Chapter 2: Let's Get Divorce!

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"Please, answer my call, Daniel!" Laura pleaded desperately to reach out to her husband. It was eight in the evening, and they hadn't returned. Laura, feeling unwell for days, couldn't bear the pain any longer. Despite numerous calls, Daniel remained unreachable, prompting Laura to take a cab to the hospital. Laura has been feeling strange for a few days, but now, she can no longer bear the pain of what she feels. When she arrived at the hospital, she was attended to immediately by nurses and doctors, and she explained her situation "You need to undergo some tests, Mrs. Crooks," the doctor said. Because of what the Doctor said, Laura was admitted to the Hospital. They did the tests after they gave her some medicine to ease the pain. The next day, Laura felt fine. She will wait for the results of the tests done on her last night. A few hours later, the doctor came, holding the test results of Laura's tests. "Mrs Crook, I had the results of your tests last night," the doctor informed her. The doctor told the findings of the tests. Laura's eyes widened in surprise at the results. 'Daniel will be delighted with this good news!' Laura thought to herself. "Do you have any questions, Mrs. Crook?" the doctor asked her after explaining the results. "I have no questions, Doctor," Laura replied. "I will give you medications, Mrs. Crook. If you feel strange or something hurts you and need assistance, don't hesitate to come to me," the doctor said after leaving her. Laura settled her hospital bill. She wanted to go home to tell her husband what she found out. When Laura got close to their house, her world seemed to stop when she saw her husband outside the house Daniel and Nancy were talking. They are both smiling. A few moments later, Laura saw their kiss. Laura felt her chest tighten because of what she was seeing. She couldn't believe that they would kiss in front of the house. Laura calmed herself. After Nancy left, Daniel went inside the house. Laura got down from inside the Cab after she paid the fare. She walked to enter their house. When she entered, she saw Daniel and Carol happily talking. Carol looked at Laura. She stood up and looked at her evilly. "Where have you been, Laura!?" Carol asked angrily. "It's so thick of your face to leave the house without saying goodbye! Did you know we still had to order our lunch earlier!?" "I went to see a friend, Mom," Laura answered shortly. "You went to a friend?" Carol asked in disbelief. "Do you have friends? In your condition, will anyone come to you?" Carol asked mockingly. Laura closed her eyes. Carol's words will go into her left ear, then out her right ear. "Answer me, Laura!" Carol yelled. "I am sorry, Mom. I am tired. I want to rest," Laura avoided Carol. Laura couldn't help it when Carol grabbed her arm. "Daniel!!" Carol called her son. "You must divorce this useless woman! She is not capable of being part of the Crook family!" Carol ordered her son. "She is useless as a member of the Crook Family! You are better suited to a rich, educated woman from a rich and powerful family and, above all, a decent and sophisticated woman like Nancy!" Laura closed her eyes because of Carol's words. "If you don't divorce Laura, Daniel, you too will regret it!!" "Mom, calm yourself. I will talk to her," Daniel responded. "Don't waste your time with this girl, Daniel! Whether she likes it or not, you two will break up!!" Carol's stance. Daniel looked at Laura, "Let's talk, Laura," he invited her. Carol grinned, 'Everything will be fine when you and my son separate, Laura. So I will not allow what I want to happen!!' she told herself. Laura and Daniel walked into their room. "I will fix everything that can be fixed in our divorce agreement," Daniel informed his wife. Laura's eyes widened because of what Daniel said to her. "What?" Laura asked in disbelief. "Is it because Mom told you to divorce me?" she asked more. Daniel tilted his head, "No, Laura. It is my decision," he answered. "Because of Nancy's return?" Daniel looked at Laura seriously. Because of that, Laura knew that what she said was right. "My decision is final, Laura," Daniel affirmed. "But don't worry. I will give you anything you want. I know where you're from, and I know you're not going anywhere," Daniel informed her. "Besides the five hundred thousand dollars, I will also give you a condo unit and a car for you to start living," he continued. Laura frowned because of what Daniel said to her. 'I can't believe Daniel is saying this to me!' Laura took a deep breath, "What if I don't want your decision?" she said. Daniel's eyes widened, "Why? Do you want something else? Tell me, and I'll give you what you want!" he asked. "I want no one else, Daniel, but you!" Laura replied. Daniel closed his eyes because of what Laura had said to him. "What don't you understand, Laura?" Daniel asked. "I know you know that Nancy is the only woman I love!" Laura's heartfelt pain was as if a sharp dagger hit her chest. She knew that he loved Nancy. When Nancy left for Europe, Daniel's world crumbled. He neglected his company and himself at the time. "Then, why did you marry me back then?" Laura questioned him. Daniel was stunned and thought because of Laura's question to him. "I know what you did for me. When I was unconscious and when I woke up, you were always by my side," Daniel started answering her. "I tried to love you during our relationship together as husband and wife, but when Nancy came back, I realized that I still love her," he honestly replied. "I know I have mistakes, but now, I want to fix them. I know you will be hurt, but I don't want to stay by your side without happiness," he continued. Daniel was an excellent husband to her. He gave everything she wanted, but the only problem was her mother-in-law, who bullied her when he wasn't around. "I am begging, Laura. I will not allow me and Nancy not to be together!" He pleaded, which made Laura shocked. "Daniel," Laura called his name. "I want a complete and happy family," she said. Daniel was surprised at what Laura said, "What do you mean?" he asked. Laura smiled, "I am pregnant!" she announced. Daniel's face became serious because of Laura's announcement. "Aren't you happy with the news I said, Daniel?" Laura asked him. "If you're doing this to keep me from not going through with the divorce, you're wrong, Laura. I've decided to break up with you!"
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