Chapter : 4. Money for job..

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Alice’s point of view :- ----------------------------- “Looks like you have a situation to handle first. I will be over there when you are done.” The old lady Caroline understood that father Hector and I have some important things to discuss. So, she went to check on the orphanage, leaving us alone to talk. “Father. What is going on? What do you mean by we are losing our home? What debt you were talking about?” “She.. she isn’t here to take our orphanage?” He finally stood up from the ground with utter shock. “No. She’s here to see me. But that’s not the question. Why did you said all those things to her? Do you know her?” “No. I.. I thought she is one of those people I owe money too.” “Please be clear, father. I want to know what’s going on.” “Alice. I am sorry that I kept this a secret from you for so long, because I didn’t want you to be on more stress than how much you already are. I borrowed some money from some peoples, werewolves. I had to ask them for it because the orphanage was falling apart. I couldn’t feed the children anymore and neither can I keep them warn. A few days ago they sent me notice that if I don’t pay my debt soon, they will come here and throw all of us out. They threatened me to take the orphanage. So, when I saw her with so many cars and bodyguards, I thought she came here on their behalf. I am really sorry, Alice. We are about to lose everything because of it.” “Exactly how much money do we owe them?” “About two millions.” My jaw dropped to hear the amount we need to pay. “Two millions? How long have you been taking money from them?” “For several years. I don’t know what I was thinking. I should have let them starve rather them become homeless. And now everything is going away because of me.” “Hey! It’s okay. It’s not your fault. You did what you had to do. You did the right thing. But there’s no point in crying over it now. We have to think of a way to pay the dept. We will do it together. We will pay them before they can take action.” “But how?” “I.. O don’t know yet. But I will find a way. I promise.” “Oh Alice. How do you take so much responsibility on you little shoulders? You are very young to be worried about so many things. You should be free, making your life good. But here you are stuck with us, solving our problems.” “You are my family. All of you are. If I don’t take responsibility of my family, then who will? Now if you excuse me, I have something to discuss with my guest. Now wipe your tears and put up the smile we love.” I wiped his tears as he pat my head with a gentle smile before getting inside. But now I am under a lot more pressure than before. I have to save the orphanage. I have to give a roof over all the little kids living here. I have to save them. But how? How am I going to get two million dollars? I looked at the old lady, who is talking to one of his guards. Maybe she can help. I know I have already asked for a job rather than money, but the situation has changed. Money is most important to me right now before my self respect. I have to do it. So, I went to her to tell her about my changed mind. “Umm.. Hello. I am sorry to keep you waiting and for what father Hector said. He mistook you for someone else. Please come inside.” I invited her to come inside the orphanage and maybe meet the kids inside if she likes. “No. I am better here. Besides, we need some privacy to talk. We can sit here.” She pointed at the bench outside and I nod at her before sitting on the bench. “So, this father Hector, is your biological father?” “Umm.. No. He is the owner of the orphanage. All of us kids call him father because he used to be a priest at a church and for us, he is a father figure indeed.” “So you are an orphan? What happend to your real parents? Do you even know them?” “Yeah. They were killed in the protest against..” I was about to mention that the werewolves killed my parents, but stopped when I realized she is one of them. “Do you have a boyfriend? Or someone you like?” “What?” “You know.. A guy that you want to spend the rest of your life with and all that stuff.” “No. I don’t have a boyfriend. I don’t have the time to date someone. But why are you asking these questions? You are here to give me a job, aren’t you?” “Of course. I was only inquiring about some basic stuff before hiring you. And I don’t see a problem to give you the job.” “Umm.. I am sorry, but I can’t take the job anymore. I know I told you a lot of things about not wanting someone else’s money, but I think I would like the money instead.” That made her shrink her eyes at me. “Why? What changed all of a sudden?” “I know you have already guessed what is going on in the orphanage from what you heard from father Hector. I need the money to pay the debt on his behalf. I need that money to save the orphanage so that the kids here don’t become homeless again. This home is all we kids have.” “I understand. How much do you need?” I can’t believe I am doing this. It hurts me so much to ask for money in return of a little girls safety. But I have to do it for others. “Two million.” After I told the amount to her, she became quiet and started thinking of something. In heart I kept praying that she doesn’t refuse