Chapter : 3. Looking for a job..

2100 Words
Alice’s point of view :- -------------------------------- It’s the day of the result. We got a call from the modeling agency in morning and they asked me and my friend to be there to sign the contract. I think they chose both of us. So, after finishing my baby sitting job, I went straight to the office where I also met my friend who was waiting for me. They first called her in while I waited outside. After about half an hour, she came out of the office all excited. “Yeaay.. They hired me. Alice.. I am going to California. They gave me the responsibility of dressing up the models in their new location. The pay is good and I can get promotions if I do good. This is a dream come true. I am traveling to a new city..” “Really? That’s great. I am so happy for you. So, when are you going?” “In two days. I already signed the contract and they want me to be there as soon as possible. I have to go home and start packing. I have to buy some things for the trip too.” “Well, I will miss you then. Take care of yourself. Go home.” “Hey! Stay in touch, okay? I will miss you too.” I said my final goodby to her because I am not going to see her again. She was a good friend to me. My only friend. I had to wait for hours while they took time to talk to the other candidates. By the time my number came, I was the last one there. It’s already night and I have to hurry if I want to do my shift tonight. But maybe I won’t be needing that job anymore if I get an offer like Tessa. “Alice Vega. Please come in.” Finally, my name came, and I went inside the office. Three men are waiting there for me to discuss my part of the job. As I got in, they pointed me to sit on the chair in the middle of the room. “Alice Vega. You are the most gorgeous candidate among all of them. We like you very much. Your face, your body, your figure, everything is like a model. We would love to have you as one of our favorite models. But.. Before we appoint anyone in our agency, we do a background check on them.” Just as they said that, my smile vanished. They did a background check? “By your expression, we understand that you already know where the problem is. You know we can’t hire you after knowing everything about you. But we were discussing about looking beyond the past. I mean.. Look at you. You deserve another chance.” That raised a hope in me. “Stand up, please. Let’s take this jacket off.” One of them came to me and made me stand up. He took my bag and put it on the chair before moving the chair aside. Then he took my jacket off. I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, which is kind of old because I can’t afford a new dress now. So, I was of ashamed to stand there in it. “No. It’s not working. Take the shirt off..” Before I can understand what he wanted, the guy who was standing with me, pulled my t-shirt off of me, making me only stand in front of them in my bra. I was completely shocked by what happend. “That’s it. Now look at you. You have so much potential in you. So much to become. So much to give the world. So, we want to offer you a deal.” I tried to cover my chest with my hand as they came closer to me. This entire thing is making me uncomfortable now. “We have decided to give you a chance to become our top model. We are willing to take that risk. But for that, you have to do something for us too.” I know where this is going. My eyes have turned red in anger because I know what they are asking from me. “Like what?” I looked up at their eyes, forgetting that they are werewolf and they can kill me without getting in any trouble. “Like spending a night with us. You can be our personal favorite if you make us happy. You satisfy us and we will satisfy you with everything you need.” One of them started caressing my arm while another was exposing my neck, removing my hair from there. Things are getting out of hand. “No. Thank you for your generous offer, but I don’t need your favors. I am good. You keep your job and I will keep my dignity.” I wanted to slap all of them so hard. But I know it will only cause trouble for me. So, I snatched my t-shirt back from them, grabbed my bag and walked out of there with pride. I choose to die before letting them ruin my dignity. Something broke inside me after that. So, there’s no way I am ever going to get a decent job? Is my past is going to ruin my future? I tried to forget the whole incident and rushed to join my shift as a waitress at the bar. I was way too late for my shift and the manager was really mad at me for that. I apologize for my mistake and started doing my job. But my mind was still engrossed with the thought of those men. I can’t seem to forget how they were touching me, how they were harassing me. “Hey, Sl*t. Give my man a drink in here.” This is one of the few names they call us with and it has become normal for us girls in here. We just have to keep our head low and serve the werewolves without any complain. That is our job. “Hey! Where are you going? Sit with us. Have a few drinks. I have heard that you guys get drunk easily. Try it. It’s on us.” But today it was too much