+CHAPTER 2+ Bastard Child

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Winters are so cold yet so calm. . . So calm yet so heavy. . . There's an emptiness that winters hold within them. The emptiness that brings out the memories of a time that's now in the past. But Sky is unable to understand that if all that happened in the past then why won't It stays in the past? Why does it always have to come in the present and destroy the little bit of peace of mind that she has established in her life? Her past haunts her~ It follows her everywhere, it won't leave her alone. Sky looked at the man who was laughing with her elder stepsister as if he was not the same man who had broken Sky's heart. The affection that was twinkling in their eyes for each other was making her stomach turn. God! She wanted to vomit the contents of her stomach on her sister's wedding dress. David was kissing her sister with the same lips that he used to cherish Sky with. How could he forget their memories, how could he do that to Sky, how could he be so cruel to her. Her sister's wicked smile didn't go unnoticed by Sky. . . Hazel was enjoying Sky's misery and why wouldn't she! The sole purpose of her life is to make Sky as miserable as possible. And what better way to do that than marrying the man Sky loved. . . David was the first man that Sky had loved. And maybe the last man that she had ever trusted. The way he had broken her trust had scarred Sky for a lifetime. She had shown him the valuable parts of her soul, he didn't deserve to know her like that. Sky regrets opening up to him~ She was an i***t to trust him, an i***t to offer her heart to a person who was in need of a brain. But it wasn't her fault that she fell for his act. With his tongue dipped in honey and manipulation skills Sky didn't have a chance from the very start. She has always been the nerd, the weird girl with glasses bigger than her whole face set on her small nose. David was the first one to notice her. He was a wolf and Sky was a lamb who had mistaken the wolf as a Prince Charming. It wasn't David's fault that he preferred Hazel over Sky. They were of almost the same age while David and Sky had an age difference of seven years. Sky was in the final year of college when she fell for him. He was assigned as a temporary professor for the final year students. She fell for him, she fell for his sweet talks. Firstly David used to motivate Sky, he acted like he was her strength but in reality, he was the man who made Sky believe that she was not good enough. Although she was a nerd that doesn't mean that she had any less self-confidence. Her confidence was the thing that attracted him to Sky beside her father's money. According to him her way of thinking attracted him to Sky. David used to praise her all the time. He used to tell Sky that the world needs more confident women like her. She never realized when he started putting self-doubts in her mind. She never realized when his praises of admiration changed into taunts. When he started telling her that she needs to change, lose weight, she needs to look skinny like other girls. She was already too deep into him that she wanted to please him at any cost. She lost all her friends in order to satisfy the man who wasn't even in love with her. He told her that she needs to change her friends because he does not like her squad. She left her friends for him. Sky started starving herself to turn her body according to the beauty standards that the man standing in front of Sky placed in her mind. Only for David to leave Sky in the end for her own sister just because Sky wasn't as beautiful as Hazel and she definitely can't provide him with the status that he will gain after marrying Hazel. And the thing that hurt Sky the most was that her father didn't even bat an eyelash while agreeing to Hazel and David's wedding. Her stepmother had shut any protests that Sky had just with a single argument. ***Flashback*** 'You can survive a heartbreak my love but Hazel can't. You know my poor baby's heart isn't strong enough to handle the pain of losing the man she loves." Sky stared at her stepmother who was trying very hard to keep her facade of a good mother in front of her husband. 'Are you kidding me, Mom! Hazel is as healthy as a horse the only time she has heart disease is when things don't go according to her f*****g liking!' Sky shouted on top of her lungs. She was hitting the limit of her patience. 'You won't talk to me in that tone in my own house again Sky! Have you forgotten all your manners while hanging out with your good for nothing friends?' Mom sneered, the pleading look that she had on her face earlier was long gone. Alina Harris was a marvelous actress~ 'Then I'm glad that I don't live in your f*****g house because unlike Hazel I'm very capable of feeding my own self and keeping a roof over my head with my own hard work!' Sky cursed again only to get on her stepmother's nerves. Sky knew that her stepmother hates the reminder that her darling daughter Hazel is a pampered princess who is good for nothing. Sky looked at her dad and as always he was standing there quietly. Not even bothering to take anyone's side. Like a silent pillar. . . 'You aren't going to knock some sense in her dad? Are you going to just stand there and watch them destroy my life.' Sky hoped that her father will take her side this time because this time it wasn't a matter of toys. Relationships were at sake. Sky's slender fingers were trembling violently, she just wanted her father to stand for her for just this once. 'You don't have to exaggerate things Sky! Don't drag your dad into this, no one is destroying your life!' Mom snapped, completely losing her cool composure but Sky didn't look away from her dad. Her bottom lip trembled, Sky rarely cries but today keeping the tears from escaping her eyes was becoming really hard for her. 