+CHAPTER 4+ Scaring The Wicked Dragon

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Life has been a series of goodbyes, some said, some unsaid and some yet to be said. David and Hazel's wedding was the day Sky had said goodbye to her so-called family but it seems like her family has yet to say goodbye to her. Last evening Sky had got a call from an unknown number and in her stupidity, she had received that call. It was David who had called her. Firstly he had tried to manipulate her into meeting him but when she had refused to meet him he tried another tactic. He had threatened Sky into meeting him. Sky does not want to meet him. She doesn't even want to see his face but the fucker was hell-bent on meeting her. He had threatened her that if she did not come to meet him then he will come after her to her apartment. Sky hand no choice but to agree to meet him. David had particularly bullied Sky into meeting him. Taking away her free will. The fucker could not take no for an answer. Sky had no idea what he wants from her. He had married Hazel and Sky had come to terms with that but it seems like David still does not realize that he had married Sky's step-sister. It feels like Sky's life is a soup and she is a fork. Nothing seems to go the way she plans. She can already feel an upcoming headache. She just wants to go home and pretend like her life isn't a mess. She was going to meet David after work but God helps him if he tried anything funny on her then she doesn't know how but somehow, someway she's going to nail his balls to the wall. Sky looked that the bacteria-infected mosquitoes, her life nowadays revolves around them as if she is the babysitter of mosquitoes. She works in Institute where they breed special mosquitoes to fight malaria. Currently, 5 million mosquitoes are artificially infected with special bacteria in the Healthcare Institute of Singapore. Mosquitoes have always been a problem for Singapore and from the past years, Sky along with her team was working on breeding a special type of mosquitoes which will help them to fight against malaria and other mosquito-related diseases. It took them more than 2 years to came up with this idea and from the past year, they had been struggling for investors to invest in their Eco project. And now when a multinational company was offering them an investment in their Eco project Sky wants to back out. Because the CEO of the company made her feel the things that she does not want to feel. She felt anxious in front of him. Oh, come on! who is she kidding, her whole body felt scorching under his penetrating gaze. She wants to do forbidden things to him. One week ago Sky had run from Marek's office like a coward. She was a hundred percent sure that she had royally f****d up the meeting. Two days ago Marek's company had contacted the research center and told them that they are ready to invest in their project which had surprised Sky more than anything because according to her the meeting was awful. Sky was sure that they were going to lose the investors but when her senior Josh had informed her that the company was ready to invest in their project Sky felt like her heart was going to burst in her chest. Josh had congratulated Sky for getting the deal done but Sky had done nothing, she didn't negotiate, she didn't even tell Marek about the project, in short Sky had done nothing else than running away from Marek as if her ass was on fire. Sky was having a feeling that her team was not getting this investment because of their project. She felt like the CEO was investing in their project because of Sky. This was weird because there was nothing special about Sky, she was just an ordinary girl and Marek was a Greek God. She can't understand why someone like Marek was chasing after a girl like her. He can get any girl he wants~ So why her..? Sky still remembers her last encounter with Marek, she had felt like she was a bacteria under the microscope for him. In his presence Sky had felt like he was reading her mind, studying the secrets that she had concealed in her heart. No one had stared at her like that ever before. There was something about Marek that brings warning bells in Sky's mind. There was more to him than meets the eye, a side of him that Sky can feel hidden behind that gentle smile. Sky can swear that she had sensed something hidden in Marek, something extremely wicked and dangerous. Today someone from Marek's company was going to come to inspect their researches and work at the Healthcare Institute of Singapore. Everyone around Sky was cleaning the already cleaned laboratory. She wanted to shout at them that idiots the laboratory was already bacteria-free. What the hell are they trying to clean? Gosh! She's surrounded by nincompoops. Sky reminded herself that she had to keep her comments to herself if she wants to make it to heaven. Sitting in the corner Sky was sulking like a small child. She did not want to meet anyone related to Marek. She didn't like the CEO. She did not like his informal behavior around her. Sky didn't like the fact that she had repeated their encounter so many times in her mind. He had acted like he had known Sky for all their lives. As if they had been childhood friends. Sky was more irritated with herself than with Marek. She can't deny the fact that she was attracted to him. Sky had chosen the safest place in the building. There was no way anyone will allow an outsider in this sector of the laboratory. She won't have to encounter anyone related to Marek. A small part of her still wants to go back to Marek but the larger and sane part of her wants her to run away from Marek as far as possible. Josh's shrieking voice pulled Sky out of her thoughts. "They are here for the inspection. Get ready." "You can't let anyone in here Josh. Outsiders are not allowed in this section." Sky protested. "Not now Sky. The laboratory could be cleaned but for now, the investors are more important. Now make yourselves presentable." Josh dismissed Sky's protest. Sky wanted to hit a pan on Josh's head but instead of doing that like everyone Sky stood on her assigned position in the laboratory to greet the person who came here for inspection. The moment the investor stepped into the room Sky wanted nothing more to hit her own head with a pan. Sky looks that the investor who came to inspect the Eco project. Fuck her life! There he was, Marek in all his Glory walking into the enormous laboratory as if he owned the place. Broad shoulders on a muscle packed frame. He had to be more than six and a half feet tall. His long hairs were tied in a tight bun on his head. In that well-tailored suit, he looked like a Christmas treat for single wild females. And currently, Sky was one of them. Sky watched his eyes roaming around the flood of her colleagues until his eyes stopped on her. His lips curved in a smile. Merely looking at his smile made Sky's heart thud. He glanced at her chest as if he could hear it and his smile deepened. Gosh! Those