Chapter : 8. Marriage proposal..

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Eric’s point of view :- ------------------------------- “Austin..! Austin wait up.” I stopped him from going goddess knows where, to talk as granny wants me to. “Eric. Can you believe her? She’s losing her mind. She wants me to get married. She knows that I will never give her place to someone else. How can she even think that?” He did stop to complain about his grandmother. “I understand your side. And I understand her’s too. She just wants to do what’s best for you. No need to be rude to her like that. You could have talked to her and make her understand your point. She loves you, Austin. She cares about you.” “I know. But I can’t control my anger anymore. Especially when it’s about her. I know granny wants me to forget her and move on, but it’s impossible for me. She was my mate. My destined mate.” “Just talk to her about it. I am sure if you do, she will understand your feelings and never push you about it again.” “Okay. If you think this will work, I will talk to her about it. But not now. I have to find out who tried to kidnap Josie first. Want to come with me?” “Yeah. I have time.” I don’t know if Austin talked to granny again or not, but everything between them seemed to have gotten normal again. Everything was at peace for a few days. In between these times, I heard granny talk to Josie about the girl who save her life that day. The human beauty. She was mentioning her as an angel who appeared out of the sky to save her. It does seem real because she is like an angel. So pure and so beautiful. I never thought that one day I would admire a human girl this much. After three or four days, granny called Austin and me again. Austin didn’t agree to go to her room, which made me understand that he didn’t talk to granny as I told him to. That makes me sure that it’s about his marriage again. “Austin. Come on. You have to face her someday. Let’s go and talk to her. End this matter right now. Please..” I literally dragged him to her room to solve the problem between them. I don’t want my family to be distant from each other for any reason. “Granny. We are here.” I called her first as she invited us in. “Come in. And close the door behind.” Austin was trying to find an excuse to escape, but I know it wouldn’t work on his grandmother. “Austin. I have made a final decision. And I want you to respect and obey the choice I made for you.” She seemed very serious about it this time. “If this is about my marriage again, then I am sorry, but I won’t. I don;t even want to hear you.” “You have to. I am your grandmother and you have to listen to me. I have found a perfect girl for you. She will be a good wife to you and a good mother to Josie. You have to marry her. If not for yourself, then for your daughter.” “I told you before. I am not going to marry anyone. I can take care of my daughter. We don’t need a woman for that.” “Yes, you do. A mother is the most important part of a girl’s life. You can never take that place in Josie’s life. You can never help her grow the way a mother can.” “Yes I can. I can do anything for my little girl. I know I can.” “Really? Then I hope you can also tuck her in and comfort her when she will be in her heat. I hope you will be the one to teach her how a female body works, because I know I won’t be there to help by then.” That made Austin shut up. “I.. We.. we will find a way.” “You can’t. It’s only a mother’s place to do. No one can protect her and teach her everything as a mother can. Both of you know that very well. So listen to me and get married.” “And what if she is evil? What if she hurts my baby? Stepmothers are always evil, and you know that.” “No. Not always. I have seen the world a lot more than you, and I know how to judge people. The girl I chose for you is the kindest person I have ever seen. I know she can take the part of her mother better than her own. Trust me.” Granny shouldn’t have said that to him because Austin hates it when she talks badly about his mate. “No one can ever take her mother’s place. Ever. And I have fallen in love once and it’s not going to happen again. I will not bring another person into my life to break my heart. If you trust that girl so much, appoint her as Josie’s nanny. I can agree to that. But no matter how good that girl is, I will never make her my wife.” “I didn’t ask for your permission. I am just informing you about my decision. And you have to do as I say.” A growl from Austin, made me hold him in place before he attacks his own grandmother. Granny also stood up to show him that she’s not afraid of him. “Both of you, please calm down. Are you going to fight with each other for such a small thing? Why don’t you two take some time and think about it? Think about the possibilities after this marriage happens. Both of you need to clear your heads and think about the future.” “I don’t need to think. It’s my decision that I am not going to do this.” Austin shook me off of his body before leaving the room angrily. I know we are not going to see him for another two days because every time he leaves like this, he disappears for two days to calm his anger and return. No one knows where he goes and what he does in those two days. “Granny? Why are you pushing him so much all of a sudden? He is not fully recovered from his past. He