23 - Comfort Food - 2

1589 Words

Caspien's eyes flashed black, and he growled lowly, lowering his mouth to my marking spot and s.ucked it, sending shivers running down me as I let out a gasp.  “But it's not just about me.” I forced myself to go on. “You both have to accept each other. I don’t even know how you would feel about that if you wanted kids or how he would fit in.”  “Well, we obviously would have to paint his room blue.” Caspien pulled back, and I felt like I could breathe again. “But I would like you both to live here. I want you in my life, both of you. I don’t want him because of you. I want him as mine.”  My stomach dipped, and I looked at his face; I didn’t just want him to be saying that. It was too soon; they barely had any time together. “I like the kid. Atlas had already claimed him as his.” Caspien

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