24 - Witnesses and Messangers - 2

1683 Words

(Alpha Nolan) I scrubbed my face looking at my desk. Piles of things that I had to do and so much more had to be done before the conference, even though it was months away.  A sharp knock came at my door, and I debated ignoring it. It would be someone else coming in with another task to add to my endless list. I knew being Alpha would be hard, and I thought I was ready for it, but I felt like I was barely treading water; each year brought more responsibilities. Paperwork, pack treaties, contracts, housing assignments, it was all so tedious.  The knock came again, louder this time.  “Come in,” I grumbled.  A bulky, serious-looking man I didn't recognize was led in by my Beta Issac. I sat back, waiting for him to be introduced.  “This is a messenger sent from Crescent Moon.” Issac mot

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