to give it because she is the only one who can save us all at this moment. “Fine. I will give you the money. But in return, you have to do something for me. You have to take the job I came here to offer.” I became still for a minute to hear that. She agreed to give me the money and the job? Something’s wrong. There’s something risky about the job she’s offering. But what is it?” “I.. I don’t understand. You will give me the money if I take the job? What is this job that you want me to take? Be honest with me, please. Do I have to do something bad?” I tried to be as polite as I can. But whatever she is saying, making me lose my etiquette. “You are smart. If it was any other girl in your position, she would have agreed to it without thinking twice. And that makes me more determined to give you the place. I want you to take the most precious and valuable job of all. A job to be a mother and a wife.” That was enough to make me speechless. “I.. What? Umm..” I was having a hard time to form a sentence because I don’t know where to begin my questions with. It made her laugh to see me stutter. “I know what you want to ask. So, let me clear it to you. My grandson, alpha Austin Morales, the most successful billionaire businessman, is single. He needs a wife who can take care of him and his daughter. The girl you saved that day. I was looking for a girl for quite some time now until you caught my eye. You are smart, kind, brave, and selfless. The perfect one for this position.” “Except that I am not a werewolf. I am a human. I can’t be with a werewolf. Specially an alpha. I don’t mean any disrespect, but what are you thinking? How can you think that a human can ever settle down with an alpha? It’s impossible.” “Human, werewolf.. it doesn’t mean anything to me. All that matters is the heart. I saw a kind heart inside you that can love my family as her own. A person that can sacrifice for the happiness of a motherless child. They need someone like you to take care before I die. And finding such a girl among werewolves is like finding a needle in hay. That’s why I am asking you to become my grandson’s mate. I want to see him settle while I am still alive.” “No. I can’t. I can’t do this. This will never work. I can’t marry an alpha. I am sorry. You should leave. I don’t need your money or your job. You can go now.” “Think about it, Alice. If you become a part of my family, I promise that I will make your family safe. I will make sure this orphanage gets everything they ever need. Even after I die. It’s a good deal. I will call you in a few days for your answer. Think about it carefully.” She left after saying that and I sat there for the next two hours thinking about the offer she gave me. No matter how much I think about the profit, I can’t seem to ignore the loss I will have. I can’t marry an alpha. It will only bring disaster. I sat there until the sun came down and even after I returned to my room, I couldn’t get peace with all these thoughts. Two days passed and I have finally made my decision. I am not making this sacrifice for some money. I will find another way to earn it. So, instead of waiting for someone’s help, I went out to look for a good job. In between this, I also lost the babysitting job because I was taking more days off frequently now. Now I am too desperate to find anything that can help. Things were getting worse for us. Especially when one day I returned from an interview and found some people beating father Hector. This would be the first time I saw someone raising their hands on him. The kids were all outside, crying in fear as they watched them beat our father. I didn’t think twice before jumping in to protect him and the kids. “Stop. Stop.. What are you doing.. Let him go. Please..” I got several kicks while I tried to cover his body with mine, but finally it worked as they stopped. “Please. Why are you hitting him? What do you want?” “We want our money back. Tell him to return it right now or get out of the building. We are taking over the place.” I looked up to see all of their horrible faces. “But he doesn’t have the money. We need some time. We will give it back soon.” “Soon when. It’s been months since we kept warning him. The time is over now. We can’t wait. Through all of them out of here. These parasites deserve to be in the streets.” As soon as the head of the group said that, a few men went towards the kids and started dragging them out. “No.. Wait. I have the money. I have it. Please don’t touch them. They are kids.” “Then give me the money. It’s a simple thing I want from you humans. I don’t want to dirty my hands with your dirty blood. Give it to me now.” “I don’t have it with me right now. But give me a few days. I will give you all of your money back. Please spare us a few more days. Please..” I touched his feet to beg him to give us some time. If they throw us out of the orphanage, there will be no place for us to go. “Fine. I will be back next week and if you don’t give me my money back, I will kill all of you at once. Remember it. You have one week.” He pulled his feet back from me and walked out of the orphanage with all of his men. The kids all ran to us in fear as me and father Hector hugged them for comfort.
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