+CHAPTER 3+ Running From The Dragon King

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Sky looked at the lady behind the desk. She was beautiful and surprisingly she wasn't wearing any revealing or tight clothes like normally receptionists wear. She was matching Sky's outfit. Both of them were wearing jeans and a Tshirt, only Sky's Tshirt was larger than her body. Sky approached the receptionist's desk. "Hey, My name is Sky Harris. I am an entomologist from th-" Lookin up from her laptop the woman didn't let Sky complete her sentence. "A what?" She asked with a frown. Sky was so tired of people asking her about her profession as if they had never heard about an entomologist before. Sometimes she just wants to shout at the world that 'Hey dumbos I'm a f*****g entomologist and I study insects for a living. Get the f**k over it!' Hazel had always made fun of Sky's choice of a profession while David had told Sky that she was never going to gain anything from her degree but if things went well today then Sky and her coworkers were going to be a sensation. They had worked on an Eco project that was going to eradicate the disease of malaria from Singapore. The only thing lacked in their project was investment and today if things went fine then no one's going to stop Sky and her team from accomplishing their goals. Sky's father had offered to invest in her research but Sky had straight out denied his support. She doesn't need her father's money to succeed. She wanted to prove herself in her father's eyes. She wants him to see that she's more than his bastard child. She's more than Gabriel Harris's mistress's daughter~ Keeping a slight smile on her face which almost made Sky look constipated, Sky replied to the receptionist. "An entomologist! I research on insects. I am here because your company contacted the Singapore Healthcare Institute and they told us that they are interested in financing our Eco-project." Sky put an emphasis on the word entomologist. "Oh yes, I recall you are from the lab. The boss is waiting for you. By the way, my name is Clara." Sky watched the female's eyes lighting up with recognition. She looked at Sky as if she knew Sky for a long time. The receptionist wasn't even bothered by Sky's constipated smile. Anyone can tell that she just wants to get the f**k out of this damn building, smoke a blunt and watch the sunset with her t**s out. She was so bad at pretending~ Maybe her life would have been easy if she was good at pretending like everyone. "Let me take you to him." When Clara started getting up from her chair Sky declined her offer politely. "No there is no need. I don't want to bother you. Just tell me where to go and I'll be on my way." Clara brushed off Sky's denial as if Sky was just being silly and started leading her towards the cabin of the boss. "Ohh don't be silly. It's my job and I have a feeling that you and I are going to bond very well." She winked at Sky which made Sky extremely uncomfortable because Sky was not used to people being nice to her. Nice people terrify her because whenever someone needs something from Sky they always act nicely. Rude people no longer bother Sky but nice people frighten her. . . At least with rude people, Sky knows what she's getting herself into but those nice fuckers have the tendency to stab a person in the back with a gentle smile on their face. David really did a number on Sky. Before meeting David, Sky had anger problems and now it seems like she had developed trust issues too. All thanks to her ex-boyfriend and current brother in law. Calling David brother in law left a bitter taste in Sky's mouth. Sky gave her virginity to him only for him to cheat on her. He was her first in everything, Sky can't pretend that seeing him with Hazel doesn't hurt. Sky's afraid that her heart won't heal from David's betrayal but maybe with time, she will get used to the pain, the heartache. It's been more than a month since Hazel and David's wedding. Sky had gotten a dozen calls from her stepsister, stepmother, and her dad but she had not even bothered to receive or return their calls. Sky wasn't jesting when she had determined to cut all ties with them. Her father's house has never been a home for Sky and it never will be. It lacked the warmth and love of a home. Sky looked around she liked the peaceful feeling that the company's office was giving her. Instead of her nerves going haywire, she felt calm as she followed Clara to the office of the CEO. Clara's heels clicked with her steps while Sky's sneakers didn't make any sound as she stepped inside the elevator. It didn't feel like Sky came here for the first time. Sky felt like she belonged here. Everything was so welcoming. Stepping out of the elevator on the eleventh floor Clara stopped in front of a closed door. "Here's the boss's office. Have a nice meeting." Clara smiled warmly at Sky and in return Sky gave her another one of her constipated smiles before entering the office. The first thing that came into Sky's mind when she stepped into the office was that she must have entered the wrong room because the office in front of her was really ordinary and tiny, not a place where she imagined the CEO of a multinational company would organize a meeting. The opposite wall from the door had a large desk in front of it with an equally large chair that currently had its back towards Sky. Two small chairs were set for the visitors or colleagues in front of the desk. The walls of the office were empty too except a large glass window that showed the stunning view of Singapore city. Sky knew it! The receptionist was too nice to be true. The b***h might have lead Sky to a wrong room or she might have pulled a prank on her. "b***h!" Sky muttered under her breath. When Sky turned to leave a voice stopped her in her tracks, notifying Sky that she wasn't alone in the room as she thought. "Watch your mouth. Ladies are not supposed to curse." Sky had an urge to snarl at the person that ladies can do whatever the f**k they want to do. And not what they are supposed to do but she kept her thoughts to her self. "I thought you came to the meeting. Are you going to leave before the meeting even starts?" The sound of the turning of a chair echoed in the silent room. Breathing through her nose, trying to keep her temper under control, Sky prayed that she did not mess this meeting up. The hard work of her whole team was in her hands, she can't afford to mess this up. They already had waited too long for investments. When