Chapter : 7. A human girl..

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Eric’s point of view :- ---------------------------- Hi. My name is Eric Hamilton. I am a 27 year old alpha and yet single. My life is a bit complicated because I am a someone and no one at the same time. I could have a life of my own, but I chose to be a part of others’ life to be happy. I lost both of my parents by the age of seven, leaving me on the responsibility of my uncle and aunt, along with their entire business that I am the sole heir of. Life with them was boring. They have their own kids to watch over who never liked me. They treated me as if I was not a part of their family, which made me feel very lonely. I was really sad until I found someone just like me. Austin Morales. He was one year older than me, but we both were in the same class in school. The moment I found out that he lost his parents and he is also lonely like me, I felt a pull towards him. It seemed like we were just the same. Soon that pull became stronger, and we became each others best friends and in a few days he became a brother like figure to me. He was such a nice friend, always caring for me. And his grandmother was the nicest person I have ever met. After losing both of his parents, Austin ended up with his grandmother, who raised him with love and care. I loved her too for her kind heart. I started visiting their house frequently, then regularly, and with time it came to a point that I stayed most of the days with them. I became so attached to them that I accepted them as my family. So, Austin’s grandmother Caroline found a solution. She talked to my uncle and shifted me into their house entirely, making me a part of their family. My uncle’s family had no objection about it because I was never close to them. So, by the age of ten, I was living in their house, feeding their food, and studying under their care. We were born in Edinburgh, Scotland, but soon they had to move to Queenstown, New Zealand for their business. They gave me the choice to stay back with my family or move with them. On that day, I made a choice in my life. I chose to be with the Morales instead of the Hamilton. I left my real family behind to be with my loved ones. Austin and I was very close since then. We did everything together. We studied together and grew up together. I witness every change he went through and always supported him as a friend and a brother. Soon we were all grown up, and we joined our business world. But I never left their side. I had to travel back to Scotland or any other country for work with my uncle, but I always returned home to be with my family. I was there when Austin found his happiness in his mate and lost it soon. I was there when he changed himself completely. I was there to support him towards success. And I was there when Josie was born. To his daughter, I was her own uncle. The uncle she can always rely on. To his grandmother, I was her second grandson, always there in need. This is my identity now. I am one of the Morales too. It’s a little sad to think that I am already twenty seven and I haven’t found my mate yet. But I really don’t believe in mates. I am just in wait for the perfect girl who can make me happy. Who can give me all of her love and make me her entire world. It can be any girl. I don’t care about her power or position. I just want to be loved because I know I am capable of giving her the world. After Austin lost his mate, he became a completely different man. The kindness inside him and the fun guy was dead. He became a rude person who only thinks about business. Although he loves his daughter Josie very much, he couldn’t be with her all the time. So, eventually Josie’s responsibility fell on his grandmother Caroline. I watched her struggle with everything on her own because of her old age. So, I tried to help her as much as I can. I like to take care of her as if she is my own daughter. Josie is a very sweet and pretty girl. Her little talks are so sweet. Witnessing her firsts were the best moments of my life. But one thing bothers me the most is that little girl is never safe. Along with Austin’s success, he also earned some enemies who are always trying to make him fall. And they also found out that his only weakness is his daughter Josie. So, since she was born, there were several attacks on her. They tried to kidnap her so many times. But thankfully granny and I were always there for her along with her father to protect her. Just a few days ago, we hired a new nanny to look after her. We thought she was reliable and will become a good friend to Josie because she was young. But we were so wrong. The harmless little girl we hired turns out to be sent by one of our enemy. One day when we were not watching over her, she kidnapped her and took her somewhere. Granny was the one who noticed her being missing first and called Austin and me to help. Just the moment we heard the news, we took our wolf form and started searching for her. We were looking at different parts of the city to find her scent. But by the end of the day, we reach to the only place they could have taken her. The sun is coming down. So who ever took Josie, they might have taken her to a place where they can camp at night and where they would never expect us to search. The only place that is secure like that is in the deeper part of the forest. Our men are