24 - Witnesses and Messangers-1

1114 Words

(Willa) I woke up after possibly the most comfortable night of sleep in my life. Caspien returned the favor last night, and we talked late in each other's arms by the fire. I don't think I would ever get sick of talking to him. I wanted to know everything about it, and the more I learned, the more I liked him. Emmett was fast asleep when I made it to bed. His fever was thankfully almost gone. Dull gray light pierced through a crack in the dark curtains; I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stretched out, reaching for my baby boy.  Emmett wasn’t there, and I sat up for a moment, worried. I knew he could take care of himself, mostly. But I didn't know what he could get into here. There were probably some robot gadgets lying around. A robot butler or something, I laughed to myself. I sli

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