Sky turned around to greet the man who was the owner of the deep voice, her eyes fell on the otherworldly attractive being who was staring at her with bright shining orange eyes. Sky had never seen such a strange and alluring eye color. Sky felt a short circuit in the wiring of her brain and she actually went tongue tied as if she forgot to formulate simple sentences. She had no idea that Marek Draco was a gorgeous specimen. At that moment Sky wanted nothing more than to study every inch of miles of muscles that were hiding behind his well-tailored suit. His hairs were dirty blonde and reached just above his shoulders. He had a strong jawline below his blond beard. Rooted in her place Sky watched him standing from his seat and walking towards her with a grace that wasn't normal for a giant man like him. Marek Draco was a hunk. Sky had to tilt her head back to gaze at his face because even with her average height her head reached just up to the middle of his chest. Sky's breath hitched in her throat when the handsome hunk came extremely close to Sky and held her cold small hand in his abnormally large warm one. Looking Sky in the eye he placed a smoldering kiss on the back of Sky's hand. Sky felt as if her cheeks were on fire when she literally felt him sniffing her hand. Marek had the looks of a Viking and manners of a gentleman. A gentle smile was playing on his rosy lips. Gosh! Those lips looked softer and plumper than Sky's own lips which were dipped in a shiny lip gloss. Everything about Marek screamed that he didn't belong behind that office desk. He had an aura of authority and pure male dominance. Sky felt overwhelmed by her own attraction to him. Men like Marek didn't belong in offices, they belong to woods or castles. s**t! Sky didn't know where that idea came from in her mind. "Take a seat Sky." His deep voice made Sky realize that she was still looking at his lips. Her cheeks turned pink again. Dropping her hand he pointed his hand towards the empty chair in front of his desk with a majestic grace. Marek seemed like royalty to Sky and the fact doesn't matter that Sky had never met a royal in her entire life because she had watched a ton of royal romance movies. And Marek had a Royal charisma. God! Her name sounded so good when it rolled from his tongue. As if in a trance Sky took the chair across from the breathtakingly gorgeous man who was back on his seat now. 'Get a grip Bitch.' Sky sneered at her own bitchy self. She was particularly drooling all over the place. Reminding herself that she was only here for the investment that the handsome hunk sitting across her was going to put in her project, Sky pulled her shoulders back and lifted her chin up in a business-like demeanor. Clearing her throat Sky began the speech her coworker had drilled into her brain before sending her to this meeting because despite her anger management issues Sky had remarkable negotiation skills. "Mr.Marek your company contacted and offered our Institute that they can invest in our Eco-project. I would like..." The man in front of her did not let her complete the sentence. "What would you like to eat Sky?" Picking the phone receiver and holding it at his ear Marek questioned. Sky looked at him blankly with a slightly open mouth. "No Mr.Marek, I am fine so let's be done with this meeting and not waste any more time." Getting a grip on herself Sky politely declined his offer. But it was the exact same time when her traitor stomach loudly growled with hunger because she hadn't eaten anything since morning and now it was almost lunchtime. Marek's lips curved in a smile when he gave her a knowing look and brushed off Sky's denial and ordered the person on the other end of the phone. "I think Sky and I would like to have something sweet to eat. Surprise us." He actually winked at Sky while saying those words. Sky gulped audibly. With his dangerously dark aura and playful nature, Sky was finding it extremely tough to put him in a box. She can feel something hiding within Marek, something that wanted to come out, to reach out to Sky. Or Sky was just being paranoid. Sky had not been to many meetings but she was confident about one thing that usually meetings don't include asking each other for lunch. Setting the phone back on the table Marek imposed his sole focus on Sky. All of a sudden Sky started feeling self-conscious under his piercing gaze. She felt like an insect under a microscope. The man was a giant, even sitting in the chair he was towering over Sky. Which was quite intimidating but she was never going to admit that. "Mr.Marek about the investment I-" "Skip the formalities, you can call me Marek. I like the way my name roles from your tongue." He said the exact same words that Sky had thought when he had uttered her name from those plump rosy lips. God! He just did not!! No, he did not just openly flirt with her. Sky's jaw dropped. Oh, God! The way Marek was making her feel butterflies in her stomach was making her want to bang her head on a cement wall. "As if I am going to let you do that." Marek said with laughter in his voice and amusement shining in his eyes. Ops. . . Did she just say it out loud? "You did. Let's take about the butterflies I'm making you feel in your tiny stomach." Placing his hands on the desk he leaned towards her. There was something close to affection in his gaze for Sky. Sky looked at Marek with only one thought running in her mind that 'What the hell she had gotten herself into?' Because Sky can clearly see that Marek Draco had no intention of talking about business with her. All of a sudden, Sky started feeling threatened by his approach. She can deal with manipulation thanks to David, she can deal with rude behavior and cold shoulders thanks to her parents, but Sky had no idea how to deal with Marek. The strong emotions that Marek was stirring inside her heart were freaking her out. Sky wanted to stay close to him but at the same time, she wants to run for her life and guess what? Sky choose the later one. She can't deal with another heartbreak, Sky can't deal with another betrayal. . . She wasn't ready to let anyone inside her little broken heart again. Not even Marek Draco, He was the type of man Sky should avoid at any cost because men like him are never satisfied with one woman. 'And why would they when there is plenty of fish in the pond', that's what David had told her. Sky was not going to let herself be a plaything for another man~
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