Not The Same

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Mara wouldn’t look at him through most of their encounters after that. She was the Alpha overpowered by her King and Omega which in every circumstance showed that her Alpha was weak. On the contrary, it showed to be very elusive. None of his charm worked on her. She wasn’t after power that wasn’t her own and he couldn’t say that for most of the population.  She made sure to do her duties and call upon her soldiers, his guards, to stay by his side. Her tone alone suggested he wasn’t ready for his powerful position which only urged his Omega to lash out.  Shaun forced himself to let go of her; to move on, just to jab at her Alpha that much more. Even then she didn’t budge. Mara didn’t care if he was alive or dead it seemed and that alone killed his Omega. The pain he faced due to her rejection was unbearable. It reached his Omega and ripped his very designation from himself. She shredded him with a venomous “no,” then left him to experience his Heat on his own.  “Sir? Might I just ease your pain?” a soft voice tried to secure him. Shaun’s eyes widened with panic. Someone was there with him. Someone knew he was in Heat… and it wasn’t his Alpha.  “N-no…” he barked but what came out sounded more like a whine.  He wasn’t the Omega in control. He wasn’t even sure who he was anymore.  “Shh,” she eased him, but no matter the sound he made, she still approached him.  The struggle began, the one his Omega ruined him over as he raged on about being walked out on. His role, his title… his designation. They  meant nothing to her. Shaun didn’t know what was worse. Without them, what even was he?  “Just embrace it,” Akuji’s whisper gripped him like a vice around his throat just before he drowned in his darkest hours.   “She left me!” he choked out.  “She was never yours,” Akuji’s truth stabbed him quickly then released him back into his memory.  “Just stop. Don’t… don’t come any… closer,” he gasped.  Even his words sounded unknown to him. He was never the kind to go through a Heat alone, let alone a night. He was wanted, Shaun told his Omega. Mara just didn’t know she wanted him yet. She would. She’d come running back to him in his hour of need and stay; see him through his every need. He’d hold her hips to hers and tempt her knot. He’d tease her until her Rut promised to split her in two if she didn’t go through with it. And once planted firmly within her, with nowhere else to go, he’d take what little she had left of her spirit and claim her with one ferocious bite down on the nape of her neck, sure to cause her to scream!  His vile hypnosis dragged him through the most horrendous week and a half of his life. By the time Shaun found the strength to stand again the fever had set, keeping his pheromones high and his Omega constantly at the heels of a fight. It constantly picked at Shaun, especially as she kept her eyes forward. Not once looking over to catch his own. He studied her every movement, got in the way of her proceedings, only to force her to spend time with him.  In retaliation she made sure to lead a new post with the Omegas.  It was then when he noticed her roll her shoulders back in a way that was unlike her usual stance. Shaun felt it. The little slap of her own scent, racing forward as she turned. He expected her to reach for him; to request his attention, but that wasn’t the case at all. “Sterilize this room,” Mara commanded her ranks. “Your King is at risk.” It should have sounded sweet to him, like a promise of what would come. Sure, his Omega fell head over tail for it, but the moment she turned from him and his own guards faced him, he knew Mara set him up for failure again. She wasn’t coming back; not for him at least. This game continued for far longer than Shaun expected her to keep it up. Mara was stubborn, by far, but so was he. No other Alpha could tempt him. No other Alpha could compare to the one that continuously denied him his Helfire given right to take whatever and whomever he pleased.  During one of her many passes through the corridors with her esteemed colleagues and warroom inbreds, he could feel it, the pull to make Mara see him.  There he stared daggers into the back of her head, until she turned back towards him, catching his eye only to hold his. Only her eyes didn’t hold the same desperation Shaun’s did. Mara’s were dark with an anger he couldn’t put words to.  His Omega screamed to be let out of his foolish path but if anyone Shaun knew his obsession only grew because of what that damned Omega started; furthermore, what that damned Alpha created in the first place. Didn’t she know he fed off of her actions? It made him want to be good, to be seen by her, but every attempt was fruitless. And if everyone had been shot down, what was the sense in being kind to her? Especially if she reacted to his anger instead? Whatever energy he thought he had to compel Mara to make her way to him was a fallacy too. Soon he had to swallow the very treacherous thought that he, the King of Dracochen, didn’t harness the power that he thought he did.  “Where do you want them, SOC?” a male guard, flanked with another, asked as they reached her. “Mara?” he asked of her again, expectant to pull her from her connection.  Shaun fought to hold it though and being an Alpha, especially of her stature, Shaun knew that it would eat her alive if she dropped her gaze from his. Their conversation, while silent, was fervent and wild, claiming truths and throwing wild accusations at the other with each twitch of their eyelids. Mara was furious with him and it showed but not a word of it was released.  “Inside. Here,” she threw her hand down at the black marble palace floors expecting Shaun to flinch.  “Are you sure? It doesn’t give much room to…” “I gave you my answer,” she interrupted. Mara’s fury only picked up a notch. It seemed at the very least that he wasn’t the only one challenging her, but Shaun didn’t care about all of that or her problems with them. He only cared about himself and getting her to submit.  “Yes, SOC!” came the reply from the ready and willing lined up behind her.  Men and women both riled up their senior commanders, eager to show the King himself their maneuvers; what it ultimately meant to be one of her’s. Shaun desperately held his position, angered by knowing she took on their ranks by designation, surely to screw with him. His eyes stayed on hers, as he gave the command for his guards to stand down.  “Your Alpha,” Shaun minutely regretted saying as the group responded slightly to her designation as if they didn’t know it already, “ in charge.” Mara didn’t let a moment linger thereafter. She exploded, allowing all of her fury to race off in the form of thirty two Omega SO’s to get into position. Mara was coming for them. It was beautiful, in a terrifyingly monstrous way. It made being human look like a waste as she shapeshifted out of her soft form. Mara still stared him down though. Shaun took it then just as he did now, as Mara was showing off her Alpha.  She stepped forward, exhaling a burning white flame that flickered away to reveal her weapon of choice. It was an Alpha’s sword, ornate though. It screamed authenticity, as if she created it for the particular battles ahead.  Shaun frowned at the thought. He was her self proclaimed obstacle, Shaun reminded himself.  Mara lunged forward to collect her weapon, still far too hot for human hands to grab, and snatched it right out of the still falling molten mess she spewed from her. It was gross, he assured his Omega. Alphas could do it, and then again that they didn’t have to. They had class and power.  Again he was at a loss. Mara wasn’t being the typical Alpha he expected. One that was after what he could give her. She was feisty, ready to ruin him just for looking at her.  Shaun ignored the training session still expectant for her to lose within their battle of wits, but she didn’t let go. She held him for all he was worth and by the time their squadron reabsorbed their powers only to fly down the corridor at her dismissal, Mara barked out in a hushed tone, “Stop, Omega.” Mara commanded him.  It felt as good as he imagined it. She let his Omega roll around in the fact that she called him by his designation. It was like she finally saw him.  “You don’t own me,” she continued.  “Excuse me?” Shaun grumbled.  “There’s no excuse for you. I don’t want you, or this, or what you stand for. We, Omega, are not the same. Leave me alone.”
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