Coming Back To The Present

2093 Words

By the time Shaun came to, his body had cooled and the feel of hers wrapped up with his had gone missing. Panic shot right through him as he searched for her. His large claws scraped around his enlarged form, patting his chest and stomach regardless of how desperate it felt. Once he was sure she wasn’t there, he sat up in the darkness that surrounded him in his cave.  “Mara?” he called out. “Mara?” he shouted, louder this time.  A rumble of thunder growled it’s way through the sky just outside of his cave. It sounded as though it made its way into him, wrestling him awake. Only, it wasn’t the threatening sky, he realized as his eyes finally adjusted to the low light.  “Alpha? Is…is that you?”  His body only warmed at the thought that she didn’t truly leave him as he feared she did.  “

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