You aren't, but you will become one when we get married." He smirked. "In your dreams." "You don't want to know what happens in my dreams." He smirked again. I went upstairs and changed into a a black crop top and black high waisted jeans and white sneakers with my hair in a bun. I went downstairs with my keys and phone. I locked the front door while he waited. I went towards him. "Are you done yet or might want to check my arse again?" I asked smirking. "Nah, I'll go with the latter." "Where do you wanna go?" He asked. "Dominos." I grinned. I started walking and suddenly he came near and opened my rubber band, letting my hair loose. I gave him a questioning gaze. He shrugged. We started walking, occasionally talking and the silence was not awkward like I expected. We reached there and he ordered. Half of the pizza's were my favourite so I didn't had a problem. We sat down in a corner booth. "So, wanna continue twenty questions?" He asked. "Yup." I said popping the 'p' and he chuckled at my excitement. "I'll start, so why did you got that scared?" "I wasn't scared, but can I tell you another time?" I asked hoping that he would say yes. He did not say anything just nodded warily. "Okay, so my turn, why did you became like this?" "Like what? This bad boy type?" "Yeah." "I would not say bad boy because I hate judging somebody. Nobody knows who I am and why I am and the truth is they don't even want to know too. They just think that by talking to a person, it will and can change but they cannot even feel what the other person do and in my case nobody want to know how I am, except for some people who actually care." Wow just wow, I didn't know he had all this in him and I would have hugged him but first it would be awkward and second he would remind me this everyday. So I refrained myself. "Now you have told me so much at least I can tell you my answer to your question." It looked like he was battling with himself. "No, if it makes you uncomfortable then you don't have to." He gave a small smile. "Someone has stocked me before and lets just say that, that did not end well. I do not even want to think about it. It was the baddest phase and I hope it was the last." I was feeling like someone was choking me so I drank some water. "I'm really sorry, I pried you to do think of that again." He looked concerned and guilty at the same time. "It's okay you didn't knew anything. Now go check the pizza has not arrived yet." I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and he chuckled. He gave a real smile and no s**t Sherlock his smile is so cute. Am I seeing nonsense or are you literally giving him a compliment? I cannot say shut up this time. "Yes, miss Hazel." He saluted again and I smiled. He is not that bad. Yeah. "And stop day dreaming it's creepy." At this my jaw reached the ground. I take my words back and I should not say things this fast. You think.
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