Chapter : 6. Contract for marriage..

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Alice’s point of view :- ------------------------------- “Are you sure you want to do this, Alice?” Caroline stood up and asked me in a serious manner. “Yes.” I also told her with confidence. “Then I have no choice. Leave the orphanage by tomorrow morning. I am taking over this place.” I stood up in shock. What is she saying? “What.. what do you mean?” “You heard me. If you don’t agree to my offer, I will make sure all of you not only get thrown out of this house, but also I will make sure you can’t find another one. You know I can do it. You know I have enough money and power to destroy all of your lives. You brought this on yourself. You are causing danger to all those kids you protect. You are making me do this.” Father Hector was shocked as me and also scared. “Madam. Please.. If she doesn’t want to marry, then please don’t force her into this. She is just a kid. Don’t ruin her life.” “I am not ruining her life. I am making it better. I am giving her the secure and luxurious life that she can never get. You and me both know how she is going to end up if she lives like this. Make her understand that I am offering her a better place. I will be back by tomorrow with the contracts. Either make her sign it or stay ready to leave the orphanage.” She walked out of there after giving us the final threat. I thought we still had a week’s time to solve the problems. But now it looks like we are completely out of time. “Alice. I am so sorry, child. I brought this pressure on you. But I am afraid that you have to take her offer now. She is a very powerful woman. She can destroy all of you lives. I don’t care about mine, but those kids.. They deserve better. Maybe It won’t be as bad as we are thinking. Maybe your husband is kind and generous. Maybe he will fall in love with you and you can be happy together. You should give it a chance. Now the final decision is up to you. And I promise that whatever you choose, I will support it whole heartedly.” I gave him a nod and left to my room. Maybe.. There’s so many maybes. Maybe I will be happy, maybe he is good, maybe we will fall in love. But in my heart, I know it will never happen. A human and a werewolf can never be together happily because they are not a match for each other. Isn’t that why their goddess only pairs them up with their kind? I didn’t leave my room for the rest of the day. I could only think about the possibilities if I fail to satisfy them. After what Caroline said, I have no choice except to accept her offer. No matter what, I can never let anyone destroy those kids lives. But if I do any mistake, they won’t hesitate to take my life apart. So, in my heart, I promised myself that I will try my best to be a good wife and good mother. Who knows that it might be enough to keep me alive.. The next day, when I heard the same roar of the car, I understood that she’s here for my final answer. So, with a completely broken heart I got out of my room. I didn’t eat or showed my face to anyone after the incident of the previous day. So, when I got out today, I was shocked to see my surroundings. All the things of the house are outside, all packed up. The kids are rushing here and there to gather their belongings. What are they doing? “What is going on? Why all of your stuffs are out?” I asked one of them, who was holding a few clothes in her hand. “Sis. Father said we are leaving home. He said to gather everything we want to take with us. We are packing out things. Didn’t you pack yours?” I was shocked to hear it and almost ran to find father Hector. “Father. What is going on? Where is everyone going? Did you find another house for us?” I found him in his office, collecting some papers in a briefcase. “No. I don’t want anyone to touch or force the kids out. So, I already told them to prepare to leave before they arrive. You should pack your stuffs too.” “But why are you leaving? They are not going to throw us out. I am accepting their offer.” “You are? But I thought you don’t want to marry a werewolf.” “Yes. But I gave it a good thought. And I think you are right. The future might not be as cruel as I was thinking. Maybe I can find happiness there. So, I am going to give it a chance. Especially if it means helping the orphanage. I am going to do this.” “Oh Alice. You always make me so proud of you. You are the kindest person ever born. God will always be there for you. He will help you and guide you to a good life. You will be happy. You have my blessing.” He gave me a kiss on my forehead, making me glad for making this decision. “She’s here. Let’s go and see what she has to say. Let’s sign her contract.” With a fake smile, I invited father Hector in our discussion. “So? I hope you are not going to make me ruin some kids life. My men are waiting outside for my signal to help you move your stuffs.” “It won’t be necessary. I will do it. I will marry your grandson. In return, you have to take care of the orphanage for forever.” “I will. I promise. Let’s sign the contract now. Come. Can you read it or do you want me to help you understand what I have mentioned in it?” She placed a paper