YOU i***t MONKEY!!!

1328 Words
The reality is people mess up, don't let one mistake ruin it all. - Curiano Song dedicated to this chapter- 'Sorry' by Justin Bieber. _____________________________________________ CHAPTER- EIGHT SORRY Emarald's POV :- I woke up with a jolt. Holy moly another of those maddening nightmares. I could feel the sweat beading on my forehead. I switched my alarm clock after sitting upright. Aunt Janet told me to take sessions with the consultant she prescribed but I could not will myself to tell anybody what happened two years back there. I have not even told one person the whole story of that dreadful night. I can't relive that night ever again. I went to freshen up and picked out white-light blue short shorts, cream coloured crop top and an off white cardigan. After doing my regular routine, I changed into my clothes and wore cream coloured sneakers. I made a bun at top of my head. While passing the kitchen a picked a granola bar and took my phone and bag with keys in one hand. I locked the door and started to walk to school a few blocks away. When I was walking around the pavement, I felt someone was behind me so I turned around but no one was there so I shook that crazy feeling off of me. After a few more seconds I again felt a presence behind me but this time I started walking faster. The person behind me started walking faster too. No this cannot be happening again. My tears were threatening to spill all over but I tried to refrain myself from crying. No I'm not weak I will not cry and I am definitely not like the two years ago me. I was feeling like I was being choked. I started walking more faster almost running and then suddenly my whole body was yanked backwards and into a chest. A familiar chest. And I looked up to see those bright green soothing orbs looking down at me making me take a sigh of relief. It's him. It's literally him. I'm gonna kick his ass. And I did kick him. "What the f**k!? What happened?" He shrieked and I glared at him. He actually shrieked. My conscience is so rolling over and doubling with laughter. "You." Punch. "behaving." Another punch. "like." Another punch. "A." Another punch. "bloody." Another punch. "stalker." Another punch. "happened." He caught my hand mid punching him. "What do think you are? Huh. Huh. I'm not like your bimbos that you can do anything with me. Don't you ever do that again or you'll not see sunshine for a very long time. You i***t monkey." I finished my speech so damn fast leaving me breathless and when I looked at him all I could look while heaving was concern. He was going to say something when I ran to the school and I could hear him shouting my name but I did not look back till I was at the school's main gate. I dampened my hair a bit and walked through the gates to my English class after taking my books of course. I went into the class to sit at last desk and fortunately he was not in the class yet. He did not came in the first class. Where was he? Excuse me you were the one who was shouting at him. Ring a bell. Yeah because it was his mistake. When the bell rang I sprinted out of my seat like it was on fire. What? The teacher giving you death glare is not a site to see just because you did not answer her and dosed off. I went to my locker again watching my friend bickering over some Doritos and when Hannah saw me and she whistled so loud that a lot of people stopped and gave her looks that said 'Are you crazy?' and she just shrugged. Really shrugged. "You look darn hot girl, I told you, you would look good in these." She smirked and Joey smiled at her affectionately. Aw, I'm shipping these two. "Yeah I guess." We started walking to our next class and I again dosed off. When we took our seats, Joey glanced at me raising his brows at me. "Are you okay, sugar pie?" He asked worried. Am i fine? Yes, just somebody was following me today and that just scared the crap out of me. Then I got to know that the person was none other than Brett Hartwell and I just shouted at him which was reasonable but I feel like I should not have done that although I'm fine. So I went with the much simpler one. "Yes, I'm fine. Why?" "No, I just thought you don't seem yourself today." "I was just tired, nothing else." I tried to give a smile. I was not myself or anyone for the matter since that day, that day when everything was ripped out of my hands and burned to shreds. I was a walking shell of not even an essence of that girl that they called Emma. "Okay, just so you know I might not have a sister but you are one to me and you can tell me anything." I could see the sincerity in his eyes. "Thanks." I grinned. I was happy but then the teacher came in. _____________________________________________ He did not come to school for the rest of the day and just when I was leaving school, I saw Jake coming towards me. "Mind if I drop you home?" "No its ok, I'll walk." "I'll accompany you then if you don't mind." I nodded. For a few minutes nobody of us said anything. "You know he is not that bad." He said making me groan in response. "So you're here to take his side?" "No, I'm not here for that. I'm here to talk to you." I scoffed. "But I don't want to talk to somebody's lawyer." I said getting irritated. ''Calm down, sunshine.'' He smirked. "That's not my name." I huffed. "Sure it isn't, sunshine." I huffed again. "Say it already." I said getting annoyed. "Yeah of course I'm here for that only and just so you know I'm with you in this situation..." I raised my brows at him as he continued, "and that is why I'm saying he is not that bad. He just don't know how to express himself anymore. It's not like he had everything good in his life just because he is rich. He doesn't say sorry but I know that he is guilty for making you scared." "I was not scared and what do you even by 'anymore'?" I said using quotations with my hands on 'anymore'. "That's not my place to tell and he won't say it but he really is sorry." "If he is then he have to say it himself and how do you even know all this?" I asked curiously. "I know everything about him." He shrugged and that's when I saw that we were in front of my house. "Bye." I said quickly. When I reach my door knob I heard him say... "Just think about it he really isn't that bad and bye to you too." I turned around and waved at him as left. I should be mad at him but... My phoned ringed making me realise that a message arrived. I went inside locking the door behind me and sat on the couch. I dig in my shorts pocket and took my phone out checking who messaged me and it was from an unknown number. Again. I'm extremely familiar with this word and in short I'm sick of it. I opened it and my hand froze. 'SORRY, I did not mean it.' Those five letters were enough for me to know from whom it came from. I literally wanted to be mad. Keyword: wanted. Shut up, brain. And then a loud noise came from my front yard.....
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