for me. The moment a boy pulled my hand and tried to force me to drink, I couldn’t control myself. All my emotions and the memories of previous harassment flashed in my head and I slapped that boy straight in the face. That made the entire bar go quiet as everyone’s eyes fell on us. What have I done? “You bi*ch. You dared to touch me..” In the next moment, the boy looked back at me slowly with his deep black eyes. That means he’s wolf is coming out now. I am doomed. But thankfully before he can attack me, his friends and the manger of the bar came running to stop him. They somehow controlled him and got him out of there. They saved my life. “Did you forget who you are? You pathetic human. Get out. Get out of this place right now and never come back. You are fired.” With that, I lost my job which I found after so much struggle. In one day, I missed the biggest opportunity to have a decent job, I found out that I can never get a good job, and got fired from the one I had. Right at the moment when I need more, the kids of the orphanage need more, I failed in everything. I failed all of those who are relying on me for survival. What am I going to do now? Sitting on a bench outside my home, I kept crying about my fate. I was only trying to help those little kids. I just want them to have a future. Am I asking for too much? I had to stay out in the cold because I can’t face them like this. It will break my heart more. Please god. Show me a way. Tucking my hand inside my jacket, I thought to stay outside for a little more. But the moment I put my hands in my pocket, I felt something in it. Pulling it out, I found a card with the name Caroline Morales and a phone number. Isn’t this the card that old lady gave me when I returned their little girl? She asked me to call her if I need something. I do need something now. But can she give it to me? I didn’t give it a second thought and just dialed her number as a last hope. It’s not like she can kill me for asking for too much through a phone. The phone ringed for a while and just as I was about to change my mind, she picked up the call. “Hello? Who’s this?” I took a big gulp before replying. “Umm.. Am I talking to Mrs, Caroline Morales?” “Yes. You are. But who are you?” “Sorry to disturb you at this hour, madam, but I was desperate. I am the girl who saved that little girl a week ago. You gave me your card and told me to call you if I ever need something..” “Oh! Yeah.. So, you made your mind on what you want. Just ask for it. You saved my great granddaughter. You deserve a reward. Tell me what you want.” “Umm.. I was thinking if you can give me a job. Anything would work. I have experience as a waitress and also as a nanny. I can babysit your girl if you want.. No.. Sorry for saying that. I am qualified to take care of an alpha child. Uhh.. I can do anything you want. I just need a decent job. Please.” “You are desperate indeed. But also, you are a stupid girl. You could have asked for money. You could have asked for millions to solve your problems. But you chose to ask for a job?” “I am sorry, but I think you misunderstood me. I don’t want your money. I didn’t save her life for some profit. I saved her because she is an innocent little girl. She deserves a safe life and it should be everyone’s responsibility. Besides, I believe to earn my own bread. I don’t want luxury on someone else’s earnings.” “Interesting. I like your view and thoughts. We should meet personally. I might have a job for you. What’s your address? I am coming to see you tomorrow.” I don’t know why she wants to meet personally, but maybe she can give me the job I need very much right now. So, I gave her my address and kept waiting till she arrives. After waiting for the whole morning, I finally gave by noon. Maybe she lied to me to get rid of me. How stupid I am to think that some alphas will help me find a job. I am just a human. Why would they care for me or my feelings? So, I went inside and regretted skipping my babysitting job too. I was folding the kids clothes when I heard some car’s engine roar in front of the orphanage. Is it her? Did she really came? I hurried to go out and welcome them, but found father Hector already beating me. He was rushing towards them like he has seen god himself. “My lady. Please.. Please forgive me. Please spare my home. Please spare my little children. I promise that I will pay all my debts. Please don’t throw us out of the house. It’s the only place they have got. They will die if you take our home away. I will pay all of it. I swear. Please spare me this once..” I was stunned to see him drop to his knees and beg with his palms joined, the moment the old lady came out of her car. What is going on? What is he doing? “Father? What.. what are you doing? What are you talking about?” To see me standing behind him, he couldn’t stop himself and broke down crying. “I am sorry. I am so sorry, Alice. I tried to keep it a secret, but it’s getting out of hand now. We are about to lose our home.” I was so stunned by hearing him that I don't even know what to ask..
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