on a flat surface of the building and place a pen on it that she had already prepared for me. “Alice is a graduate. I might be poor, but I try to give my kids everything they deserve. Shelter, food and education.” Father made it clear that I can read on my own. He doesn’t want anyone to look down on me. As I read through the paper, I was stunned by every condition she put in there. This paper made me more confused than how much I was all this time. “What is this? This says that I have to go on with the marriage no matter how hard it gets. And if I decide to break up or fail to complete my duties, you will take the orphanage from us. Why does it say that it will get hard?” I asked her while still holding the pen in my hand. “My grandson is a difficult person. It will take you some time to compromise with him. But no matter what he says or does, you have to be a good wife to him. And your responsibility towards his daughter will be the most. You have to become her mother. You have to love her as your own. And if you fail, I would have no choice except to make sure you pay for your mistakes. Even after I die, these contract will live and go on till your death. And the most important part is that you have to keep your past a secret from him. Even about you being an orphan. If he finds out that you are an orphan, he will never let you get close to his daughter. So, you have to take care of all of it.” I look up at father whose face has become pale. He thought I was agreeing to have a good life. “Please don’t make me regret my decision.” By saying that, I signed the contract without a second thought. I am putting my whole life in her hand now. “Father. I need your sign too. As a witness and as a guarantee.” Father Hector trust me enough to put his sign on the paper. This gives Caroline the legal power to take the orphanage any time she wants. She also signs the paper sealing the deal that she will protect the orphanage from now on in return for my services. “Alice. I am sorry that I had to force you into this. I am not a bad person as you think I am. I didn’t see any other option than threatening you for agreeing. I love my grandson and great-granddaughter. I am past seventy years old now. There’s no guarantee of how long I am going to live anymore. So, I had to make sure I hand all of my responsibilities to someone who will love them as much as I do. And I saw that potential in you. You might be a human, but you have a stronger soul than most of us. I know you will love them and take care of them more than I can. And don’t worry. You are my responsibility now. I will take care of you and make sure you can have a happy life. I will try my best to give you what you deserve. Thank you Alice. Thank you for agreeing with me.” Finally I saw a genuine smile on her face as she took me in a gentle hug. She might be old, but her height is near mine and she is still strong as a young person. And this time, I really did feel the comfort in her words. Maybe she is truly not a bad person. She is only tying to do what’s best for her family, no matter if her way is right or wrong. Like what I was trying to do with mine. I hope everything goes as she is wishes. Still, I have no idea about the person I am marrying. I don’t know anything about his family and Caroline fixed the wedding in two weeks. She was not ready to waste any time. She was willing to wed us right the next day, but she said that they have to invite few guests and have a proper wedding for us. That’s why she took two weeks time. In between the day of signing the contract and the day of the wedding, she came to visit me a few times. She came to help me prepare for the wedding, like what I am going to wear or how it is going to happen. I was hoping that someday her grandson will also come to meet me once, but he never came. Doesn’t he wonder about me, or how I am in person, what are my behaviors, what I like or hate, like how I wonder? Soon the day of my wedding came. Caroline prepared a small but beautiful wedding for us. A lot of people came to witness the day. But the kids of the orphanage weren’t allowed in case of getting caught about my truth. Only father Hector was invited as my father to hand me over to my husband. As I was still waiting to go out and take my vows, and see my husband’s face for the first time, I saw that little girl come to me with Caroline. She was wearing a beautiful pink dress, looking like an angel. She’s so cute. “Josie. Look who this is? Do you remember her?” Caroline showed me to her and her face instantly lit up. “Yes. You are that angel who saved me that day. I know you.” “Then go to her. Give her a hug. She’s going to become your mommy today.” “Mommy?” “Yes. Your daddy is going to gift her to you as your mommy. Would you like it?” “Yes. I love her.” She ran to me with joy and took me in a hug. She’s so sweet. Maybe I am going to have a blessing in all of these to get her as my daughter. “I love you too, Josie. I am so happy that I will become your mommy. We will have a lot of fun together.” I patted her cheek as she looked at me with admiration in her eyes. She’s so happy to get me.
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