Mara's Control

2261 Words
“Then you’re rejecting me?” Shaun asked, in shock.  “I’m rejecting this life and wherever you see me in it,” she confirmed.  “What does that mean?” he asked, despite the way his Omega trembled.  Mara shook her head at him.  “It means you’ll come on command throughout your heat and then I’m gone.” “So you’ll stay for that? But not the rest?” Shaun pushed himself to say more, anything to get her to reconsider.  “Do you have any idea how one sided that is?” “I’m sure you think you can tell me…” Mara sighed. “Speed up, you’re turning purple.” Shaun tightened his fist around his stiff shaft, desperate to control himself despite how well he wanted to perform for her. “You think…” Shaun shuddered as he tended to himself. “You think I’d be able to live with myself if you died while we mated?” “Yes?” she scoffed.  “You’re a moron,” Shaun let slip.  “Remove your hand,” Mara replied and Shaun’s eyes widened.  He could feel his shock race from his mind throughout his body. They were truly off to a great start.  “Find your release without it,” Mara challenged.  Shaun did as he was told, attempting to rock his hips tempting her to do her part.  “The power your Heat has over you is like a hundred Ruts. The strength I’ve acquired for avoiding mine thanks to your inability to connect with me wouldn’t give you the satisfaction of killing me.” “S-satisfaction?” “You know you want to,” Mara continued. “I can scent your Omega and how much he loathes me right now.” “He…”  “You’ve never had anyone talk back to you have you?”  How did she know? “You’ve never had to hear that you’ve failed either…” Mara continued. “You’ve never accepted your faults to others either.” He watched her as her eyes drifted away from him. She inhaled deeply, then added exactly the words that came to his lips but wouldn’t dare cascade down from them.  “Until me?”  The very sound of her question made him collapse backward. How could she not know? She was the only one that told him where he could shove it and all she had to do was stare him down.  “I don’t believe you. I won’t.” “You should,” came his reply.  “Then change,” Mara commanded.  Shaun swallowed back the emotion building within him. If he changed, what would happen to her?  “I’ll give you some incentive,” she promised, as she reached behind her neck.  In one swift motion, several metal clasps that held her breastplate to her released, revealing her undergarment. At best it looked like a swathe of material that covered her front and backside.  “My own dragonhide,” she eased his inquiry. Shaun gaped at her as she pulled ever so gently at her next containing garment. It separated both the front and back into the sheets he was sure she wore. Mara shamelessly allowed the exaggerated slit to show the rest of her magnificent form, until the pin holding it all together released. Her dragonhide fell unceremoniously into a pile on his floor, leaving her bare to him, less her knee high boots, gloves and bracers. All of which looked as though she would refuse to remove.  Mara continued to change before him, allowing her onix wings to open with a challenge laying on her tongue, one his Omega could answer.  “Your scent is intoxicating, Omega,” she purred. “It's too bad you’re stuck in your ways.” Shaun wasn’t prepared for her shift. It came without warning. While she already overpowered him with her truths, her scent was just as intense. No one smelled like her. It numbed his senses to the world around him, changing their atmosphere between them. It protected her as she stood mostly bare to him. It indulged her confidence like a shield and yet reached out for him to soothe his nerves.  With every passing moment she eased him out of his stupor. Mara ended the past and how he continued to compare her to others just based on her scent alone. It was made for him. It was light and airy yet intense and dark. It reacted to his own like roots begging to be planted among his seed. It promised safety. It promised a home, unlike the structure he claimed as his kingdom. It was more… She was more.  Mara was worth his sacrifice.  Guilt ripped through him as he allowed his dragon out. Shaun’s body only increased in size starting from his soul. As it stretched him, his Omega worried over what Mara would think of him. What if she turned her back on him? He worried over the change in his skin from soot black to a marbled grey. What was wrong with him? Shaun turned over his large hands as they turned from what he had come to know to enormous monstrosities, covered in layered scales and, Shaun gasped, retractable claws. He watched as his changes continued to change the size of him. His eyes flitted over his bulking muscles, unsure of how an Omega was truly supposed to look. Was this right? Was he right for her? A layer of armor seemed to grow out of his forearms similar to… Mara… Shaun gulped to see the way she stared him down. Her eyes refused to leave his the moment they met. Her chest heaved the way his did. She could no longer resist the change building deep within her, Shaun smirked.  “This is what you wanted?” Shaun began to sit up and her stance changed from expectant and waiting to ready to charge him.  It was nice to see after all of this time.  “Yes,” she indulged him.  “Then why are you backing up?” Shaun questioned, raising his thickened brow.  She doesn’t want us, his Omega whined once more. She just wanted to be sure. Mara’s eyes widened at that.  “Is it true?” he asked. “Is that all this was for?” Shaun doubled over as his Heat began to intensify. It wouldn’t be long until he couldn’t control himself anymore. There wouldn’t be more than the slapping of bodies, grunts and utter chaos for weeks without her, dumping off other Alphas before they could knot him.  Mara shook her head carefully.  “Then what is it?” he huffed. “Why aren’t you on my lap? Why isn’t your pretty little cunt wrapped around my…”  Shawn paused as he felt himself swell.  “I gave you what you wanted,” he gasped as her scent wrapped around him once more.  “You did,” she agreed, taking a step towards him.  His Omega ached for anything more, another step, another promising pant that he was affecting her the same way she was affecting him.  “Such a good Omega for his Alpha,” she purred, taking in his size.  Her compliment was damning. It shook through him entirely. It made him want to be good for her again. His Omega even promised he would. The thought was foreign and welcome all at once.  “I just need you to do one more thing…” she prompted as she took another step towards him.  “Anything,” he replied in a rush.  She could ask for his kingdom. She could ask for all of his power… she could ask for anything at all and he’d willingly give it.  “Come.”  “What?” he questioned.  Was that all she wanted? “Come. Drown this place in it so that I can burn it to the ground,” Mara growled.  This time he wasted not a second more as he released his seed. She had a reason for it. Regardless of the immediate sense he failed to make of it, her scent promised she’d protect him; that this was the right way, and she was so proud of the choices he was making.  Cold sweat ran from him as he drained himself. Her fire licked his skin but its heat barely penetrated his own. It tore down throughout his cave burning the unseen and everything in between. It raced up and down his cave walls and decimated his horde.  “Why?” he questioned as he choked on its billowing smoke.  “To rid you of them,” she replied as she blew out another stream of fire.  “Who?” he asked, as he palmed himself once more.  “The Alphas you slept with before me,” she replied angrily.  When Shaun turned to check just what she meant, their eyes caught again. This time they were as dark as night with no white showing at all. He wondered if he matched her, but even then his Omega promised he wasn’t there yet. He could still think. He could still process what she said, but Mara was gone to it all. She was ready… “They’re still here,” her eyes held him in place. “I can scent them on you, too.” Shaun’s heart beat only faster as she neared him. Her steps were more determined and yet she remained small in size.  “Tell me, Omega,” she purred. “What is it about the human form that you find so intriguing?”  His eyes trailed over her skin, of which she refused to change in light of what he had obsessed over previously.  The rest of her matched him in design. “It’s soft,” he struggled to say.  His answer sounded stupid to him as she looked down upon her dual form.  “They are soft,” she agreed, raising her forearm to bring her palm to her chest.  He watched with determination not to overpower his Alpha now. Not as she indulged him. Mara’s thumb worked over her soft peak begging him to imagine just how to get his tongue to do the same. It was hypnotizing him in the worst way. The ache between his legs began to build once more.  “What else?” she prompted as her palm dipped just lower than his sights.  Shaun couldn’t help but follow her fingers as they trailed down her toned stomach. He swallowed at the sight of her dipping one of her digits between her folds and lost his reply on an exhale.  “Is that all?” Mara teased, sending a shiver of her own down her spine.  “N-no,” he tried to answer.  No answer sounded right either. Mara had all the power here. If he slipped up she would be gone and he would be dying on his own in his dragonkin form, deep within his personal quarters, alone. Left to see his heat out by himself thanks to her fire.  “I want yours,” he rushed out.  It sounded like the only way to go; the only thing to say.  Mara’s eyes pinned him in place once more as she removed her finger from her core. The scent of which had him salivating. He watched as she trailed the epitome of her darkest notes from her folds, up to his lips.  “Open, Omega,” she huffed, barely in control.  Without a second thought, Shaun did. His tongue greedily accepted her tang as Mara placed her finger upon it. He needed no second command. His lips closed over it to suck it clean. “Alpha,” Shaun groaned as he completed his task. “I need you.” Mara smirked at that as she pulled her finger from his lips.  “How do you need me?” she purred.  “I need you full of me, Alpha,” Shaun panted.  “I need you wrapped around my c**k; milking me dry.” Mara indulged him then. Her lips met his in a searing kiss as she walked him backwards off of his hands and knees. Shaun panicked as the head of his erection pressed dutifully against her belly. There was no way she’d be able to take him now.  “With this body? This human cunt may only be able to swallow your head,” she replied lustfully.  The image sent him overboard. His Omega begged her to try.  “Give me what you can, Alpha.” It wasn’t as much of a challenge as she took it as. It was more than he wanted to drown it with his spend.  Her dainty hand rested against his shoulder as she opened up to him, the other easing his head towards the apex of her thighs. He throbbed at the feel of her grinding her soft, wet core against him.  This wasn’t happening, he told himself. It was a coma. It was the Heat fever that took other Omegas before him. He was dying and being used by his lust for her.  “Open your eyes, Omega,” Mara panted as she forced herself to lower herself on down onto him.  It was all he could do to open them; to obey her.  “You’re going to come like this,” she informed him.  Her panting quickly became spasms as she rode what she could of him.  “And then,” she moaned. “The rest of your Heat… is mine.”
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