already on all the exit spots of Queenstown, making sure they don’t leave the city. Now we only have to find them. Right after I entered the forest, I started smelling Josie’s scent, making me sure that she’s close. Austin’s howl also made sure that he’s close to his daughter. On my way to her, I found granny who was also on her way there with all the guards she can manage. She was prepared for any possible situation. Granny might be very old in age, but she’s wise and she knows how to survive in the world with pride. We both came to a place from where the cars won’t go. So, they started running on foot as I helped granny to reach there. In a few more minutes, we found Josie’s scent, and we knew she’s here. Austin was already there when we reached to her, but surprisingly Josie was only with a girl. A human girl. I took a big whiff to make sure she is a human, and I was right. But how did Josie end up with her? I looked at that girl carefully to understand if she is one of the kidnappers or not, but got stuck on her beauty. She’s so beautiful. Her face was bright like glowing sun and her eyes were like a shining moon. Her lips were red like a rose and her hair was light brown waves of ocean. I don’t need to go and describe her body because it’s one of the goddess’s master pieces. How is she so beautiful? How can a human girl be so beautiful? Probably more gorgeous than the alpha girls. The moment she dropped a rock from her hand, I realized that she somehow saved Josie and trying to protect her from us. She went against werewolves for Josie? Is she alright? I checked her from head to toe for any injury and found her all okay. Then what happend? I wanted to stay and talk to know what exactly happend. But when I noticed Austin leaving with Josie, I had to leave with him to protect them. I had to leave without knowing that girl. Austin and I ran straight to home and made sure our little girl was okay. There was no sign of injury on her body and she seemed okay. So, we cleaned her up and tucked her into bed to warm her up. I made some hot chocolate for her that she loves and went to know what exactly happend with her. Granny also returned soon and joined to know about her survival. “I am so glad that you are okey, my baby. Are you sure you feel alright?” Austin sat close to her and hugged her in his chest. “I am fine, daddy. I was brave.” “Who took you away, Josie? Is that your nanny?” “Yeah. She told me that she had something to show me. But I don’t think she wanted to take me away from you. She told those men to be nice to me. But they send her away and captured me. I missed you and Gigi so much. So, when they were not looking, I ran away. I thought I would come back to you, but I got lost. I didn’t find home.” “Is that when that girl find you?” Granny was also eager to know about that girl as me. “Yes. She’s so good. She gave me his jacket and told me that she will get me back to daddy. She saved me from them. I like her.” There was a smile on Josie’s face when she talked about the human girl, making me happy to know that she is as beautiful in heart as she is in her looks. “That’s enough. Let’s stop bothering her now. She needs rest. I will tell the authorities to look for the nanny. She might be able to tell us who hired her for doing this. And from now on, no strangers are allowed near Josie. Not even a nanny. We will take care of her together.” Austin dismissed the matter for that day by saying that. But granny on the other hand, started having other thoughts. How did I know? Because one day she called both of us friends to discuss what’s going on inside her head. “Austin. I have made a decision. I want you to think about what I am going to say. And Eric. I want you to support me in this and make Austin understand why I want this.” I had no idea about what she means, but I still nod my head at her to agree. “What is this about granny?” “It’s about your marriage. I have been thinking about it for a while now. But I think it’s time to make it happen.” I was shocked to hear her as well as Austin. I never thought she would ever mention marriage to Austin after what he had been through. “Are you losing your mind with old age? How can you even say that to me?” “See.. You also know that I am getting old. I have come to a stage where I can die any day now. Then how can you expect me to take care of Josie? I have raised my son, then I raised you two and now your daughter. I have a life. I want to explore the world and live my final days freely. But I am always stuck with the responsibilities to feel being alive. I am tired now. I want my freedom. So, I have decided to hand your responsibilities to someone else and live the rest of my life as I want. That’s why I want you to marry.” “You want to be free. Fine. You are free. You don’t have to take any responsibility for me or my daughter. I can take care of her. You can go and live your life. But never mention it to me again.” Austin stormed out of there with his final decision, leaving me with granny. “Eric. Please help me with this. I think I hurted his feelings. Can you go and talk to him and make him understand that I didn’t mean it like that. You know me well and what I want.” “I know granny. I will talk to him.” Although I promised her to talk to Austin, but I know very well that he won’t listen to me as well.
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