Shaun's Return Heat

2217 Words
Shaun couldn’t though. At best he looked away and regained his stature, but Mara had a constant place in his mind. As her King, he focused his efforts in every way possible to control her too.  Each one would have her storm in, angry and ready for a fight, and every time in his delirium he’d sense another one of her walls tumbling down. “See that he gets the proper care,” he heard her say as she left him this last time.  Again, she left him again!  “Stop her!” Shaun called out but neither Omega guard would turn to her to do his bidding.  The order had been made by an Alpha, his Alpha. All that was left was to run after her in his state, feverish and run-down, there could be no way this happened again. His Heat was back for a vengeance this time, having not f****d his true Mate.  “Mara!” he roared weakly down caves that appeared to have no end. “Alpha, please…” Shaun fell to his knees, desperately waiting for his chosen one to come back to him. All the while he could hear the footsteps of his guards pummel into the ground, heavily hitting the floor beneath them.  They chased him down to that very point when he roared out in pain. The clamouring of staves echoed along with his dismay only to quiet as the other Omegas hooked their arms around his and pulled him to his feet.  “Why can’t I have her?” he whined out loud but mostly to himself.  Neither guard replied to him. Instead they carried on, bringing his sorry ass back to his quarters to be locked away for what would feel like weeks at a time. It was happening more often now. His cravings would manifest into something outrageous. Having so many Heats could only mean he was in serious danger of being overheated, which was a death sentence if not an expectation of one.  “Get me my Alpha!” “You don’t have one,” came his Omega’s reply.  “What did you say?” Shaun snapped at his guards, chasing the sound of the insanity of his own Omega.  However, none spoke. They set him down in the center of his room and collected beings that no longer belonged there either. It felt as though they were taking pieces of him. Everyone turned and no one was at his reach.  But then Mara appeared across the room from him. She looked angry as ever. When wasn’t she?  Shaun couldn’t help but ask why she came back to him.  “I’m the only Alpha that is currently not trying to kill you,” she scoffed, “So your guards hailed me. What do you want?” “You,” he replied evenly.  Mara stared at him blankly while he trembled before her. “No you don’t,” Mara countered.  “I am your King, of course I know,” he replied with all of the arrogance he started with.  “You don’t know anything. Your Omega lies to you and you eat it up like the scared little serpent you are,” she spat.  “Scared? You think I’m scared?”  “It’s obvious, therefore I know.” Shaun growled menacingly under his breath.  “It’s why they use you,” she continued, rolling her eyes. “That's why we’re in these flesh suits…” “Flesh suits?” “You couldn’t pick anything more capable? We’re dragonkin for f***s sakes!” Shaun couldn’t hear anything past the way she assaulted his choices with her words. The pout of her lip after she unloaded on him drove him wild. It was distracting. So much so that he licked his own lower lip, desperate to keep hers apart.  “Say it again,” he let his Omega demand and Mara’s eyes fell to slits.  “You don’t command this Alpha,” Mara stopped Shaun immediately. “I command you.” He was her puppet then. It meant she would take her role. She would make him better. She would come to him and help him reach his release. He would be okay, he heard his Omega keen.  Only, she didn’t rush to him. She stood back and assessed him. It made his Omega ache like nothing else. She was supposed to touch him. She was supposed to make it all better, but all she was doing was standing there in front of him as if he was the most disgusting creature she’d ever seen.  Was this a mistake? Was their fighting all it was? It couldn’t be… “What’s wrong, Alpha? Am I not enough for you?” “I’m deciding,” she replied in an even tone, making his skin crawl even more.  What if she didn’t want him? “Deciding?” he questioned, feeling the need to ignore the way she ruined him with only two words.  “On what?” Mara tilted her head in consideration.  “Are you not King?” she threw back at him. “Do you not know how offensive it is to me that your Alpha is the only one that hasn’t ridden your c**k?” Regret quickly drained him of his comeback. “All this time went by where you’d willingly do any one of them,” Mara continued. “Each one left their stench on you…” Shaun dipped his head in defeat, looking back at himself in horror.  “Yes, it’s still there,” she frowned with distaste. “That's why you’ll have this Heat alone too.” “What? No! You can’t… Alpha, I’m going to die from this. I can feel it,” Shaun gasped. “No you won’t,” she said, rolling her eyes.   “How could I possibly? I need my Alpha’s soft and strong body on mine, milking me dry,” Shaun proposed, panting at the very thought.  “My cunt won’t be yours until you do what you forced the rest of us not to,” she challenged.  It was against everything he stood for. He wanted safety. He wanted less death but what was the price? Their sanity? Their ruined Mateships? Whatever it was, Mara was against the human shift and wanted it to end. Being caught doing it on his own would stir up a mass panic and ruin them as a whole.  Still Mara stood there, assured he wouldn’t do such a thing.  “But I need you; your deliciously hot core. I need…” “Palm yourself,” Mara ordered and Shaun did immediately.  