needs some time to forget everything. Can’t you give him some more time to get normal again?” Once he was out of the room, I sighed to be the one stuck between both side. “Eric. Sit here, my boy.” She patted the bed beside her and I went to sit with her. “I know Austin more than anyone. I have raised him since he was a baby. I know that he will never overcome the stage he has gotten himself into. He is too engrossed in it to forget the past. The only way to bring our old boy back is by bringing another distraction in his life. I know it will be hard for him to accept another mate. But goddess created us all in a way that if we stay too much with someone, we start getting attached to that person. I want that to happen to him. The more he will spend time with his wife, the more he will get closer to her. And eventually he will forget everything and start having a real life with her. In all of this, Josie will also get a mother who will give her the love and care she deserves. She doesn’t have to live a motherless life. I want your help, Eric. I want you to make him understand my vision. This is the only way we can give both of them a good future. We have to save him from going towards destruction.” I looked at her face and saw a lot of worry for her grandson and his daughter. “Are you sure that this girl is good for them? There are a lot of tricksters out there. They can make themselves look like innocent, but inside they are greedy monsters.” “You know that I will never make that mistake. Not again. This is about my famili’s future. I will become completely sure about her before making Austin commit to it. I promise.” “Okay then. I will take to him when he comes. We both will convince him for this when he comes back.” “Thank you so much, my boy. We are really lucky to have you with us. I love you, my dear.” She kissed my forehead with so much love. I really like it when she makes me feel one of her loved ones. Austin did return after two days but I got to talk to him after few more days because I had to go away for my business for a few days. And when I returned, he was back to his normal self again. I knew he is going to hate me for talking on granny’s behalf, but maybe this is the best for their future. “Austin. Can I talk to you for a minute, buddy?” I went to his office, where he was resting back on his chair. “Yeah. I need to talk to you too. Come in.” I went in and sat with him in his office. “You know. In these few days, I have given all of it a good thought. For a moment, I was really considering this marriage for Josie. She does need a mother’s love. But then my mind got caught on something. Granny already found a girl for me. And the way she was so serious about her, it looks like she is ready for this marriage. I don’t know who this girl is and I don’t think we have met before either. So, if a girl agrees to marry someone so fast and without even talking to me or knowing my wish, she must be behind one thing. Money. She is agreeing to this for my money. She is one of those gold diggers who can hide themselves as perfectly innocent. Or else I am not seeing any other reason for her to marry a guy who already has a daughter with someone else. What do you think?” I came to him to make him agree to this marriage. But what he’s saying is changing my mind too. “I guess you could be right.” “Right? And if she’s behind money, then she will never care about Josie. She will treat her like a stepmother and hurt her always. I can’t let anyone do that to my little girl. I have to protect her as her father. You want that same for Josie too, right? You want to protect her as her uncle?” “Of course. I only want what is best for our girl.” “Then I have made my choice. I am not marrying that girl. Let’s go to granny and tell her about our final decision. I need her to stop right now.” He didn’t let me say a word before getting up and striding towards the library when granny was reading for time pass with Josie. I also followed him behind to stop him if things go towards fighting again. “Granny.. Granny.. We need to talk.” He barged into the library, startling granny.” “Josie. Baby. Go to your room. You can play there until I come, okay?” I quickly sent Josie to her room before they start arguing in front of her. “What is it, Austin?” “Granny. I thought about what you said very well before making my decision and I want you to respect it too. I am not going to marry that girl. She is not the person you are thinking. She’s evil. Eric also agrees with me.” When he mentioned my name, granny gave me a look of disappointment before letting out a big sigh. “Austin. She is not evil. I know exactly who she is and I need you to trust me in it. Besides. I have already given her my word. I have already started preparing for the wedding. It’s going to be happening in a week. And if you say no after this, I swear you have to see my dead body. You know I never back away from my words. If I have given her my word, either you have to fulfill it or you have to see me dead. Make your choice now.” Austin and I were both too shocked to speak after the threat she gave us. We know her and we also know that nothing is impossible for her. If she says that she will kill herself, she will. Austin doesn’t have any choice anymore, no matter what she says.
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