Chapter : 9. The bride..

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Eric’s point of view :- ----------------------------- Things escalated so fast that none of us could get prepared for it in time. Before we can even get used to the thought of Austin’s marriage, it was already his wedding day. And most of all, I can’t believe granny went this far to make him marry. She left him with no choice. Maybe it is best for Austin and Josie because they are getting a chance to become a happy family somehow. Since that day, Austin has distant himself from us. For an entire week, we could barely see him around. But he was there on the wedding day, which made me think that he had been preparing himself for the past week and he is ready now. Granny took all the responsibility on herself to prepare for the wedding. She did ask for my suggestion for the invitations and I told her to keep it as small as she can. I know Austin won’t like too much showoff. On the day of the wedding, granny told me the location where I had to take Austin. It’s a little far from home, near the bay. Austin didn’t fuss much and agreed to come with me even though he was to silent the whole time. We reached to the location before time to prepare. A few guests have already started to come and from the look of everything, it doesn’t look like granny made the wedding too small. “Eric. Where’s Austin? Is everything okay with him?” After dropping him in the changing room, I went to look out for the preparations when granny found me. She came here with Josie way before. “He’s dressing up in his room. He looks fine for now. But I thought we were going to have a small wedding. ISn’t this too much?” I pointed at the aisle, the sitting area and the venue, which are decorated with beautiful flowers. “I don’t think so. My grandson is going to get married for the first time. I have to make it as special as I can. And I invited only those who are important for us and our business. Everyone needs to know about his marriage. Specially about his wife. I did what is good for him. Now go and help him get ready. The wedding will start soon. And Eric. I invited your uncle’s family. You should welcome them when they arrive.” I didn’t know that she invited my uncle as well. He is not any important person to witness this moment. I guess she didn’t want me to feel left behind with my side of the family. “I will. I should go and check on him now.” I got stooped a few times to welcome the guests before I finally got to reach Austin. But when I went to him, I found him chugging whisky instead of getting ready. His words again made me sure that he is still not ready to marry, but he has to do it. So, I helped him get ready and took him out to complete the ceremony. But yet Austin and I don’t know who this girl is he is marrying. I hope granny isn’t making any mistake by forcing this marriage. The weather is sunny yet slightly windy, perfect for a day like this. Everything around us looks beautiful. As the best man of the groom, I stood beside Austin with the ring granny already gave me which he will give to his wife. I feel special to be a part of this ceremony and hope them a blessed life. Soon it was time for the bride to join as the ceremony began. I was really excited to see who my best friend is going to marry. The first one to arrive was our little Josie as the flower girl, dropping petals for her new mommy. She looks extra happy today. Granny was also behind her and I think she’s the bridesmaid. Then came the time for the bride to arrive. Out of the corner of the view, I saw a slim yet curvy girl in a white lace wedding dress, holding a white flower bouquet, walk down the aisle with an old man. So, she is the bride, and that’s her father she’s with. Her face was covered with the veil, so I couldn’t see the face. But the way she’s walking with so grace and how her father looks, I don’t think she’s a bad girl. She seems nice. But somehow something seems familiar. Have I seen her before? The closer she was coming towards us, the more it was getting stranger. The perfume she’s wearing is masking her scent, but something’s wrong with her scent too. My full attention went to her to know who this girl is as I watched her every move. I saw them stop right down the venue as her father kissed her forehead and whispered something to her. “Good luck, my child, and thank you.” That was a strange thing to wish for a father to his daughter. Austin was supposed to take her hand from her father and lead her on to the venue. But he gave her no attention as he stood still in his place. Seeing him not reaching for her, the bride came up on her own and took her place in front of him with pride. That proves that she’s strong and independent. Then it was time for the moment everyone was waiting for. The big revelation of who Austin Morales bride is. Austin was still having second thoughts, so granny had to push him again to do it. With a big sigh, he finally picked up her veil. But the moment he did it, everything froze for me. Behind that white veil was the most beautiful woman I still admire. She’s the human girl I saw that day. The one I can’t seem to forget. But today she’s looking more gorgeous than before. The white dress and the way her hair was styled was making her look