lips. Not even for a sole moment, the picture of his lips has escaped from her mind. From the past week, he was the only thing on Sky's mind. He had not even left her alone in her sleep. She had a dream about him. Sky was scared of him, she was so scared of the way he was making her feel. The walls that she had built around her heart had done nothing to stop him from banging on the door of her little broken heart. Ignoring the group of researchers and her senior Marek started striding towards Sky. She shrunk into herself but that did nothing to stop him from coming straight to her and engulfing her in a bear hug. God! Her skin came alive with goosebumps at his touch. She was flabbergasted by his antics. Her hands were at her sides while his arms wrapped around her small form, Sky watched every single person in the laboratory was looking at her with an open mouth. "How are you little birdie?" After what felt like a million years, Marek pulled back from the hug but he didn't let go of her. Holding Sky from her shoulders he was looking at her as if he was searching for injuries. Taking a step away from Marek, Sky put some distance between them. Sky still had not recovered from their last meeting when he had kissed the back of her hand and now he had hugged her like it was a normal thing for them. "You are not supposed to come in the lab without a lab coat. It's a bacteria-free place, you might contaminate this place." Sky said in a small voice while tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear that had fallen out of her messy bun. She was looking anywhere but at the male specie man standing in front of her. Sky felt extremely shy around him which was a first for her because Sky was not shy in any way. Looking at Marek fills her mind with all types of filthy ideas. Her traitor of a mind flashed an image of her examining him under a microscope, Naked. Her core throbbed at the mere image~ Her heart was thumping in her chest and Sky felt like she was definitely going to die with a heart stroke if Marek did not leave her alone. The first place that she had thought of while running away from him was that if she stayed in the lab then she won't have to meet him but she was so wrong. There he was standing in front of her, smiling at her like a fool. He looked totally unaffected by her words of telling him to leave the lab. "Are you not going to show me around?" Marek asked, his voice laced with hope. He had a pleading look on his face as if Sky had not just told him to get the hell out of the lab. Her heart squeezed a little inside her chest at his hopeful tone. The head of the research project took it on himself to answer on Sky's behalf. "Mr. Marek Draco Sky will be more than happy to show you around, right Sky?" Josh had put a little emphasis on her name at the end, clearly giving her a warning in his underlying tone. "I think Sky has a mouth of her own and she can answer for herself." Marek snarled at Josh. Josh's cheeks turned red in clear embarrassment. Fuck! Sky would have felt embarrassed too if she was in his place. "Mr. Marek please this way, I will show you around." Sky offered, trying to defuse the situation and easing the tension in the room. She held Marek back by his arm to stop him because he was ready to pounce on her senior. Her touch seemed to calm him but he didn't take his eyes off Josh. Sky seized his arm in her iron grip while she tried to lead him outside the lab section. He had already contaminated the bacteria-free lab and it was Sky's duty in the lab today and she had to clean the mess he had created. "You should not let people run all over you. You are born to lead, not to let people get their way around you." Marek glared at the lab section. "Currently, you are the only person who is getting his way around me." Sky replied with spite. In an instant, his eyes snapped towards Sky. He smiled down at her showing off his perfectly pearly teeth. "I like the way you turn my words around, birdie". "Josh is my senior you should not snap at him, he was just doing his job, Mr. Marek." Sky grumbled. "Do you love him?" With the intensity, Marek had asked that question made Sky's heartbeat faster. "No!" Was Sky's reflexive answer. "Good," Marek let out a breath while looking down at her. Sky felt very little in front of him she had an average height but Marek was huge, he literally towers over everyone in the institute and Sky felt like a dwarf in front of him. "And I think that you forgot that I told you to call me Marek." He said in a commanding tone that Sky did not like even a bit. "And I don't remember signing on any paper that bounds me to do as you say." Sky replied in a snippy tone. "You should watch your tone around me little birdie. My kind does not act really good to snippy and disrespectful tones." Marek warned playfully but his words brought back memories from the last evening. Sky was so sick of men bullying their way in her life. She was so sick of men like David who likes to corner women in order to get their way. Sky took a threatening step towards Marek. Seeing the look on her face Marek unconsciously took a step back. "Look Mr.Marek I don't remember signing up to be your personal slave so watch your words the next time you talk to me." She took another threatening step towards him while Marek took another step away from her. "Well, you know what! f**k you! You can go and f**k yourself and your bossy ass on a cactus." Sky raised her voice at him. Sky had cornered Marek against a wall while she had literally screamed at him. Hands at his side the CEO of a multinational company was plastered on the wall visibility gulping while looking at her in alarm. He was scared. "Sky!" Josh hissed at her. Sky turned around to see Josh standing there shell-shocked. Shit! Sky had done that again. She had temper issues all thanks to her disaster of a first and last relationship and her f****d up family. She lost control again~ Sky step away from Marek, there wasn't more than an inch of space between them. Marek was still regarding Sky with alarm, his cheeks had turned a shade pink. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear Sky offered a lame apology. "I am sorry." Sky mumbled in a small voice. In a second, She watched the alarmed look replaced by a soft look on Marek's face. "Actually, it's been a hectic day and it will be better if you take someone else from the team to show you around. I have to go." "I am sorry." Sky muttered to Josh before running away from the man who was bringing the worst of all her traits to the surface. Firstly lust, then anxiety, frustration, and now anger. She hoped that she would not have to encounter the giant male standing behind her again. She would ask Josh for leave until they close the deal with Marek's company. It's better if she takes some time to cool off. But little did Sky knew that she will meet Marek soon. Very very soon. And not under the best circumstances.
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