'I wish someone day you will grow some balls to stand for your own daughter. But I think that I'll always be a bastard child for you that you are ashamed of!' Sky snarled at her father while trying to keep the tears at bay. He flinched at her sharp words, reaching out for her but Sky jerked out of his reach. ***Flashback Ends*** Sky looked at David, the way he was looking at Hazel was making Sky's blood boil. The fucker looked like he was smitten by her and they were madly in love with each other. Hazel thought that she had hurt Sky by marrying David but she had done Sky a huge favor by saving her from a money-hungry wolf like David. All Sky wanted was to slice David's d**k into tiny pieces and chop off his balls with a f*****g butcher's knife. Then put them in a grinder and make a shake and then after pouring the shake in a wine glass Sky wanted to force Hazel to drink every last f*****g drop of it. But Sky reminded herself that creating a scene at her sister's wedding was not the best idea because her stepsister had a tiny little hole in her black heart. When Hazel was born the doctor had told their parents that Hazel was not going to survive. Although Hazel was Sky's elder stepsister that did not change the fact that she was an A-one b***h who loved to use her heart disease as an advantage against everyone. If things won't go according to Hazel's plan she will throw a fit and use her heart condition to emotionally blackmail her parents into bending them according to her will. But Sky couldn't get over the fact that why didn't her b***h of a sister died with her fragile heart while f*****g Sky's longtime boyfriend David. Sky saw her stepmother gave her a sharp look along with a tight smile. For anyone looking at the interaction, it seemed like a normal smile but Sky knew that it was a warning for Sky to behave and not give in to the destructive ideas running into her brain. Sky had always been the violent type, she had anger issues more precisely she had temper problems. She can't pretend like her stepmother and stepsister. The same thing that's in her mind will come to her lips unlike her others who had hate-filled in their hearts but they use the honey-dipped tongue to deceive. Sky watched her stepmother making a beeline towards her. Alina pulled Sky into a light hug, a fake tight smile playing on her lips. Botox really did a number on her face. Whoever said that botox isn't meant for everyone was so f*****g right and Sky's stepmother was a living example of that. Alina turned around and smiled at someone. Sky's eyes followed her smile to stop on her father, he was looking at them but was avoiding eye contact with Sky. They had not talked since their last argument and this time Sky had not tried to make any efforts. She was tired of begging for her own father's love~ Alina turned her attention back towards Sky but this time her eyes held a foreign look in them. Sky can't pinpoint what was going in Alina's mind. "You look so much like your mother." Alina said in a calm tone. It was the first time Alina had ever talked about Sky's mother with her. It was a secret that Sky was the bastard child of the famous business tycoon Gabriel Harris who had impregnated his mistress. Sky was her father's dirty little secret. "Why did you take me under your roof if you hated me so much, Alina?" Sky inquired. She skipped all the formalities of calling Alina mom because today when Sky was going to leave Hazel's wedding she was never going to look back. She was going to cut all the ties with her father, David, Hazel and her stepmother. She was done with them! "Because I wanted to cut all the ties my husband might have with his mistress. You are a weakness for me but strength for your mother. She could have used you to get my husband and I would have never allowed that." Alina frowned darkly as if she didn't want to admit that out loud. Alina looked towards her husband briefly. "She would have thought about the consequences before falling for a married man who already had a daughter." There was no bitterness in her tone. "But she died shortly after giving birth to me then why didn't you throw me out of your home you didn't have to go through seeing your husband's betrayal on a daily basis." Sky questioned. Any woman in Alina's place would have done the same. No one likes to keep their husband's bastard children in their home. . . "I would have done that but I didn't have the heart too. I don't hold your mother responsible for loving a man who I fell for and what was there not fall for? Gabriel is a gem Sky. He has everything from power, money, fame to everything a woman can wish for." The distant foreign look was back on Alina's face. "So you stayed with him for his money?" Sky queried, and it surprised her that she genuinely wanted to know. "No Sky! I stayed with him because despite I have caught Gabriel betraying me and Hazel I was still in love with him. And when a husband becomes the criminal of his wife then the rest of the wife's life is spent well with him. Your father is guilty of a crime and that won't let him cross me ever again." Both Sky and Alina gazed at the man who had no idea what his wife and daughter were talking about. In his 60s Gabriel Harris was still a sight to behold. His grey hairs and a few wrinkles on his face were the only indications of his age. No doubt wome used to throw themselves at him. "That was the main reason I didn't give him to your mother. I did give your mother enough money for a luxurious life but she died before utilizing that money. It was easy to live with a man I knew will never dare to cheat on me again then start a new life with someone else with a little Hazel at my side." Sky never thought that a day like this will come when her stepmother will pour her