breathtaking. And when the gentle breeze was passing through her free locks, it can make my heart stop. I was standing behind Austin, but I can see her directly from the front. Even her brown eyes that’s looking up to him for hope. “Human. You are a human. That’s it. I am not doing this. I will never marry a human.” I was completely lost in her beauty until Austin shouted out to her in anger and stormed back to the room he came out of. He refused to marry her. I looked back at her and witnessed her heart break by his action. I also witnessed her glowing eyes drowning under the tears that she couldn’t stop from flowing. I felt my own heart break to see her. Every guest started murmuring in between them as they were also shocked by his action. And I think it’s all granny’s fault. She should have told us that she is the bride. Granny followed right behind Austin, leaving Josie alone. She was scared to see everyone so active all of a sudden. But it was more surprising to me, when she ran to the girl for help instead of coming to me. Josie trusts her more. “Angel. I am scared. What happend to daddy?” She hugged her knees until she bent down to her and took her in a hug. “It’s okay. Everything will be okay, sweety.” I don’t know who she is consoling by saying that. Josie or herself. Something in me stirred to see them like that. She looks like a good girl to be a mom to Josie. She will bring light into our home if she becomes a part of our family. But does she have to be Austin’s wife to take that place? What if she becomes my wife? I will marry her gladly and both of us can take care of Josie, as she is already like my own daughter. It can work that way too. My heart lit up again to find a solution to all of our problems. I can fix this. “Take care of her. Don’t let anyone take her unless it’s any of us three. We will be right back.” I went to the girl and told her to take care of Josie. She looked up at me once to understand who I was, but I have no time to explain. I passed her a small smile before rushing towards the way granny and Austin went. “Austin! How can you do this? How can you leave the venue like that? Get back in there right now?” I heard granny scream at him before I can reach there. “I am not marrying a human. What are you even thinking? How can you think that she can be a part of us? We are the alphas. She has no place among us.” “Austin. You know better that I am doing this for Josie.” “No, you are not. You are doing this for yourself. Do you think that a human girl can protect my daughter? She’s weak and pathetic. How old even she is? She’s just a kid.” “She’s eighteen and perfectly capable of protecting Josie. You have witnessed it yourself.” “Eighteen? She’s eighteen? Granny. I am twenty eight. I am ten years older than her. She is a teenager. There’s no way she’s capable of marrying into this position. She’s far too young to be my wife or a mom.” “You don’t know that. Age doesn’t justify people’s capability. She might be young, but she has all the potential to be a wife and a mom. I have tested it all before making this decision. Trust me.” “No. I can’t do this. No matter how capable she is, I am not making some human my wife. This wedding is off.” Their fight was still going on when I entered the room. I think this is the time to make my statement to them. “Granny. If Austin doesn’t want to do this, then don’t force him. We can think of something else. I have an idea to solve this problem.” “No. Eric. I don’t want to take his side too. You know better than anyone about why I am doing this. I don’t need any ideas. I need you to convince your friend to agree to this.” “But..” “Why can’t you both understand my point? This is the only chance for my grandson to have a real life. I am trying to make you better. But all of you are blaming me for everything. Why can’t you just listen to me once? Why can’t you trust me once? Death was probably better than seeing the little boys I raised all alone going against me. Why am I still alive to see this day?” For the first time in years, I have seen granny cry. She never cries. And if she is doing it now, that means we have hurt her very much today. “Please Austin. I beg to you. Please don’t let me down. Please don’t make me ashamed in front of all those people. Please give me a chance to prove that what I am doing is for your own good. I beg you Austin.” She joined her hands in front of him while crying out loud. She left us speechless by dragging herself this down. We never saw her beg for anything in her life. But she is doing it today in front of us. We disappointed her very much. “Fine. If you want me to marry her, then I will. But I promise you today that I will prove you wrong. I will show you that a human can never be a part of my family. The happiness you expect from us, will never come. She will never become my wife.” By saying that in granny’s face, Austin went out to the venue to complete the ceremony. What should I do now? Should I tell them about my feelings for her, or should I stay quiet? Should I stand up to make my claim or let my best friend have the chance of a better future? Now there’s my heart on one side of the line and the family I love on the other. What should I choose?
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