She gave no reward, no chance of a thought that he did a good job but her directions came one after another until he was bare to her. There he sat on the floor, not his bed, simply because she looked at it as if it was the enemy. His body, his mind… they were all at her command, all patient and waiting for her next command, and yet one didn’t come.  Her eyes flashed with interest as he suppressed groans while he rocked into his own hand, desperate for friction. Desperate for her.  “Alpha, please,” she made him whine without doing a single thing.  Shaun’s breath caught in his throat as he watched her gaze pan down his strong body, down until he was sure she landed on his length bobbing helplessly against him. Each breath was more unsettling than the last.  Mara’s next command hit him swiftly.  “Stroke yourself, nice and steady for your Alpha,” she continued to tease him without the faintest emotion on her lips.  She’s not impressed, his Omega ground out in his ear.  Shaun ignored him and followed orders. His body still begged for her. Each muscle ached more as he completed every down stroke.  Mara studied him as his muscles began to twitch and tremble. Sweat rolled off his brow and down the side of his neck sending her gaze trailing each bead as it dripped off of him.  She didn’t have to say a word but Shaun’s Omega sat up straighter waiting for her next need. He could make her snap, he thought. She wouldn’t need his dragonkin form. He could still be in charge of himself, he assured his torn Omega.  “But I want her to take over,” his Omega hissed. “She’d be such a good Mate. Look at what she does for us.” “To us,” Shaun hissed back under his breath. “Alpha does this to us!” “Any Alpha,” Mara chided. “That’s what’s f****d up about this pretend attraction you have to me.” “That’s not true,” Shaun protested as he continued to pump himself for her.  Mara simply shook her head and turned from him. Her motion was cold and promised him nothing. All the while he continued his attention to his own needs. “You hate me, don’t you?” Shaun spit out, trying to find his release.  If she wasn’t going to give it to him, he’d need to ward off the fever on his own. His eyes darted around the room for help from anyone else, but Mara had them removed. f*****g woman… he hissed to himself.  “My energy doesn’t warrant needing anything to do with you, my liege,” Mara replied evenly.  That hurt. It felt as though she stabbed him in the soul, far past his heart and yet it all shattered within the blink of an eye.  “Come already, won’t you?” Mara sighed heavily as if she wasn’t even in the moment with him. “I have things to do.” Despite how wrong it was to indulge himself now, he did, by her command. It had been too long however. From the time she started with him, to how creully she released him, Shaun’s body found no relief. He was ready and needy for her once more. “Again,” she urged him. “This time show me how you…” “No,” Shaun interrupted. “No?” Mara questioned without turning back to face him. “Did you just say no to an Alpha?” She didn’t call herself ours, his Omega whined.  “That's… That’s right,” Shaun heaved as he left himself open to her, completely on display.  It was all he could think to do, if it even counted as thinking. His spent seed still drenched his stomach and rolled off of his side. He expected her to know how much life she was responsible for wasting and yet, she scoffed as the scent of him penetrated her surroundings.  “Somehow I doubt that makes me the first you’ve defied,” Mara began.  “You forget who’s in control here, Alpha,” he huffed in response.  Mara hummed, “It doesn’t like you hold any control at all,” she tutted. “You’re the one on the floor, naked and begging for a hole to f**k when I told you what it was you had to do to get mine.”  “You really want my dragonkin?” he asked in shock.  “I want what’s primally mine,” she grumbled. “I’ve gotten to watch you give yourself to any cunt on Dracochen. You’ve put me in my Rut time and again…” “I’ve,” Shaun swallowed. “I’ve done that to you?” His Omega preened at the thought of getting her wild for him.  “...And you haven’t taken care of yourself, have you?” Shaun nearly purred.  “I’ve channeled it. Missing them has made me stronger. Sharper.” “But Rut isn’t meant for that,” Shaun protested.  “How was I supposed to deal with it when the Mate I was supposed to be with was f*****g everyone on the planet?” Shaun swallowed at that.  “What am I supposed to do when I watch him lay his enemies instead of reaching for me?” “I… I didn’t know!” “You didn’t care!” Mara growled. “And you still don’t. You pick that meat suit like we were supposed to disengage from our beasts.” “You,” Shaun swallowed as she turned to him to see her features, still very much in control of herself. “You want the chance to die while mating with me?” “It’s natural selection, Shaun. It’s normal,” she sighed. “It’s ingrained in the Alpha to hunt down his or her mate. It’s damaging to all of us to live like we do.  I…” she shook her head, “I’m supposed to harness that same control, battle you in flight and take you to my lair. I’m supposed to ruin you for any other Alpha. You’re supposed to only ever crave me,” she paused until their eyes met once more, “And you don’t have any of those needs.” A lump in his throat began to grow at the thought that she didn’t want him.  “So you’ll take an Omega Squadron to prove that you don’t need me?” “Yes,” she snapped. “I’m tired of how I feel around you.”
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