heart in front of Sky. "You don't have to sugarcoat anything for me I know my mother's sold me to you!" Sky said with a bitterness in her tone. Alina exhaled a long sight. "No she didn't sell you to me Sky, she gave you to me because she knew that only I could give you a good life and the name of your father that she would never be able to give you. She didn't want you to live in shame of being a bastard child of a famous business tycoon." Sky's chest tightened at Alina's words~ "Why are you telling me this now? As much as I remember you have always hated my guts." Sky snarled, talking about her birth mother had overwhelmed her. "How could I like you Sky? You are a reminder to me that I wasn't good enough for my own husband so he took a mistress to his bed. But it doesn't matter how things turned out! Your mother was once my closest friend. I just want you to move on and leave Hazel and David alone. I don't want to hurt you anymore." "Why? Because your daughter had already done a f*****g good job at that!" Elena squeezed Sky's shoulder but didn't comment at Sky's jab. And then she turned around and started walking towards her husband. Everything was so sick and twisted in Sky's life~ She just wanted a break! The betrayal, the anger, the hurt, the sadness, it had overwhelmed Sky. She needs a break from her stepmother and her family's melodramas. . . Shouting 'f**k YOU!!' in her mind at every single person present at the wedding Sky turned her back against her family and started walking out of the wedding with no particular destination in her mind. She didn't even realize how long she had walked until she reached an abandoned park and slumped on the nearest bench exhaling a long sight. God! she knew that coming to Hazel's wedding was the worst idea of the century but she had once again given into the emotional manipulation of her stepmother. Alina just wanted to warn Sky to stay away from her daughter. For everyone Sky was Alina and Gabriel Harris's daughter but in reality, Sky was an outsider in her own house. Her father's lavish mansion was never a home for Sky. It was a place where she was reminded every day that she was a bastard child. While Hazel was treated like a pampered Princess by their father, Sky was treated like a burden. Every time their father bought a toy for them he would give Hazel a toy with affection shining in his eyes while he will give Sky a toy as if he was forced to do that. It had hurt like a b***h~ Sky had done so f*****g much to get the same love from her father that he always showed to Hazel. From getting good grades to act like a spoiled b***h, Sky had done every f*****g thing but her father never cared. Sky was one of those girls who had their hearts broken by their fathers before any other boy got the chance. Sky laughed without humor. As if her father hadn't already done a f*****g great job at breaking her heart, David f*****g scarred her for life. No matter how much Sky wanted to be happy for Hazel and forget about her past with David she can't get over what Hazel did to her. Maybe that's the same way Alina had felt all this time. Fighting for the toys that dad bought Sky was one thing but snatching the man Sky gave her heart to was low even for Hazel. The only thing that came into her heart at their wedding was that may both of them rot in hell. Sky's best friend was right they both deserve each other, they both f*****g deserve each other. Today one manipulator had tied a knot with a master manipulator. Sky knew that their wedding was going to be a huge disaster and it felt so good to know that. It's not like they actually love each other. . . David had married Hazel for money and Hazel had married David to rub it on Sky's face. But the joke was on them! Their marriage was doomed. Sky's breath was turning into Fog, the temperature was dropping. Lost in her thoughts Sky imagines herself to be an old woman who had seen every color of life, which Sky had almost seen herself. Sky felt like a lonely lady who was f*****g done with everyone's s**t! Who was done with the people judging her and passing nasty marks on her. Sky mimicked the act of smoking, Sky imagined in her mind that the two fingers that were touching her lips held a cigarette between them and the fog that was coming out of her mouth was actually the cigarette smoke. Resting her head against the bench she exhaled another sight. Today was a hell of a day for her. She no longer held any love feelings for David but f**k! it still hurts. Her ex-boyfriend who had done everything in the past to destroy her mental and physical health was now out of her life for good. Sky was happy but at the same time, a small part of her wanted to mourn over the love that she had once in her heart for David. David's betrayal had made Sky see clearly that what a nasty piece of work he was. Sky was sitting in an empty park acting like she was getting high on weed. f**k! if she did not have to go to take care of her precious mosquitoes at work then Sky would definitely have tried smoking weed for the first time in her life. Her stepmother's talking about her mother, Hazel marrying David and Sky leaving her father not even before saying goodbye, her last goodbye to him, had drained all her energy. She was never going to meet her family again they were f*****g toxic for her mental health. Suddenly Sky looked around the snow covered park. Something felt off about this place, she got a feeling as if she was being watched. Her eyes searched the empty park and suddenly the feeling of being watched was gone as fast as it appeared. Sky tried to shake it off. . . Maybe she had was actually getting high on her imaginary weed was Sky's last thought before headed towards her small apartment where her cold empty bed was waiting for her.
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